HMMMMM. seems like I've seen this movie before. I think I even participated when AMF bailed out HD. I kind of remember plunking down my hard earned cash to make oil stains on my garage floor (I still haven't fully gotten over that yet)! I must say though it gave me a lot of wrenching experience. But it cured me of any favorable HD image.
Not to worry the company will survive. Have you noticed that walking into most bike show rooms today you see more helmets and other forms of clothing then you see bike parts and accessories. Seems there is a lot of interest in that market. Just ask HD. In fact just the other day here on this very site I almost started a thread commenting on the fact that almost 50% of the threads on the home site were about what are your favorite pants, shoes, and helmets.
Biking is a fad. Like most fads it blossoms for a few years and then it wilts for a few years. Most bikers are riding bikes today that are less than 5 years old with relatively low mileage. So why are they going to buy a new bike especially when they still haven't paid off the loan (with interest adding expense) that was necessary to buy a $30 k bike!
I bought my F6 this past year because my old girl had almost 80k miles on her and when I heard the price I could steel the B for it was a no brainier. I had been looking for a replacement for 2 years but the $30 k price tag on the bike I wanted was ridiculous! As far as I was concerned pound for pound I could buy a Ford 4x4 pick-up for 75% less!
Is HD an American company? I'd like to see a stock holders residence breakdown on that before I comment.