I may be mistaken about this, but I think you have to remove the lens covers by going inside each saddlebag and removing the nuts. I've not done it or even looked, but did watch a few YouTube vids and did stay at a Holiday Inn maybe 30 years ago. I wouldn't start prying on some tabs or you might be visiting your Honda dealer pronto.

Addendum........Just watched that video again. Open up the bags and look up top in the back. You'll see the acorn nuts (4 I think, 2 on each side) and remove them, then the lens cover will come off the back, but you have to remove the plastic piece above the lens cover first. Don't even think about that pry bar from the outside on those tabs you were referring to. You gently lift it out with your fingers, then the lens cover can be removed.

Here's a good video for you..............https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhumqeAgYSY