A couple of weeks ago I was getting new tires put on the "B" and the owner of the dealership asked if I was getting bored waiting. I told him it was about time for lunch, so he wheeled a new Vaquero out of the showroom and told me to go ahead and take a ride and look for lunch.
Actually, I liked the Vaquero. It's the same engine as my Son's Voyager so it has decent power. A lot of folks think these are under powered, but if you shift to keep it in the max torque RPM instead of banging it off the rev limiter, it will go down the road quite nicely. I even felt as if I could get by with the short wind screen. Must be a different angle and/or distance from the rider than the one on the "B". All in all, I wouldn't say I would never have a Vaquero.