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Thread: And so it begins

  1. #21
    Senior Member stroguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIGLRY View Post
    Most excellent post
    Yes yes, most excellent.

    Oh the horror of the Trump reign

    Ah JJ are you serious?

    I tried to find msnbc and the alternative fact networks showing these folks speak.
    2015 F6B Deluxe
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  2. #22
    Senior Member stroguy's Avatar
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    I'll never get enough of these great American heroes.

    Oh the hilarity of them all.
    2015 F6B Deluxe
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  3. #23
    Senior Member Darren's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phantom View Post
    Many outside of the US also stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night many world leaders actually fear him for the simple fact that he wants to protect American interests first and could care less what world leader opinions are. WHY is Britain's leader all of a sudden wanting to be buddy-buddy with our president. HMMMMMM? I believe they're visiting in the next couple of weeks.

    Buffoons are the EUROPEANS that prematurely ejaculated a NOBEL Peace prize to a person who did nothing but DIVIDE his own country more so then ever before. The real Buffoons are the world leaders (a few from Europe) that "donated" millions towards a fraudulent US Charity that is now closing its doors, World leaders and their citizens fooled by a carpet bagger ... yes indeed, they are definitely buffoons. British Citizens #2 on the LIST ... See attached Chart of real BUFFOONS

    Why don't you European EXPERTS whom already know everything about our president (another premature ejaculation / opinion) focus on abolishing slavery that still goes on around the world, resolve the poverty and starvation in Venezuela, stop the abuse of human rights in Cuba, Reclaim neighborhoods in England and Europe that have been invaded by Islamic Extremists where the true European citizens can no longer reside within and the police fear. Why don't you focus on protecting women rights in the Middle East, why don't you focus on BEGGING China and Russia to curb their pollution, why don't you move to Iran and call their leader a buffoon and see if their laws regarding free speech protects your rear end ....

    He sounds a lot like the BUFFOONETTE Margaret Thatcher and the BUFFOON Ronald Reagan ... 2 of the greatest leaders the world had ever seen. Many in the world miss them both.

    A Buffoon that has made millions, built many companies, employs thousands and what have YOU done to be above THAT? If you can't top that, then what falls under the buffoon classification? You have NOTHING better to offer other then hatred for someone that hasn't even been given the opportunity to prove himself.

    Buffoons are those that have never worked with or lived with a person YET know everything about that person from behind a computer screen.
    Give the man 2 years and then if he has EARNED such a title I'll back your sentiment, until then keep your OWN title to yourself. If you really want to know what world leaders are saying .... here you go....
    Got to love the personal attacks, when you give a different opinion.
    Was pointing out that he made a lot of promises that seemed to change like the wind.
    A couple spring to mind, like presenting tax returns if he won the election, prosecuting Hillary (which lots of you were praising him for), draining the swamp and now he intends to use tax payers money for the wall. Doesn't really matter though, he's in for at least 4 years. Hope he keeps his other promises so that he's not too much of a disappointment.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darren View Post
    Got to love the personal attacks, when you give a different opinion.
    Was pointing out that he made a lot of promises that seemed to change like the wind.
    A couple spring to mind, like presenting tax returns if he won the election, prosecuting Hillary (which lots of you were praising him for), draining the swamp and now he intends to use tax payers money for the wall. Doesn't really matter though, he's in for at least 4 years. Hope he keeps his other promises so that he's not too much of a disappointment.
    You rabble rouser you!

  5. #25
    Admin - Chief poop scooper Phantom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darren View Post
    Got to love the personal attacks, when you give a different opinion.
    Was pointing out that he made a lot of promises that seemed to change like the wind.
    A couple spring to mind, like presenting tax returns if he won the election, prosecuting Hillary (which lots of you were praising him for), draining the swamp and now he intends to use tax payers money for the wall. Doesn't really matter though, he's in for at least 4 years. Hope he keeps his other promises so that he's not too much of a disappointment.

    Darren, we all know that you are a British citizen living in Canada. Your countrymen's ignorance to the Islamic Extremism has placed many British citizens in harms way. You all just keep your open borders to that vial society and stupidity.

    Trump has been in office for ONLY 5 DAYS to even see any important contradictions. Draining the swamp will take time, but it will happen, just not at Darren's timeline. The WALL will eventually be paid through duties, taxes imposed on Mexican manufactured goods entering this country and items that we sell Mexico. Like a tax it will eventually trickle down to Mexico .... THAT's just plain simple business. I pass ALL of my business expenses down to my customers, that's how we run a business to show a profit. America is a BUSINESS and the world wants to do business with our citizens. Trump will run it like a business. Mexico NEEDS the US and will be forced to understand that we are now going to treat illegal immigration just the same way that Mexico treats illegals in their backyard.

    Hillary is still under investigation to even make any premature assumptions like you have. You have the tendency to make premature assumptions. Your premature future assumption "that he's not too much of a disappointment" is very clear that in your mind he's already some type of a disappointment without even giving him an opportunity. At least he has NOT blamed the previous administration for his failures like our previous president did for at least 4 years. Trump has done more in 5 days than most world leaders ever anticipated. He has already succeeded in many ways and our stock market crossed 20,000 ......

    Your "opinion" was nothing short of more FALSE news with no facts and a slap to the face for the American society that voted him in.
    You insulted the American intelligence and I called you on it, noone in the world considers him a Buffoon as you stated. The Chinese repeatedly and adamantly claimed that they were going to hold their ground on the South China Sea before and after Trump was elected ... the Chinese even warned Trump that they would exercise a "Strong response/confrontation" if the US did anything in the China Sea to disrupt their illegitimate claim of practically the entire South China Sea.... They have witnessed his resolve to get things done and China has quickly realized that Trump is willing to shove one or more of our aircraft carriers up their Ass. Today (5 days after taking office) China cowed down with their bulls--t roderick and WOKE-UP to reality and has instructed their foreign minister to inform the Trump Administration that it wants dialogue with the US to manage disputes and promote bilateral relations (this is also known as ASS KISSING).

    The Canadian prime minister is now coming around and all of a sudden likes Trump. I would bet that the Iranians are now being cautious. The Russians are at least smart enough to know that they keep their friends close but keep their enemies closer, hence their FAKE persona of liking Trump, the Russians dislike American values.

    Focus on REAL world issues NOT stupid sound-bites, the American public made him president because they didn't give a damn about his tax returns just as the other half didn't care about Hillary's fraudulent money diverting scheme into her foundation. It's a HOLLOW non-issue.

    You have made it clear on several posts that you don't like conservatives and you make BS comments to support your personal agenda or beliefs, just be prepared to be called on it .... time to put on your big boy panties and ALLOW Trump to hang himself or soar like an Eagle, until then stop spewing your hatred for the man. Give him a chance

    Successful people build each other up. They motivate, inspire and push each other. Unsuccessful people just hate, blame and complain.

  6. #26
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    Come on, don't hold back Tony! Tell us how you really feel!

  7. #27
    Admin - Chief poop scooper Phantom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by D-Train View Post
    Come on, don't hold back Tony! Tell us how you really feel!

    I love this great nation and all of it's defects .... still the best place to live in the world. Nothing wrong with a lively discussion.

    Successful people build each other up. They motivate, inspire and push each other. Unsuccessful people just hate, blame and complain.

  8. #28
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    You have to understand the Liberal mentality "I feel therefore I believe." As we know feelings are not rational because they lack critical thinking so all the facts, truths and realities do not compute because it bypasses their feelings on the subject. It's like arguing with a menstruating wife or wrestling with a pig - take your pick.

  9. #29
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    Big Brother has been busy!

    Felony Charges for Journalists Arrested at Inauguration Protests Raise Fears for Press Freedom

    I think it's obvious that Monkey Paw wants to eliminate or suppress anything/anyone that paints him in a negative light. Talk about a tyrant!

  10. #30
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by D-Train View Post
    Felony Charges for Journalists Arrested at Inauguration Protests Raise Fears for Press Freedom

    I think it's obvious that Monkey Paw wants to eliminate or suppress anything/anyone that paints him in a negative light. Talk about a tyrant!
    Spare me, if journalists are engaging in felonious activity they should be arrested. If freedom of the press was ever regulated like the right to bear arms they would be jumping off buildings, maybe that's not a bad idea come to think of it. Liberals pick and choose what sections of the Bill of Rights they like and don't like. It's a whole package not a buffet.
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