Ride each way was over 1k miles a day, what I learned.

I have several windshields for this bike, all of them except the Madstad will soon be for sale. My 11" shield worked like a champ, especially in the rain.
Riding in the rain on the bike is no issue, in fact, the protection was so good that I could ride thru some 3 to 5 mile showers without even getting wet. As long as I was moving at highway speed, the water would go around and over me. Extended showers I used the rain suit.

I've had several seats also, with my back, the stock seat position along with a backrest, provide the best seating position. Knowing that I planned to ride 1k miles a day, I took an Airhawk and a Mesh (no sweating) pad for the seat and one for the backrest. I would alternate from riding the stock to each of the pads, and never had an issue with butt pain.

The Rivco Aero flip out pegs provided the ability to shift seating position. Loved em.

The Baker mirror air wings are a must item for this bike. Probably one of the best additions I have done to any bike.

I used the chopped tour pak (see Givi trunk thread for pics) on this trip. Nice to have everything hidden away and dry in a lockable (and removeable) trunk.

I have a fork brace and belly pan, I can't remember what it's like without these.

The only thing I didn't have that I want to install are some cowl lights.

I have ridden 1k miles a day dozens of times, but never as effortlessly as I did on the F6. What a ride! The key to riding high mileage days is consistency. I would ride a max of 120 to 130 miles, stop for gas and water, a bathroom break and a few minutes of stretching and walking around.
I also eat lightly on these days. I take a low dose Bayer, and flex and constrict my leg and calf muscles during the ride to keep the blood moving.
I ride with the flow of traffic, whatever the speed. High mileage days are not for everyone, and not something I want to do on every ride, but I do enjoy it on occasion.