There is "heart-based" love and "brain-based" love.

My first true love (heart-based) broke my heart approximately nine years ago when she told me she didn't love me anymore. Other than putting down my beloved Jack Russell Terrier at age 16, it was the most heart-wrenching experience in my life.

Four years ago, I married a woman who was not a "true love" from a purely emotional standpoint, but one who is a great partner, supportive, and someone I look forward to spending time with. I made a "brain-based" decision to marry her. I was 37 years old at the time and finally mature enough to realize what matters most...because after the sex and lust become less frequent, you better have something else to hang your hat to speak.

Four years into this marriage, I am a far better man than I thought I ever could become....and I love this woman in a deeper way than I never knew existed.

The key, if anyone was to ask...find someone that you can be yourself with and not be made to feel uncomfortable at any time for doing just that.