Quote Originally Posted by Brasco View Post
I'll be heading down to the rally in July with a VTX1800 and Vic Cross Country rider, after which we'll be heading to McMinnville to see the air museum. From there south and westward to the coast before cutting east to see Mt. St. Helen's before rolling northward. Plan to cross at near Osoyoos and then work our way home though the Kootenays. Accommodation is really hard to find in Baker City at rally time but if you do make it down keep me posted! Cheers.
That air museum in McMinnville is FAN-TAS-TIC! (Spruce Goose, ME262, SR71 Blackbird, just to name a few....awesome!) Definitely worth the visit to any air enthusiast. Hope you enjoy it.

As for Baker City, I've recently picked up a camper trailer, so I may try it out there....throw up a thread in the event forum, & we'll keep track of you.