You're just not going to get a die hard Harley guy on a Honda, or a Yamaha for that matter, no matter what you do. Honda can duplicate the Ultra Classic to the tee but if it says anything but Harley-Davidson on the tank it will not appeal to the Harley rider. No one complains about Harley more than Harley owners but that is part of the package. Yamaha needed a new big tourer and this was the answer, BMW came out with theirs so Yamaha was the next in line. IMO it looks like this bike has two Kuryakyn Hyperchargers on each side.

Make no mistake every manufacturer wants to sell product and you don't do that by appealing to rural America, sorry, where you have sparse population and endless miles of empty road to whoosh the wind past your oversized V-Twin to keep it somewhat tolerable. You target big cities with large populations where dealerships can thrive and unfortunately the one thing that accompanies this is TRAFFIC everywhere and at anytime. I stopped riding my Harley because it went from anticipating a pleasurable ride to being cooked and the only thing I was concentrating on was getting home and getting off. It's only a 1200 Sportster, 2013 with 197 miles on it but once you're in traffic you're screwed.

I am a function over form guy so I couldn't wait to dump the Road Glide Custom for the F6B but the one thing Harley has over everyone one else, and the one thing that's keeping them solvent, is a rabid loyal following that wouldn't give up the lifestyle for anything. They'll complain, put up with the heat, shitty dealers, recalls etc. etc. but as long as they can don the assless chaps and bandanas and ride to the diner, with the engine doing the "Po-ta-to, Po-ta-to" sound, and look cool doing it, they're OK with it. We'll see the feedback from the people who buy the Yamaha and if the heat issue will rear its' ugly head, it'll be interesting. IMHO for the most part no one is going to trade their Ultra Classic, Road King, Road Glide, Street Glide in for anything other than another Harley no matter what the Japs come out with.