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View Full Version : First F6B ride this year

03-30-2017, 08:00 AM
I went for my first ride this year in Wisconsin. (I rented a bike in Calf 4 weeks ago)
I love the fuel injection on this bike after sitting for the last 4 months it starts right up like it was ran yesterday.
I put a little over 100 miles on.
I live close to Lake Michigan so it is cooler near the lake, when I left it was 40 degrees with clouds handing around the lake. I headed west within 5 miles it was sunny and in the 50's after about 3 hours of smiles it was time to head home, driving east you could see the clouds and feel the temperature drop. The joys of living by the lake.
Today it's in the 30's and raining but it should be warm this weekend.😃😃😃

03-30-2017, 03:48 PM
Haven't been on the 6 yet this year, actually the last time I was on it was just before I pulled into the garage from the 1,100 and some odd miles returning from the F6b rally, leaned on my hitch mounted carryall and tipped the bike into my charger and did about $2,500 worth of damage between the bike and car. Hope to get on it next week.

03-30-2017, 04:32 PM
I have put ~1000 miles this year so far. Was able to get it out in Jan, February , and March so far. We need to find a central located place for a RTE for us WI riders. Maybe somewhere between Madison and Stevens Point. Just throwing it out there.

03-31-2017, 07:11 AM
Sounds like a plan !

03-31-2017, 06:25 PM
Pick a time and place.