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View Full Version : Waxing the bike

04-10-2017, 11:58 AM
Wondering if anyone knows if it is beneficial to apply wax multiple times? And I mean wax on, wax off then repeat several times. Are multiple coats better? More protection? Thanks

04-10-2017, 05:16 PM
Depending what you use, you may only gain more scratches. :icon_biggrin: cueman

04-10-2017, 09:28 PM
Multiple coats on my 2013 B have improved the shine and reduced the swirls in the paint with each additional layer. I know that the paint on our bikes has had it's issues. I believe that I have added layers of protection from the elements and it's much easier to keep clean.

Allen Framen
04-11-2017, 08:45 AM
Does waxing a painted automotive surface remove any wax that had been applied previously?


04-11-2017, 07:12 PM
Does waxing a painted automotive surface remove any wax that had been applied previously?

If the wax has been polished (or not) subsequent waxing builds up to a really good shine in my experience. I always make sure I do a good job. I don't think it removes it.At some point we used to use Simonize to remove wax and dirt but that would be after years...