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View Full Version : Need to vent

04-24-2017, 09:31 PM
My daughter loves going on little rides on my f6b, but I wouldn't take her on thr highway without a helmet. She is 5 1/2 and she thinks the back seat is hers...to the point of throwing a complete tantrum the other weekend when i gave my mom a ride.

Anyway, i brought her a helmet home this evening and she was so happy that we were going to go on the highway for the first time.

So I had decided to run over to my uncles house. No problems there. But as my uncle and I were talking about my shiny new F6B, I noticed that it wasn't leaning on the kickstand very much.

So now that you see where this is going...I put thr helmet on my daughter and was strapping mine on and I heard it...absolutely sickening...rocks crunching around.

I turn around in time to see the bike push my kid back...thank god it didn't land on her or hurt her in any way...but the bike...it makes me so sick.

She has about 1700 miles now...I've babied the thing...and this happens.

The aeropegs were out...that got messed up. Luckily it didnt break the valve cover. But the muffler and the pipe cover and both crash bars got scratched up pretty bad. The lower cowl also got some small scratches and you can see where the black section of the saddle bag got some too.

I told the wife that it was well over 1000 damage...she said i was full of shit. Until i started reading off prices. Actually closer to 1500.

I know it's just a machine...and I'm so thankful that my daughter didn't get hurt...but I am torn up about my beautiful bike getting scratched...just sick over it

04-25-2017, 05:21 AM
Any new motorcycle is eventually going to show wear, either from use or damage to it. Be thankful that YOU put the first scratches on it and not someone else.

You dodged a bullet with those Aeropegs being deployed; when the bike went over.

Get it fixed.

Steve 0080
04-25-2017, 06:50 AM
For me, I think it makes us feel stupid that we parked in such a way that this happened. Lesson learned. As far as riding your daughter, your call! I have done the same with my kids but neither got the bug to ride. Maybe you and your daughter will ride into the sunset one day !

04-25-2017, 07:00 AM
Glad your daughter was unhurt. When my son was about 8, I took him for a ride on my CB 750. He was having a good time. When we got home, he started to dismount the bike, and his leg hit the HOT exhaust pipes. That kinda spoiled his enthusiasm for going on any more rides. He's in his 30's now, and has never had a cycle. Watch those young ones closely when your riding with them! Wish I could do it over.

04-25-2017, 09:49 AM
So GLAD to read that no one was hurt.
And what willtill wrote about "dodging a bullet" with the Aeropegs extended...yeah, I've trained my feet over the last 2 years to pull those back in on the freeway off ramps.

You can armchair quarterback your decisions all day/week/year, but the bottomline is that in spite of our best efforts, sometimes these things happen and we pick ourselves up (and our bikes) and carry on.
The only truly bad part of this experience can still come true if you let the bike sit damaged for any length of time.
Everyday you'll see it and the regrets will kick in.
Get the parts on order, give the bike a thorough wash & wax (spa days seem to make women feel better), and do what you can to get her back to Full Mission capable status.
