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06-20-2017, 09:00 PM
...have several of them living out back under the sheds... told me wife that as long as they behaved... no issue.

Now them suckers are wiping out all of the plants on our raised deck. Need to procure subsonic ammo tomorrow. Wife is not happy.

Told her... I can coexist with them until they have become a nuisance. They have become a nuisance. :icon_rolleyes:

Am surprised that they behaved for this long... and am also surprised that my Korean neighbor hasn't launched an all out assault on them as well.. they've been killing his garden and I have heard him muttering expletives in his native tongue on more than one occasion... :shock:

06-20-2017, 09:31 PM
They work for skunks and rabbits. They can't stand the smell.
Supposedly, you can use any type of pepper to repel the groundhogs. It can be Cheyenne pepper, chili pepper or red pepper. Just sprinkle a bit into the burrow holes and hide them with dirt.

06-21-2017, 05:27 AM
Moth balls or red pepper won't be practical in this scenario. Unfortunately they have to be removed. They know I'm watching them... up to this point that's all I have been doing.

I had an issue with squirrels when we first moved to this place, back in the early 2000's.., me wife used to feed them, and over time we became seriously overrun by them. The last straw was when one got up under my F350's hood and ate the engine's wiring harness. $950,00 to replace. Started taking them out with my pellet gun... got about 10 of them before I became tired of shooting them... then started trapping them... and relocated about 12 more... got the residual numbers down to a much more acceptable level.

I don't particularly enjoy killing any type of animal just for the hell of it... there has to be a bonafide reason for doing so. I still deer hunt, and used to fish... for food.

06-21-2017, 06:45 AM
Moth balls or red pepper won't be practical in this scenario. Unfortunately they have to be removed. They know I'm watching them... up to this point that's all I have been doing.

I had an issue with squirrels when we first moved to this place, back in the early 2000's.., me wife used to feed them, and over time we became seriously overrun by them. The last straw was when one got up under my F350's hood and ate the engine's wiring harness. $950,00 to replace. Started taking them out with my pellet gun... got about 10 of them before I became tired of shooting them... then started trapping them... and relocated about 12 more... got the residual numbers down to a much more acceptable level.

I don't particularly enjoy killing any type of animal just for the hell of it... there has to be a bonafide reason for doing so. I still deer hunt, and used to fish... for food.

Maryland must be to far north, check with some of our more true southern brethren...Teach comes to mind...mayhaps one of them has a good recipe and you'll be good to go :icon_wink:

06-21-2017, 06:48 AM
Not Punxatawney!

06-21-2017, 07:05 AM
Not Punxatawney!

If you change your mind about shooting them will I'll send you a picture of my ex mother-in-law #2. Rumor has it big game hunters in Rwanda use her image to thwart off Silverbacks except some gorillas have mistaken her likeness for one of them and thought it was mating season but you shouldn't have that problem with the groundhogs. Always here to help.

Speaking of Phil


06-21-2017, 08:18 AM
Do a Bill Murray on them groundhogs.

06-21-2017, 11:25 AM
...have several of them living out back under the sheds... told me wife that as long as they behaved... no issue.

Now them suckers are wiping out all of the plants on our raised deck. Need to procure subsonic ammo tomorrow. Wife is not happy.

Told her... I can coexist with them until they have become a nuisance. They have become a nuisance. :icon_rolleyes:

Am surprised that they behaved for this long... and am also surprised that my Korean neighbor hasn't launched an all out assault on them as well.. they've been killing his garden and I have heard him muttering expletives in his native tongue on more than one occasion... :shock:

good eating.

06-21-2017, 12:28 PM
I used to have horses, they are obviously a scourge to anyone with horses. I still have a large cage trap in the barn. It is a very effective method to catch, then dispose, of them. You might think about a trap near your garden. Given you are in the People's Republik of Marlyand, you might check your local laws regarding trapping. Good luck.

06-21-2017, 01:27 PM
I used to have horses, they are obviously a scourge to anyone with horses. I still have a large cage trap in the barn. It is a very effective method to catch, then dispose, of them. You might think about a trap near your garden. Given you are in the People's Republik of Marlyand, you might check your local laws regarding trapping. Good luck.

Yea... I'm used to shoot, shovel and shutup here. :shhh:

I do have a small trap... but it's not up to the task. My bleeding, animal loving heart of my wife propelled her to order this via Amazon Prime:


06-21-2017, 02:38 PM
Yea... I'm used to shoot, shovel and shutup here. :shhh:

I do have a small trap... but it's not up to the task. My bleeding, animal loving heart of my wife propelled her to order this via Amazon Prime:


Judging by this, and your first post, I think we are married to the same women. My wife pressured me into buying this from Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/HUX-EYE-Humane-Entrances-Anti-escape/dp/B01LZ3BOWF/ref=sr_1_9?ie=UTF8&qid=1498073806&sr=8-9&keywords=live+mouse+traps

06-21-2017, 04:29 PM
I've used those to get rid of squirrels in a detached garage. You still have to get rid of the critters once you catch them. I was a softy and transported them 10 miles away and left them in a wooded area. At this point I would probably find something less bothersome. I leave that to your imaginations.

06-21-2017, 04:40 PM
I've used those to get rid of squirrels in a detached garage. You still have to get rid of the critters once you catch them. I was a softy and transported them 10 miles away and left them in a wooded area. At this point I would probably find something less bothersome. I leave that to your imaginations.

I have two options, after I start collecting them.

It is illegal in Maryland to relocate a nuisance animal. But then again, no one follows the law anymore here anyway... I mean look at all of the two legged creatures texting and driving, mudering each other in Baltimore, etc, etc.. So in the matter of life vs death.... they do have options. :shhh:

06-23-2017, 12:52 PM

....only three more to go :icon_wink: Apples seem to work just fine for bait :yes:

06-23-2017, 04:08 PM
When that madly barking dog catches a car what does he do with it?

06-23-2017, 04:30 PM
Well done now for his escape an evasion Ex...minus the escape

06-23-2017, 04:36 PM
Does that thing have the "Holy Shit I'm screwed" look or what. Didnt we all learn from the Bible never go for the apple.

06-24-2017, 08:55 AM
Does that thing have the "Holy Shit I'm screwed" look or what. Didnt we all learn from the Bible never go for the apple.

You're a smart man Mike :icon_mrgreen: Too bad for Mr Groundhog though.... :shhh:

Unfortunately (...or fortunately) my wife was home when I recovered the trap. His demise therefore was....


06-24-2017, 04:22 PM

....only three more to go :icon_wink: Apples seem to work just fine for bait :yes:

make a stew - just don't tell the mrs. where the meat came from.:clap2:

06-24-2017, 04:57 PM
make a stew - just don't tell the mrs. where the meat came from.:clap2:

I've actually read that they are quite good eating. Groundhogs seem to eat the best (not garbage and other stuff) like 'coons and opossums do.

I have no qualms about skinning and processing animals for consumption (I've processed many deer in my back yard). In a way now.. kind of remorseful that I let it go... the damned thing was really enjoying the apple while in the cage; during the ride yesterday in the back of my truck. :icon_lol:

I should've been enjoying him on my dinner plate tonight. :banghead:

Shoulda. Woulda. Coulda. :icon_rolleyes:

06-24-2017, 05:13 PM
It's like if I catch a cockaroach I don't kill it, I maim it - I get a tweezer and pull off a leg and an antenna the poor bastard goes hobbling back to his buddies and says "Stay the he'll away from this place the owner is out of his mind, look at me." never have a problem. Guaranteed this guy will never jerk with your place again AND he'll tell his buddies, if he ever finds his way back, it's like psychological warfare.

06-24-2017, 06:17 PM
It's like if I catch a cockaroach I don't kill it, I maim it - I get a tweezer and pull off a leg and an antenna the poor bastard goes hobbling back to his buddies and says "Stay the he'll away from this place the owner is out of his mind, look at me." never have a problem. Guaranteed this guy will never jerk with your place again AND he'll tell his buddies, if he ever finds his way back, it's like psychological warfare.

I know you post the above in levity. :icon_lol:

I understand your sentiments though. Regarding mammals.. either it walks or it ceases to exist. There is no in between.

My wife told me yesterday that she called her mom.. and told her what I did (regarding the groundhog). Her Mom told my wife "he did that for you..." My wife was pretty impressed by that.

Maybe I'll get lucky tonight :icon_mrgreen:

06-24-2017, 06:30 PM
I know you post the above in levity. :icon_lol:

I understand your sentiments though. Regarding mammals.. either it walks or it ceases to exist. There is no in between.

My wife told me yesterday that she called her mom.. and told her what I did (regarding the groundhog). Her Mom told my wife "he did that for you..." My wife was pretty impressed by that.

Maybe I'll get lucky tonight :icon_mrgreen:

You're a hero, as we know that has a very short life span, day after tomorrow - back to normal.

06-30-2017, 05:44 AM
...and found another critter in the trap:


It's just a matter of time before I find a liberal in it :icon_lol:

Bob Penn
06-30-2017, 07:03 AM
Yep, if you can't outsmart it, you gotta kill it!:nono:

Living in the woods as I do. Over the years I have had the same problem with a variety of trouble animals, including a recent run in with a groundhog. The simple solution is a quick trip to the local Wal-Mart and buy yourself a $29.95 scope equipped pump-up BB-gun, but give it only 2 pumps. Not enough to kill the critter, but just enough to encourage him to stay on your neighbor's property. It works every time. There's no body to get rid of and there is some sport to enjoy. This technique has worked for me on everything from a ground squirrel to a black bear. Although as I recall the bear did take 3 pumps and a secure hiding place from which to shoot. Just aim at his tail. Hell you might even learn to use a gun proper like.

PS. With no calories to burn, from eating vermin, your belly may even stay in check. Now there's a Win win:icon_lol:

06-30-2017, 08:43 AM
Yep, if you can't outsmart it, you gotta kill it!:nono:

Sorry to disappoint you old fella... but it was simply relocated.

06-30-2017, 11:21 AM
I'm from rural southern MD. Ground hogs started showing up there about 30 - 35 years ago. Almost turned over our tractor when I hit one of their holes.
I suppose in 2017 & living with close neighbors, trap & relocate is the best way. I'm sure the law has more to do than chase you down over a pest & moving to a more rural area. They would have to "catch you in the act" before they could write you up.
I always let the trap hang over my tail gate, wearing gloves & using a stick is how opened the door. Be careful, they're normally pissed when they come out.

06-30-2017, 11:42 AM

06-30-2017, 12:22 PM
..and fitting :033:


It's a low-down dog, 'n' dirty Groundhog been rootin' round my back door, (2)
Yes if I catch him there rootin' well he won't root there no more.

Yes he leave in the morning and he hang around all day long,
I leave home in the morning and he hangs around all day long,
Yes when I leave in the morning yes he hang around all day long.

Give me some toads 'n' frogs hips, I'm gonna mix 'em up together,
Mix 'em up good, mix 'em up together, kill that dirty Groundhog,
Then when I leave home in the mornin', yes he won't be there all day long.


I said goodbye baby, baby got to leave you now,
I said goodbye baby, baby got to leave you now,
Yes I did what I wanted, yes I killed that dirty Groundhog.