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View Full Version : Lost a cousin today.

10-02-2017, 03:56 PM
lost a cousin today to cancer that he contracted at the ground zero site.
He has become worse and worse as time has gone on it was terrible to
see pass this way.
When we were young[so that was a long time ago] he lived upstairs
from my Grandmother in Manhattan on 34th street.
It was a time before air conditioning and when we ran up and down
the fire escape to get to each others place.
During the summers we slept out on the fire escape to get a little
relief from the heat, and during the winter we kept food out on the window sill
because the fridge was so small then. There was no such thing as double doors
and floor to celling units like now.
His Dad owed a couple of Bars in the city and Tony and I would get up early in the AM
to go restock them from the night before. Man we felt so grown up. We were just about 9 or 10 then.
Since then he became a big Lawyer in Manhattan wielding power when it needed to be and becoming
wealthy in his endeavors.
The thing that always made me love the guy was he always made time for family no matter what.
I remember him dropping everything in the middle of a big real estate deal and coming to stay by my
Dads side as he lay dyeing in Bethesda Navel Hospital. The car he hired that day just sat there for 28 hours
waiting on him.
He said your Dads more important than what I have to pay for some damn car.
I will be taking the train up to the city in the Am to say my good byes. Man this is going to be tough.
I will get to see whats left of a very small family that the rest just don't get it.

Ixol Phaane
10-02-2017, 04:33 PM
Sorry for your loss.

10-02-2017, 05:05 PM
Praying for peace & acceptance for all his loved ones.

10-02-2017, 05:42 PM
you and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

10-02-2017, 05:44 PM
Sorry Steve, can hear the sorrow as you speak. My sympathies.

10-02-2017, 06:21 PM
Sorry for your loss.


10-02-2017, 07:04 PM
God Bless all the family and Yours,sounds like a great guy

10-02-2017, 07:27 PM
Deepest Sympathy and Prayers to you and your family!

10-02-2017, 07:41 PM
Sorry to hear this. RIP

10-02-2017, 08:04 PM
Those are some great memories. Sometimes that is all we have left. Be grateful for those great memories and stay strong.

10-02-2017, 08:25 PM
So sorry to hear.

10-02-2017, 08:32 PM
lost a cousin today to cancer that he contracted at the ground zero site.
He has become worse and worse as time has gone on it was terrible to
see pass this way.
When we were young[so that was a long time ago] he lived upstairs
from my Grandmother in Manhattan on 34th street.
It was a time before air conditioning and when we ran up and down
the fire escape to get to each others place.
During the summers we slept out on the fire escape to get a little
relief from the heat, and during the winter we kept food out on the window sill
because the fridge was so small then. There was no such thing as double doors
and floor to celling units like now.
His Dad owed a couple of Bars in the city and Tony and I would get up early in the AM
to go restock them from the night before. Man we felt so grown up. We were just about 9 or 10 then.
Since then he became a big Lawyer in Manhattan wielding power when it needed to be and becoming
wealthy in his endeavors.
The thing that always made me love the guy was he always made time for family no matter what.
I remember him dropping everything in the middle of a big real estate deal and coming to stay by my
Dads side as he lay dyeing in Bethesda Navel Hospital. The car he hired that day just sat there for 28 hours
waiting on him.
He said your Dads more important than what I have to pay for some damn car.
I will be taking the train up to the city in the Am to say my good byes. Man this is going to be tough.
I will get to see whats left of a very small family that the rest just don't get it.

So sad and frustrating to hear these stories as WTF was going on down there that these cancers are still killing these poor people, anyway, I'll be in the city tomorrow, pain doctor, if you need anything like someone to talk to I'll train it to wherever you are buddy. Don't pay for a hotel, stay in the Brooklyn place I'll go to Staten Island you'll have it all to yourself and an F6B to get around in. Mike 929.293.7520

10-02-2017, 08:44 PM
My deepest sympathy.
May your good memories quickly erase the sorrowful ones.

10-02-2017, 09:18 PM
Prayers for you Steve..................and there's none finer than taxfreeMike and his generous soul and character :yes:

10-02-2017, 10:04 PM
Prayers for you Steve..................and there's none finer than taxfreeMike and his generous soul and character :yes:

This forum is full of the most genuine, decent people I've ever met or talked to in my life. BIGLRY was the first to open his house to members I'm just following in his big footsteps and shortleg offered his home to me to stay over when we were going to ride down to this years' rally together. A cousin can be closer to you than a brother and that is what it sounds like in this case, a tragic and sad time for our fellow forum member. The Lord instructs us in the Beatitudes "Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted." A phone call, posting your sympathies on this thread or just an offer of anything is truly doing the Lord's work for our dear friend and riding buddy.

10-03-2017, 04:55 PM
shortleg I screwed up...thought this was Steve's post...so sorry. My words mean the same to you. Hope you forgive this screw up.

10-03-2017, 05:38 PM
I took duke's lead. My apologies also.

10-03-2017, 05:44 PM

You have a very nice way of writing your thoughts of your Dad, and now your cousin, in remembrance of them.

I’m sorry for your loss of your cousin. I know that the memories of him will always stay fond in your heart. And he will look down from the heavens and smile upon you.

10-03-2017, 09:44 PM
I'm also saddened to hear about this loss of life.
Keep the great memories in the forefront and enjoy the love by those that will be there with you.
We are here in spirit and a phone call away.

It's not easy but hang in there.
Not wanting to take away from this sad post, Cancer treatment is too profitable to bring out the cure :banghead: I've witnessed and lived through the costs to battle Cancer ... mind boggling and unbelievable. When a 5 hour Chemo treatment costs $100,000.00 .... we have a problem

10-04-2017, 07:30 AM
I'm also saddened to hear about this loss of life.
Keep the great memories in the forefront and enjoy the love by those that will be there with you.
We are here in spirit and a phone call away.

It's not easy but hang in there.
Not wanting to take away from this sad post, Cancer treatment is too profitable to bring out the cure :banghead: I've witnessed and lived through the costs to battle Cancer ... mind boggling and unbelievable. When a 5 hour Chemo treatment costs $100,000.00 .... we have a problem
I have to believe there is some truth in this, money seems to over shadow what the needs are for
the people that suffer so.
If you have watched a person you love disappear before your eyes while they endure pain that you cannot imagine.
,It is a prayer that one day man will conquer this with science and feeling!

Steve 0080
10-04-2017, 11:08 PM
My deepest sympathy.

Radical Taz
10-05-2017, 05:18 AM
My thoughts, prayers, and sympathies go out to you and your family.