View Full Version : NSFW: Glow Bull Warmins, An Investor's Take

01-07-2018, 04:08 AM
NSFW for bad language. Dan Pena speaks on Glow Bull Warmins.

This is the first time I have heard this take. Do the lending institutions believe in Glow Bull Warmins ?


thumper 549
01-07-2018, 06:11 AM
Anyone that would spend 10 min researching weather /climate change would
recognize the fallacy of the global warming lie.

We just recently came OUT of the LAST ice age 11.5 thousand years ago!
That (11.5 thou) is not even measurable on the scales of time.

The last one was not the first one.
There have been at least 4 more, more importantly, they do not last 1o years or even a 100.
How about 2.5 million years for the last one depending on the source!
So go ahead remove all the Co2...
We could be back there in an ice age in a heart beat.