View Full Version : Will adding led lights effect cruise control..

01-26-2018, 11:37 PM
Wondering about led lights effecting cruise control.
I have a 2013 with the Mc Cruise installed.

01-27-2018, 12:31 AM
Well, the speed of light is 186,282 m/s, so I guess if you set your cruise to 670,616,629 mph, then you might notice your headlight output not being as effective.

In seriousness, here's an excellent write-up from a gentleman who had exactly this problem and discovered that anything other than a ground on the brake line would cause his cruise control to disable. I don't know how the MC cruise is wired in(I don't have one), but hopefully this link will point you in a possible direction.



Ixol Phaane
01-27-2018, 12:15 PM
I installed that brand cruise on my '14 Deluxe with no problem. I have since added the flasher LED bulbs from SuperBright and have no issues. The sensing tap is at the brake light connector... so upstream (or battery side) of the physical lighting hardware. I'm sure the system is unaffected by LED brake lighting.

As I understand it, as soon as the cruise computer senses the brake circuit has been activated by either the front or rear switch, it immediately disables the cruise. It's a simple voltage sensing circuit tapped into the brake light wiring harness. The cruise installation manual suggest that the computer can interpret the brake light circuit as off or open with 0 volts as with incandescent oem bulbs... or 0-5V with LED lamps. When the circuit goes to ~12V as a brake switch is activated, then it disables cruise control.

01-28-2018, 05:01 PM
Thanks all, just got back from a short ride(Saturday)It was 56deg.
Ya all works great. Man can't tell you how relieved I am after doing all the work and then thinking
did I just take two steps forward to take three back.