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04-07-2018, 12:41 PM
For not having a professionally prepared speech and a teleprompter, he pretty much covered it all.



04-07-2018, 12:54 PM
I agree 100%, the governments, whether they be, local, state or federal have gotten to big for their britches and will use anything/anyone to further their agenda's. They really don't care what the majority wants. You would have thought they would have lerned...

04-07-2018, 01:52 PM
Well if he's not ready to throw a punch or fire a shot I have bad news for him. I would elaborate but this story has been told many times over the centuries. Other than that he's correct on most counts. The asshats we elect wouldn't know the difference between an assault rifle and a semi automatic weapon if it shot them in the ass. What's amazing to me is no one corrects them on their lie. Just like their made up word illegal immigrant.

04-08-2018, 10:54 AM
I agree 100%, the governments, whether they be, local, state or federal have gotten to big for their britches and will use anything/anyone to further their agenda's. They really don't care what the majority wants. You would have thought they would have lerned...

The u s government started by rich people who believed they knew more than others, which is why at first only wanted white male land owners to be able to vote, then and still hav8ng the electoral college system

04-08-2018, 05:58 PM
Nonsense. It was started by people that by and large did know more. And voting was restricted to people who had skin in the game. Maybe we should restrict voting for the parasites we have in our society.

04-09-2018, 01:29 AM
The electoral collage system was a step to preserve the Republic by preventing mob rule. The USA is a Republic, not a democracy. The founding fathers were wise beyond their time and are probably rolling over in the graves at what the US election system has become.

04-09-2018, 01:47 PM
The electoral collage system was a step to preserve the Republic by preventing mob rule. The USA is a Republic, not a democracy. The founding fathers were wise beyond their time and are probably rolling over in the graves at what the US election system has become.

The Electoral College is the reason that this country is not called the United States of California.

04-09-2018, 03:05 PM
These next elections are more important than ever. The liberals ALMOST ruined our Country & I'd hate to see them in control again. The founding fathers must have been directed by God 'cause only He could have foreseen our needs for a Republic. Our leaders need his help more than ever but I don't think they're listening.

04-09-2018, 03:15 PM
These next elections are more important than ever. The liberals ALMOST ruined our Country & I'd hate to see them in control again. The founding fathers must have been directed by God 'cause only He could have foreseen our needs for a Republic. Our leaders need his help more than ever but I don't think they're listening.

While a republic, in combination with the Electoral College, is the best option, it does not protect against stupid voters, especially when they outnumber the makers. I fear that ship has sailed.

Retired Army
04-10-2018, 07:10 AM
The best problem solver in America today will not run for any political position. He made the decision to land a powerless heavy air craft on water saving all on board.

04-10-2018, 07:30 PM
The best problem solver in America today will not run for any political position. He made the decision to land a powerless heavy air craft on water saving all on board.

Huh? Please explain

04-10-2018, 08:54 PM
Chesley Sullenberger

Retired Army
04-11-2018, 07:33 AM
When handed a life threatening situation he came up with a life saving out come in a very short time. How long does it take the leaders of this nation to make any decisions?

04-11-2018, 09:15 AM
When handed a life threatening situation he came up with a life saving out come in a very short time. How long does it take the leaders of this nation to make any decisions?

You mistake in your comparison is thinking that our leaders care about this country. They only care about themselves

Retired Army
04-11-2018, 10:22 AM
Lets go back to basics, who elected the leaders? Personally Sully would get my vote. His past performance is impeccable and he didn't make any promises.

04-11-2018, 07:23 PM
Politions do care about this country. They have to keep it running to get their money. They all take money from the same cookie jar and all have to follow the same rules to keep it coming in. Big money started this country behind closed doors. And runs it the same way today. We have a generation in power now that all we can hope fore is they die before the do too much more damage. Government will always be run by big money. Take the money away from them and maybe,,,, things would change. But then you still have all that power. Were DOOMED!!!

04-11-2018, 08:00 PM
A big difference that happen starting with the first Obamanation campaign is that the takers figured out that they can vote themselves entitlements, paid for by the makers. That is the definition of the end of a republic.

The electoral college reduces the possibly of mob rule by the takers, but the takers are breeding at a fast rate and infecting states nationwide. The Tidepod generation will be voting in the next presidential election. This country will cease to exist as we know it within one more generation. It is already an Obamanation of its formerly, great self. For proof, just look at our incredible high deficit, greatly reduced manufacturing and industrial capabilities and horrible, indoctrination-style education system. The country was the tops in all 4 when I was growing up. I'm 54. All this change happened in just 50 years of horrible politicians.

LA Weld
04-11-2018, 08:10 PM
The best problem solver in America today will not run for any political position. He made the decision to land a powerless heavy air craft on water saving all on board.

I wish Sully would RUN!

04-11-2018, 10:04 PM
When handed a life threatening situation he came up with a life saving out come in a very short time. How long does it take the leaders of this nation to make any decisions?

He was highly motivated because he had real skin in the game (his own imminent peril) and I don't mean pork kickbacks !!! Our politicians should have real skin in the game. Not just pork kickbacks and a lifetime membership in the political cast system, but real meaningful personal downsides for failure, negligence, misconduct and corruption. Prosecuting a few and imprisoning them like any other common criminals would be a nice start but we all know all of the media and Senate/Congressional hearings are just political theater with no true corrective actions or measured punishments for those in the protected political cast.