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View Full Version : VIP Day 2018 is Almost Here!

07-27-2018, 05:40 PM
Get Ready, Get Set...

Goldwing lovers, get out your mobile devices, computers or laptops. Whip out your preferred form of payment. Get ready, get set…

WingStuff.com’s VIP DAY is quickly approaching on August 1, 2018. And, trust us, you will want to be ready to make the most of all the great deals coming your way. If you recently purchased a 2018 Gold Wing and plan to upgrade it, now is the perfect time to make the most of VIP DAY!

With that in mind, we wanted to take a minute to give you all the important details surrounding VIP DAY because, and we can’t emphasize it enough, you won’t want to miss it.
So here’s how VIP DAY works and how you can most benefit from it.

https://ci6.googleusercontent.com/proxy/mkeYAWSmfqgAo7qjAAunz4IuAnVKZzUyG9kwh4wPSw7WWpSJMQ OEl8JY7FORsNTOtXNPdJOhcRF6KvBFZpWx0AGXjH3gT7WprbZO 6uiSVk_yZU8yIe1L37bLIcul8Wxt=s0-d-e1-ft#http://media.campaigner.com/media/48/483855/vip_day_news_reminder_2018.png (http://go2.cyclegiant.com/click/adcf-ra779-fn7cp4-2gey8hu3/)

What Do You Need To Do?

There are a couple aspects that you will want to keep in mind when preparing for VIP DAY. Most importantly, VIP DAY is exclusive for WingStuff VIP Members.
If you are already signed up as a member, then you are good to go! If not, you will need to hop on over to WingStuff.com and opt in. It’s currently $39.95 for the first year and half that ($19.95) to renew each following year. Depending on what you need for your Wing, the membership’s savings can pay for itself and then some.
For example, say your Wing is in need of a windshield upgrade and you decide to purchase an F4 that is selling for $354.99. As a VIP member, you might pay $320.00 instead, saving you about $25. That’s more than half of your first year’s fees. Sweet! The more you buy for your Wing, the more you save. And it can add up quickly.
At the end of this post you can check out what VIP members are saying about the program.
If you’re not already a member and want to be - so you can take advantage of VIP DAY on August 1, 2018 - then click below.

https://wingstuffblog.files.wordpress.com/2016/07/unnamed-1.png (http://go2.cyclegiant.com/click/adcf-ra779-fn7cp5-2gey8hu4/)

How Is VIP DAY Different Than Having A VIP Membership?

Every day WingStuff slashes prices on most products on its site through the VIP Membership. In fact, our VIP pricing is so low that oftentimes we aren’t even allowed to display it to the public. But, for one day only, WingStuff will offer even deeper discounts on many of your favorite products.
Let’s go back to that F4 Windshield for a quick second, just as an illustration. Our normal price is $354.99 and say the normal VIP price is around $320. Well, on VIP DAY that same windshield might be available for, say, $300 for VIP Members, saving you an extra $20!

5 Tips To Get the Most Out of VIP DAY

Seeing as how these incredible prices will only be around for one day, we want to give you every advantage to make the most of VIP DAY. So before you head over to WingStuff.com, here are a few tips to consider:
1. Save the Date: Mark August 1, 2018 on your virtual or physical calendar so you don’t forget. Most smartphones and email accounts nowadays have event reminders that will alert you to a particular event you have set up.
2. Create a WingStuff account & VIP Membership beforehand: Get that part out of the way before VIP DAY so when the day comes, you can focus on the products you need and the savings you will accrue. Obviously, if you already have an account with WingStuff and are a VIP Member then you’re all set.
3. Consider purchasing a VIP Membership as a surprise gift just in time for VIP DAY: Your friends will love you for it!
4. Do Some Pre-Planning: Determine what you need for your Wing ahead of time and add those products to your wish list. That way, when VIP DAY hits you can simply go to your wish list and see what items qualify. Of course, we also recommend you browse the VIP DAY showcase on Aug 1 just to see if there’s anything you forgot to add.
5. Have fun with it: The purpose of VIP DAY is to create a buzz and excitement for you, our valued customers, and to save you some money in the process. Riding a Wing is like nothing else in the world. Customizing our Goldwings and making them our own is a lot of fun (see Rick's Ultimate Wing Makeover) and our goal is to make it as affordable for you as we can. Ride safe and enjoy, WingStuff.com

What VIP Members Are Saying:

“The vip has saved me well over $600.00 so far.”
“I used the VIP membership to save way more than the cost of it & with the VIP discount there prices are pretty much unmatched.”
“With what i will save on just purchasing shocks and springs its worth it.”
“From what I see I will end up saving money in the long run. It seems to be a good deal if you think you will be buying for your bike. Yes, I will still shop around for the best deal, but I think it may be a formality.”
“VIP here too, and I am a Honda dealer. Some of the deals on Wingstuff are far below my dealer cost + pricing at the shop including cross border shipping and the odd time I get hit with duty and brokerage fees (that's typically just very large items).”
“I buy quite a bit from Wingstuff (also VIP member) since I can buy stuff far lower than I can through our own shop.”
“Pulled the plug last night and got my VIP status with Wingstuff. They say I saved 340.00 as VIP.”
“If you're going to order a lot of stuff from them, it's worth it to join the VIP club.”
“I covered the cost of my membership in the first couple of purchases.”