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View Full Version : Home gardeners here?

08-31-2018, 06:48 AM
Just wondering if we have any home gardeners here. I bought a house with a bit of land (1.3acre) and I am thinking about doing some gardening next year. I was wondering if I should just do a fixed size tilled ground, or maybe a few smaller raised bed. Any pro's or con's to each?

edit to clarify that Im not looking to farm 1.2 acres, just maybe a 10ftx10ft or 10ftx20ft with the basics to start. Green beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, ect. I have a little experience when I was kid helping out pulling weeds, and pulling almost ripe vegetables. So the idea of the garden is both self sustainability and nostalgia.

08-31-2018, 07:16 AM
We have 4 raised beds on our 1.25 acres. We do bell peppers, green beans, spinach, squash, etc. Read up and give it a go. Trial and error is in the mix. We pre grow in the house then transplant when adequate in size.

08-31-2018, 12:43 PM
I understand raised beds are the way to go these days. EZ to work on & you still get enough food for you & your neighbors.

08-31-2018, 12:56 PM
Whats the benefit of a raised bed over a traditional garden plot? Im asking because I really dont know.

09-01-2018, 02:18 AM
Raised beds keep the vegetables from excessive "greyhound flavoring".....

09-01-2018, 06:07 AM
Not quite sure what that means, but Im guessing it means they'll be less nature delivered to my tomatoes from creatures. Really, its a toss up for me financially. Either pay out for the lumber to make the raised beds, or rent/buy a tiller to prep a spot in the yard. Either should be a one time expense that lasts a long time. One benefit I see from a raised bed is that its a lot let bending over and hands and knees type work. Something to think about I guess.

09-01-2018, 08:18 AM
Raised beds make it easier to keep soil prepped and rabbits out.