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09-26-2018, 08:53 PM
He tried to hold me through the break and ask me a question but I was cut off so they called me back and sent me a bunch of stuff from the store.


09-26-2018, 09:10 PM
Congrats. I was listening and you're 100% correct. Conservatism is dead in DC. I hope the Senate pussies do the right thing for once and confirm judge K. Any Democrat or liberal who are ok with this vile attack on a man and his family should be ashamed. Unfortunately most aren't. Educated trash.

09-26-2018, 09:31 PM
I like what POTUS said today about how all of a sudden when it comes to Republicans it's Guilty until proven innocent. A total reversal of what is right. Didn't get to hear it but Congrats Tax.

09-26-2018, 10:23 PM
Sooo it's the Dems fault, that Judge "K" got drunk, grouped & tried to rape HS girls & was involved in gang rapes of drunk girls & women when he was in college? Those damn Dems!! They're at it again!! The damn Dems made him do it, they should be a shame of themselves. But it's okay if he did do it, 'cause Father Trump said it was & we all know Father Trump is perfect.

09-26-2018, 10:46 PM
Funny how its alway guilty until proven innocent when it comes to republicans but bill clinton could rape broderic and all you heard was crickets. As far as Judge K funny how all of the accusers witnesses say it never happened.

09-27-2018, 12:25 AM
The Dems have gone the nuclear route, win at all costs and anyone between them and power is dispensable. Destroying a well qualified, honorable man is part of doing business. Thuggishly following people into restaurants and hounding them relentlessly is the new normal. How have we gotten to the point where you can’t just disagree with someone, you have to “hate” them. People that do not agree with your particular point of view are to be shouted down and run off campus. Safe spaces have to be created for fragile individuals who can’t tolerate ideas outside of their own. I feel sad for our country, and for the blood that has been shed by countless young men and women to protect the rights of those that use those same rights to silence others. Those who demand tolerance, but offer none in return. I can respect others points of view if we can have an exchange of ideas without personal attacks. I hope the rule of law prevails, “innocent until proven guilty”. If it does not, God help us. I believe that more and more, both parties are representing less and less of us. Very sad.

Btw, congrats on making it on Rush. Do you ever listen to Mark Levin?

09-27-2018, 01:12 AM
Sooo it's the Dems fault, that Judge "K" got drunk, grouped & tried to rape HS girls & was involved in gang rapes of drunk girls & women when he was in college? Those damn Dems!! They're at it again!! The damn Dems made him do it, they should be a shame of themselves. But it's okay if he did do it, 'cause Father Trump said it was & we all know Father Trump is perfect.

You missed the point completely but I expect that from a liberal they hear what they want. First, not one of these fairy tales with the evidence they have would get anyone a ticket no less arrested. My main point was just the opposite goat, no one should b surprised at what the Democrats are doing as we know they are lowlifes, they displayed that in '91 with that other lying cunt Anita Hill, who also had no corroborating witnesses. The reason we are at this point is because the incompetent leadership at the GOP thought with the most important confirmation in our lifetime let's put Elmer Fudd GrASSley in the Chair an incompetent fool. He then goes and stops a vote on that most important confirmation of a lifetime on an allegation that doesn't even rise to the level of reasonable suspicion, legally. And everytime a Republican goes in front of a camera and says how weak the evidence is in Blasey Ford's story they're telegraphing how incompetent.GrASSley is. My point was the incompetence of the GOP, GrASSley and the need for a national Conservative Party. The GOP uses the Conservative vote like the Dems use the black vote i.e. give us your $, show up and vote for our guy, thanks we'll take it from here. With our own national party, as we have here in NY, we control the $, our vote and our candidates and leave the eunuchs in the GOP to wither and die, but thanks for missing the point COMPLETELY. You're lucky you're a "B" owner, it redeems you somewhat, not much

09-27-2018, 01:28 AM
The Dems have gone the nuclear route, win at all costs and anyone between them and power is dispensable. Destroying a well qualified, honorable man is part of doing business. Thuggishly following people into restaurants and hounding them relentlessly is the new normal. How have we gotten to the point where you can’t just disagree with someone, you have to “hate” them. People that do not agree with your particular point of view are to be shouted down and run off campus. Safe spaces have to be created for fragile individuals who can’t tolerate ideas outside of their own. I feel sad for our country, and for the blood that has been shed by countless young men and women to protect the rights of those that use those same rights to silence others. Those who demand tolerance, but offer none in return. I can respect others points of view if we can have an exchange of ideas without personal attacks. I hope the rule of law prevails, “innocent until proven guilty”. If it does not, God help us. I believe that more and more, both parties are representing less and less of us. Very sad.

Btw, congrats on making it on Rush. Do you ever listen to Mark Levin?

Civility doesn't exist anymore in politics, you can't just disagree anymore shake hands and walk away because politics has become part of people's identity so when you insult their party you insult them. It has become feminized like everything else so intellect is out and feelings are all that matter. It's like one big "The View" episode. I catch Levin every once in a while.

09-27-2018, 05:52 AM
WOW, I had a whole paragraph typed out before I got afraid to actually say it.
Is that what we are now? Civil little bunnies?
I though this was AMERICA.
My pitch fork is sharp, and my torch is ready.

09-27-2018, 06:18 AM
The Dems have gone the nuclear route, win at all costs and anyone between them and power is dispensable. Destroying a well qualified, honorable man is part of doing business. Thuggishly following people into restaurants and hounding them relentlessly is the new normal. How have we gotten to the point where you can’t just disagree with someone, you have to “hate” them. People that do not agree with your particular point of view are to be shouted down and run off campus. Safe spaces have to be created for fragile individuals who can’t tolerate ideas outside of their own. I feel sad for our country, and for the blood that has been shed by countless young men and women to protect the rights of those that use those same rights to silence others. Those who demand tolerance, but offer none in return. I can respect others points of view if we can have an exchange of ideas without personal attacks. I hope the rule of law prevails, “innocent until proven guilty”. If it does not, God help us. I believe that more and more, both parties are representing less and less of us. Very sad.

Btw, congrats on making it on Rush. Do you ever listen to Mark Levin?

Well said. Could not agree more

09-27-2018, 07:01 AM

I think the biggest thing this is showing us is how close we came to sending our country over the cliff in the last presidential election. These socialists who are defaulting to hate, violence and character assassination came close to being in power.

Imagine if you will, an America governed by the swamp for another 4 years? An America where lies, graft and disdain for our Constitution was the norm for another 4 years? An America whose Supreme Court which is supposed to interpret Constitutional law doesn't accept or believe in our Constitutional Rights or even our Constitution itself? An America where everyone that disagrees with the establishment is attacked by the IRS? An America where sending guns to Mexican cartels to help with anti-gun propaganda is acceptable? An America which puts the interests of illegals before the interests of American citizens? An America which encourages industry to move manufacturing to other countries? An American government which, like Obama, supports anything that hurts America and opposes anything that helps America?

We nearly became the generation that threw away everything our ancestors gave their lives to preserve. We aren't out of the woods yet as this "dog and pony show" clearly shows but we do still have a chance to preserve our liberty. November's elections will largely determine what happens, do we save our country, do we continue our amazing journey of freedom, do we continue to pursue the dream of our Founders, or do we flush our liberty down the drain?

09-27-2018, 08:47 AM

I think the biggest thing this is showing us is how close we came to sending our country over the cliff in the last presidential election. These socialists who are defaulting to hate, violence and character assassination came close to being in power.

Imagine if you will, an America governed by the swamp for another 4 years? An America where lies, graft and disdain for our Constitution was the norm for another 4 years? An America whose Supreme Court which is supposed to interpret Constitutional law doesn't accept or believe in our Constitutional Rights or even our Constitution itself? An America where everyone that disagrees with the establishment is attacked by the IRS? An America where sending guns to Mexican cartels to help with anti-gun propaganda is acceptable? An America which puts the interests of illegals before the interests of American citizens? An America which encourages industry to move manufacturing to other countries? An American government which, like Obama, supports anything that hurts America and opposes anything that helps America?

We nearly became the generation that threw away everything our ancestors gave their lives to preserve. We aren't out of the woods yet as this "dog and pony show" clearly shows but we do still have a chance to preserve our liberty. November's elections will largely determine what happens, do we save our country, do we continue our amazing journey of freedom, do we continue to pursue the dream of our Founders, or do we flush our liberty down the drain?

Agreed, we were one lesbian in a pantsuit away from total destruction of life as we know it. The Court would have been tipped for generations and the destruction it would have wrought would have been devastating with the inability to recover.

09-27-2018, 09:27 AM
Sooo it's the Dems fault, that Judge "K" got drunk, grouped & tried to rape HS girls & was involved in gang rapes of drunk girls & women when he was in college? Those damn Dems!! They're at it again!! The damn Dems made him do it, they should be a shame of themselves. But it's okay if he did do it, 'cause Father Trump said it was & we all know Father Trump is perfect.

Mr "voter of both sides of the isle" spouting leftist bullshit again. Shocker!

09-27-2018, 10:34 AM
Mr "voter of both sides of the isle" spouting leftist bullshit again. Shocker!

Independents remind me of bisexuals - make up your mind. His only redeeming quality is he owns a "B".

09-27-2018, 12:26 PM
Be it GOP or Dem either party, it would be their sworn duty to America to bring forward (be the messenger) the man or woman that was "done wrong" & let them be heard by the powers that be, before such a very important decision was made.
Instead of "shooting the messenger" why not listen to the message, the person that claims to have been "done wrong" & let the powers that be decide. If this guy doesn't make the grade for whatever reason, go the next person. Trump has a long list of people he likes. I wouldn't be pissed at the GOP if they did the same thing that some folks are pissed at the Dems. for doing. I would say, "great, they are doing their job." It doesn't have to be a "left or right thing," it has to be about "what's right for all Americans" no matter which side of the fence you're on.

09-27-2018, 02:55 PM
"Done wrong" is prejudging Kavanaugh and saying she's telling the truth. Before that a supposed crime has to rise to the level of "reasonable suspicion" in order for it to be valid. This story she's telling didn't rise to that level and would be laughed out of every precinct in the US. That's why she didn't go to the police, no corroboration. It's bullshit. 6 FBI background checks turned up nothing, 36 years later, at the 11th hour, she spends the weekend scrubbing her social media, that's always the actions of someone who's telling the truth. You're delusional. By her own admission she drank a lot booze and took a lot of cock, girls like that never remember who they're with, the numbers are too high. I do have a question for her - with all that cock how did she make that tricky U-turn and wear white for her wedding.

09-27-2018, 04:14 PM
I cant believ Kavanaugh grilled for this crap.Let's hope Americans see through this b.s.Frankly all dems should be embarrassed .

09-27-2018, 06:18 PM
I cant believ Kavanaugh grilled for this crap.Let's hope Americans see through this b.s.Frankly all dems should be embarrassed .

Had the incompetent Elmer Fudd Grassley kept the vote Associate Justice Brett Kavavnaugh would be trying on his new robe instead of trying to shed a false claim. A party in control of 2 branches of government doesn't have the luxury to play the victim and blame the Democrats.

09-27-2018, 07:18 PM
For sure ,some of the so Republicas aren't worth a shit.Weak kneed pussies that won't make a stand .It should not have come to this.Political correctness etc. Scares some of out leaders from standing for what elected for.Say what you want of our President but he let's fly back at the left,this big part why he was elected.Now getting all of em to stand against this shit is another story.

09-28-2018, 03:32 AM
That's why I was telling Rush Conservatives need a separate party like we have here in NY. The GOP uses the Cons vote like Dems ise the black vote...show up when we tell you, vote for our guy, give us your $, thanks we'll take it from here.

09-28-2018, 08:51 AM
Well hopefully the chit is gonna hit the fan soon. There have been a lot of investigations going on. Every branch of the military have been busy.
Millions spent at Guantanamo expanding. What for? All the terriorists groups are on the run or dead.
The hammer is about to fall.

Will be in Kentucky for the next few days riding the Hatfield/McCoy area.

09-28-2018, 09:37 AM
Plus one olegoat, I believe Ford! I watched the entire event yesterday, here's the classic Elite, Yale, kid that thinks he can get away with anything! And looks like he probably will, horrible! They need to turn everything back to the American people., the Electoral College failed us and let this Maniac in the whitehouse. and now senators going to let this rapist on supreme ct?This guy came apart under questioning yesterday, and did he really think it helped him when he continued to repeat he still like beer, and yes he's the only one that has four women interns? Looks like he hasnt changed a bit, still drinking, still loves women around him. Tried to stay out of politics on here but door was opened

09-28-2018, 10:09 AM
Plus one olegoat, I believe Ford! I watched the entire event yesterday, here's the classic Elite, Yale, kid that thinks he can get away with anything! And looks like he probably will, horrible! They need to turn everything back to the American people., the Electoral College failed us and let this Maniac in the whitehouse. and now senators going to let this rapist on supreme ct?This guy came apart under questioning yesterday, and did he really think it helped him when he continued to repeat he still like beer, and yes he's the only one that has four women interns? Looks like he hasnt changed a bit, still drinking, still loves women around him. Tried to stay out of politics on here but door was opened

I'm assuming you're working on a standup routine for a local comedy show. If you're serious like Oldgoat, it's one of the reasons I pray to never have to have a trial by jury. Hopefully you're a felon and not allowed to vote if the post isn't sarcasm. If it's real, enjoy the rapist judge "K"for the rest of your life and the "maniac" until 2024.

PS. The Electoral College works perfect hence the drunk skank with a real rapist husband ISN'T the leader of the free world.

09-28-2018, 10:27 AM
Yes, Your correct feels like a comedy show....will be great at the end of the show to see Trump and his whole entourage in orange jumpsuits, wait most of his entourage are already in jail....or flipped. This cmedy zoNE presidency will be over soon. Hang in there world

09-28-2018, 10:30 AM
I'm assuming you're working on a standup routine for a local comedy show. If you're serious like Oldgoat, it's one of the reasons I pray to never have to have a trial by jury. Hopefully you're a felon and not allowed to vote if the post isn't sarcasm. If it's real, enjoy the rapist judge "K"for the rest of your life and the "maniac" until 2024.

PS. The Electoral College works perfect hence the drunk skank with a real rapist husband ISN'T the leader of the free world.

And yes I would have loved to see Hillary Clinton at the helm! While she was in public service for 4 years, giving her life to the country, your boy was getting drunk at Yale, and dodging drafts! While my dad served 20 years in the US Army! Speaking which yes my dad and my family were all die-hard Republicans while I was growing up! He have a picture of Reagan hanging on his wall, there's a time in everybody's life where they got to choose between their party and what's right for the world!

09-28-2018, 10:50 AM
The Dems whole purpose is to delay the confirmation until after the November elections when they hope to regain control of congress. Then they will have the votes to reject Trump's candidates outright.

This is just a sham to facilitate that delay. Trump gave a list of his potential Supreme Court nominees to the press before his election. I'd bet a paycheck the Dems have other accusers waiting in the wings for each and every potential nominee. If Trump gives up and brings forth the next candidate, the Dems will do the same thing again leaving even less time to investigate it.

After Kavanaugh is appointed or rejected an investigation should be done. Not on the 36 year old allegations, but to see who lied under oath at the hearing. Whichever one it is should go to prison. If it's Kavanaugh, he's off the court and on the way to prison. If it was her, perhaps the threat of prison will force her to divulge who paid her. That would drain a little more of the swamp

09-28-2018, 11:35 AM
And yes I would have loved to see Hillary Clinton at the helm! While she was in public service for 4 years, giving her life to the country, your boy was getting drunk at Yale, and dodging drafts! While my dad served 20 years in the US Army! Speaking which yes my dad and my family were all die-hard Republicans while I was growing up! He have a picture of Reagan hanging on his wall, there's a time in everybody's life where they got to choose between their party and what's right for the world!

Of course you would. Your skank was fired for being an unethical liar while my dad and most of my family served so what's your point? Party and world? Our politicians are supposed to represent Americans not the world but I know you leftys want to rule everyone and everything on planet earth. I thank your father for his service and sacrafice. Better straighten up your Che Guevara picture on your wall. It's leaning to the left. I'm pretty sure Obummercare still covers Pap smears and TDS until 2024 so Hillarys popular voters should be ok until then.

09-28-2018, 11:39 AM
Yes, Your correct feels like a comedy show....will be great at the end of the show to see Trump and his whole entourage in orange jumpsuits, wait most of his entourage are already in jail....or flipped. This cmedy zoNE presidency will be over soon. Hang in there world

You're guys masturbation fantasies always involve orange and jail. Try Pornhub. I promise Trump will be gone after 2024.

09-28-2018, 11:57 AM
He tried to hold me through the break and ask me a question but I was cut off so they called me back and sent me a bunch of stuff from the store.


"Elmer Fudd" LOL That whole committee is a cartoon.

09-28-2018, 02:21 PM
Sorry boys vote delay! You're Elite, Yale attending, football star, rapist, will end up in jail just like his buddy Trump. If you watched her testimony yesterday, and you reach deep down to the very core of your soul and you can honestly say I believe the Democrats paid her a bunch of money to say what she said, then God help you on Judgement Day! And I pray to God your wife sister Aunt mother, never faces anything like Ford faced, karma is one hell of a b****!

09-28-2018, 03:47 PM
Sorry boys vote delay! You're Elite, Yale attending, football star, rapist, will end up in jail just like his buddy Trump. If you watched her testimony yesterday, and you reach deep down to the very core of your soul and you can honestly say I believe the Democrats paid her a bunch of money to say what she said, then God help you on Judgement Day! And I pray to God your wife sister Aunt mother, never faces anything like Ford faced, karma is one hell of a b****!

Actually, I do believe she is lying. And I also believe Kavanaugh is telling the truth. But I don't feel the need call anyone names or insult anyone over it. I also pray that no one has to be a victim of any criminal. And I certainly would never hope anyone's loved ones became a criminal's victim. But that's largely the difference between todays right and left. The left of my youth, the left that opposed racism, the left that fought for freedom, the left that MLK and JFK were a part of, no longer exists. Today's left is mostly comprised of hate filled, racist, violent socialists. That is why, although my political philosophy has never changed, my label has changed from left to conservative or libertarian over the years.

Today we are still the ones who oppose violence, hatred and racism, only our label has changed.

09-28-2018, 03:47 PM
Sorry boys vote delay! You're Elite, Yale attending, football star, rapist, will end up in jail just like his buddy Trump. If you watched her testimony yesterday, and you reach deep down to the very core of your soul and you can honestly say I believe the Democrats paid her a bunch of money to say what she said, then God help you on Judgement Day! And I pray to God your wife sister Aunt mother, never faces anything like Ford faced, karma is one hell of a b****!

To put in perspective Ford's gossip story. A parking ticket needs 3 thing to be on it - TIME PLACE and OCCURRENCE, if just one of those things are missing the ticket is thrown out like it never existed, Ford doesn't have the TIME or PLACE and the OCCURRENCE has no witness, on a ticket the cop/agent is the witness, so her bullshit story doesn't even rise to the level of a parking ticket. Further, she spent her weekend scrubbing her social media, which is ALWAYS the actions of an innocent person. That's why the 3 people who she named as witnesses not only said they weren't there but signed, under the penalty of perjury, a statement refuting her claims. Her brother used to work for the law firm that created Fusion GPS. The law firm is located in the same building the CIA operates 3 companies, those companies are operated by Dr. Ford's father Ralph Blasey II. We've had our share of bleeding hearts Liberals on this website so this is no surprise. So the only reason why ANY man would want Hillary to be president and believe Blasey Ford on a 36 yo old gossip story that didn't even rise to.The level of a traffic ticket would be:

They're gay
They're married to a radical feminist and have been battered into thinking this way
They're still in the closet
Like abortion if they ever said anything else the only pussy they would ever see would be Garfield comics

Additionally, she said in her own words she abused alcohol and was promiscuous (also known as Anycockildo syndrome), never trust a drunken whore. And it's only attempted rape/rape if it's the guy you don't want to bang. Judging by the way she looks now, drinking and whoring takes a toll on you, she could pass for his mother.

09-28-2018, 04:46 PM
Actually, I do believe she is lying. And I also believe Kavanaugh is telling the truth. But I don't feel the need call anyone names or insult anyone over it. I also pray that no one has to be a victim of any criminal. And I certainly would never hope anyone's loved ones became a criminal's victim. But that's largely the difference between todays right and left. The left of my youth, the left that opposed racism, the left that fought for freedom, the left that MLK and JFK were a part of, no longer exists. Today's left is mostly comprised of hate filled, racist, violent socialists. That is why, although my political philosophy has never changed, my label has changed from left to conservative or libertarian over the years.

Today we are still the ones who oppose violence, hatred and racism, only our label has changed.

One question and be honest....did you watch her entire testimony?

09-28-2018, 04:48 PM
To put in perspective Ford's gossip story. A parking ticket needs 3 thing to be on it - TIME PLACE and OCCURRENCE, if just one of those things are missing the ticket is thrown out like it never existed, Ford doesn't have the TIME or PLACE and the OCCURRENCE has no witness, on a ticket the cop/agent is the witness, so her bullshit story doesn't even rise to the level of a parking ticket. Further, she spent her weekend scrubbing her social media, which is ALWAYS the actions of an innocent person. That's why the 3 people who she named as witnesses not only said they weren't there but signed, under the penalty of perjury, a statement refuting her claims. Her brother used to work for the law firm that created Fusion GPS. The law firm is located in the same building the CIA operates 3 companies, those companies are operated by Dr. Ford's father Ralph Blasey II. We've had our share of bleeding hearts Liberals on this website so this is no surprise. So the only reason why ANY man would want Hillary to be president and believe Blasey Ford on a 36 yo old gossip story that didn't even rise to.The level of a traffic ticket would be:

They're gay
They're married to a radical feminist and have been battered into thinking this way
They're still in the closet
Like abortion if they ever said anything else the only pussy they would ever see would be Garfield comics

Additionally, she said in her own words she abused alcohol and was promiscuous (also known as Anycockildo syndrome), never trust a drunken whore. And it's only attempted rape/rape if it's the guy you don't want to bang. Judging by the way she looks now, drinking and whoring takes a toll on you, she could pass for his mother.

I ask you the same one question. Did you watch Fords entire testimony?

09-28-2018, 05:55 PM
I ask you the same one question. Did you watch Fords entire testimony?

If you walk into court with a ticket that has the TIME PLACE and OCCURRENCE missing will the judge listen? Drunken whores can cry and stop crying at the drop of a hat and grab your emotions. Emotions do not have an I.Q. and don't stand up in a court. Ask the Duke LaCrosse players, Sacred Heart Univ. football players falsely accused (she got 1 yr. in jail) lying whores can cry in court, at least they had a time and place.

09-28-2018, 06:18 PM
If you walk into court with a ticket that has the TIME PLACE and OCCURRENCE missing will the judge listen? Drunken whores can cry and stop crying at the drop of a hat and grab your emotions. Emotions do not have an I.Q. and don't stand up in a court. Ask the Duke LaCrosse players, Sacred Heart Univ. football players falsely accused (she got 1 yr. in jail) lying whores can cry in court, at least they had a time and place.

Wow so you're calling a 15 year-old girl, that had one beer to drink, that got pushed down on a bed held down with a hand over her mouth, laughed at by the Coe assailant, a prostitute? Interesting, We're not talking about lacrosse teams, were talking about appointing someone who is a child a Coster to the highest court in the land. You know even if he would just admit he did it, which he did do it, that would be better than blowing this total denial thing up our asses! As long as POS Trump don't put the handcuffs on the FBI agents and let them do their this week, this guy is gone! So you did not answer my question, and I can tell by your response that you did not watch her full testimony. Again anybody who watches her and says they don't believe it, well, no comment

09-28-2018, 07:19 PM
Wow so you're calling a 15 year-old girl, that had one beer to drink, that got pushed down on a bed held down with a hand over her mouth, laughed at by the Coe assailant, a prostitute? Interesting, We're not talking about lacrosse teams, were talking about appointing someone who is a child a Coster to the highest court in the land. You know even if he would just admit he did it, which he did do it, that would be better than blowing this total denial thing up our asses! As long as POS Trump don't put the handcuffs on the FBI agents and let them do their this week, this guy is gone! So you did not answer my question, and I can tell by your response that you did not watch her full testimony. Again anybody who watches her and says they don't believe it, well, no comment

You are speculating beyond your facts, there is as much evidence she only had one beer that there is Kavanaugh was even at the party-no corroborating witness, conversely, the witnesses she named Smyth and Judge refuted even being there and her best friend Leyland denied ever meeting or knowing Kavanaugh under penalty of perjury. And I didn't call her prostitute I called her a whore, whores don't charge. We are talking about Duke LaCrosse because we are talking about lying under oath which she did because she said she's afraid of flying unfortunately she admitted flying on a world wide vacation, fruit of the poison tree as the law calls it. Don't need to watch her testimony because it still didn't even rise to the level of a traffic ticket and at the end of the day she didn't introduce any new evidence to substantiate her claim so were back to square one - shes a lying drunken whore.

09-28-2018, 07:35 PM
How in the hell can anyone believe her? She doesn't know when it was or where it was, she has no witnesses, and offers no proof at all. She had to look to her coaches to know what to say, and she switched from poor hurt little victim to light cheery smiley laughing instantly.
Just because she says it happened doesn't mean it did. Just ask Tom Robinson.
If we switch from the presumption of innocence to guilty when accused , our society is done.

Keller you speak for abused women; how about if your son was the one falsely accused?

09-28-2018, 08:05 PM
How in the hell can anyone believe her? She doesn't know when it was or where it was, she has no witnesses, and offers no proof at all. She had to look to her coaches to know what to say, and she switched from poor hurt little victim to light cheery smiley laughing instantly.
Just because she says it happened doesn't mean it did. Just ask Tom Robinson.
If we switch from the presumption of innocence to guilty when accused , our society is done.

Keller you speak for abused women; how about if your son was the one falsely accused?

He'd be a witness against his own son because the girl's testimony was so compelling it moved him to tears despite not having any TIME PLACE or OCCURANCE for the crime. Sorry son.

Steve 0080
09-28-2018, 09:50 PM
The Dems have sealed their fate in Nov. The Rep's will be out in droves !!!

09-28-2018, 09:58 PM

09-29-2018, 04:59 AM
Well, isn't this a perfect example of good 'ol Americans. Strong opinions based on little facts. Somebody hates Trump and believes somebody else's story is false because he is an "Elite, Yale attending, football star...." Judgement based on his background and your prejudices, not based on the facts presented.
The facts don't matter; I know he did it because Trump likes him and he played football at Yale!

09-29-2018, 08:21 AM
I guess we'll know the truth in a week or so...………….. let the cards fall where they may. Both are willing to except the FBI's findings, as am I. It will remove any doubt as to who's mixed up or forgotten what happened. …….. After that, let's talk about motorcycles...……………..okay?

09-29-2018, 08:46 AM
I guess we'll know the truth in a week or so...………….. let the cards fall where they may. Both are willing to except the FBI's findings, as am I. It will remove any doubt as to who's mixed up or forgotten what happened. …….. After that, let's talk about motorcycles...……………..okay?

No it wont, he has had 6 previous FBI investigations and NOTHING. Local supposed crimes with no time, place or witness, that weren't reported, are not The pervue of the FBI, they have looked at this already and have closed it. Plus no additional evidence has been brought forth to substantiate another look at an organization that has no jurisdiction over the crime that didn't meet the level of a traffic ticket, this is a stall tactic.

09-29-2018, 10:11 AM
Good god.
I knew there was one beta male on this forum. Now I find out there are a couple of more.

Thanks to those of you standing up against this tyranny. Credible, my ass.

I gotta stay away from the off topic area :)

09-29-2018, 10:18 AM
If you don't trust the FBI...………….. who do you trust? I mean you've got to trust somebody, well maybe not. If you don't trust anybody...... I just don't understand that.

09-29-2018, 10:26 AM
I trust in things that I can manage....and that's pretty much how I resolve things as well:
I trust in my faith.
I trust in my cognitive abilities and gut feel.
I trust my marksmanship.


09-29-2018, 10:30 AM
Good god.
I knew there was one beta male on this forum. Now I find out there are a couple of more.

Thanks to those of you standing up against this tyranny. Credible, my ass.

I gotta stay away from the off topic area :)

Amen. I would like to one of these "believers" put their family members up for sacrafice against her rock solid testimony.

Known facts.
She lied about fear of flying
She lied about why she has two front doors
She banged over 65 males through HS and college
She scrubbed her social media
All her witnesses says she's full of crap
She admits to being a drunk
She doesn't know when, where, how, or what but she's 100% it's him.
She still hasn't filed a charge in county of alleged grope.

The alleged men on this sight believing her "tale" are either trolling everyone or need to retake some civics courses. I would like to believe it's trolling but sadly I know better.

09-29-2018, 11:31 AM
Amen. I would like to one of these "believers" put their family members up for sacrafice against her rock solid testimony.

Known facts.
She lied about fear of flying
She lied about why she has two front doors
She banged over 65 males through HS and college
She scrubbed her social media
All her witnesses says she's full of crap
She admits to being a drunk
She doesn't know when, where, how, or what but she's 100% it's him.
She still hasn't filed a charge in county of alleged grope.

The alleged men on this sight believing her "tale" are either trolling everyone or need to retake some civics courses. I would like to believe it's trolling but sadly I know better.

Well said!

09-29-2018, 12:11 PM
Let me figure this one out.........

I'm 15, under age, drinking beer but not sure how I got there, not sure the location of the house and I suddenly need to hit the bathroom.....so I go UPSTAIRS to piss. Guess there was no water in the downstairs toilets and the flushers were't functional. Now it's coming back to me why I went UPSTAIRS.

Me thinks the Judge ain't the only one that liked beer. I guess her Rolling Rock was in the upstairs bathroom???

Oh yeah....did I mention I forgot how I got home???

Oh crap, now I remember.........UBER took me home!

09-29-2018, 02:41 PM
This is really getting silly.

Kokomo Kevin
09-29-2018, 03:27 PM
Agree, but just and FYI, people here in Corn Coast are sick and tired of Left and Right Coast liberals telling us what the proper perspective is. Her information was given to 3 people, her attorney, her congresswoman
and her Senator, Einstein. They turned her into a political tool to beat a man down. When the FBI clears him, their is going to be a political reckoning. You will never see a bigger turn out from the Corn Coast. And the Liberals will reap what they have been sowing! They have burned down the house time to rebuild this country.....

09-29-2018, 04:23 PM
No words needed....

09-29-2018, 04:52 PM
If you don't trust the FBI...………….. who do you trust? I mean you've got to trust somebody, well maybe not. If you don't trust anybody...... I just don't understand that.

Let's trust them, OK.

James Comey - FBI Director - FIRED
Andrew McCabe - FBI Deputy Director - REMOVED
Peter Strzok - Chief of the Counterespionage - FIRED
Lisa Page - FBI Lawyer - RESIGNED
James Rybicki, chief of staff (resigned)
James Baker, general counsel (resigned)
Mike Kortan, assistant director for public affairs (resigned)
Josh Campbell, special assistant to James Comey (resigned)
James Turgal, executive assistant director (resigned)
Greg Bower, assistant director for office of congressional affairs (resigned)
Michael Steinbach, executive assistant director (resigned)
John Giacalone, executive assistant director (resigned)

09-29-2018, 04:57 PM
This is really getting silly.

The only thing silly is you Trump haters on this thread pretending this is anything but a political hit job. She's not a Dr but she is a liar. Her alleged best friend says she's full of it. The only thing more silly was her fake little girl voice. If the exact charges were thrown at you, how many years would you give yourself for all her "facts"?

09-29-2018, 04:58 PM
Let's trust them, OK.

James Comey - FBI Director - FIRED
Andrew McCabe - FBI Deputy Director - REMOVED
Peter Strzok - Chief of the Counterespionage - FIRED
Lisa Page - FBI Lawyer - RESIGNED
James Rybicki, chief of staff (resigned)
James Baker, general counsel (resigned)
Mike Kortan, assistant director for public affairs (resigned)
Josh Campbell, special assistant to James Comey (resigned)
James Turgal, executive assistant director (resigned)
Greg Bower, assistant director for office of congressional affairs (resigned)
Michael Steinbach, executive assistant director (resigned)
John Giacalone, executive assistant director (resigned)

I thought those guys were the FIB.

09-29-2018, 07:42 PM
You're correct FBI is Full Blooded Italian

09-30-2018, 03:21 AM

09-30-2018, 07:54 AM
Agree, but just and FYI, people here in Corn Coast are sick and tired of Left and Right Coast liberals telling us what the proper perspective is. Her information was given to 3 people, her attorney, her congresswoman
and her Senator, Einstein. They turned her into a political tool to beat a man down. When the FBI clears him, their is going to be a political reckoning. You will never see a bigger turn out from the Corn Coast. And the Liberals will reap what they have been sowing! They have burned down the house time to rebuild this country.....

And I say again, "Well Said".

09-30-2018, 11:03 AM

Doesn't matter. The Kellers and Olegoats of this country will continue to praise and tell all their fellow lefties the wonders of all her lies. They too will learn how to squeak talk like they're 9 again as it so tugged their heartstrings. If judge K doesn't get confirmed she will be placed in the lefties hall of fame right next to a Pepsi can with a pubic hair on it. Once again the commies have their foot on the scales of justice. When will someone shoot that foot off?

09-30-2018, 11:18 AM

She's also got some outstanding pics floating around. Definitely the town bicycle.

10-01-2018, 04:50 AM
I told you, drunken, lying whore.


I'll drain my grandson's college fund if anyone you know has a video of her drunk, speaking in her real voice and flashing her boobs, it has to be out there.

Kokomo Kevin
10-01-2018, 08:01 AM
The truth will come put and when the FBI investigates who leaked her information to the press, there will be a price to pay. The liberals will be paying a huge price come election time, there is a reckoning coming.

10-01-2018, 02:47 PM
let's trust them, ok.

James comey - fbi director - fired
andrew mccabe - fbi deputy director - removed
peter strzok - chief of the counterespionage - fired
lisa page - fbi lawyer - resigned
james rybicki, chief of staff (resigned)
james baker, general counsel (resigned)
mike kortan, assistant director for public affairs (resigned)
josh campbell, special assistant to james comey (resigned)
james turgal, executive assistant director (resigned)
greg bower, assistant director for office of congressional affairs (resigned)
michael steinbach, executive assistant director (resigned)
john giacalone, executive assistant director (resigned)


10-06-2018, 05:23 AM
A little update, when I was on Rush I came in on the end of the second hour so he was going to hold me over but I was knocked off. Emailed Bo to get back on but by that time they had changed topics so Bo felt so bad he sent out some stuff from the Rush store, classy.

10-06-2018, 03:41 PM
Kavanaugh confirmed.

10-06-2018, 05:00 PM
Kavanaugh confirmed.

10-06-2018, 06:14 PM
Kavanaugh confirmed.
Let the tribunals begin!

10-06-2018, 06:44 PM
Rush is a good dude who has lies spread about him and he still pimps one of the biggest lefty companies on the planet, Apple. As for Mrs. "Look I can fly", she no longer wants to seek justice against her high school make believe tit grabber any longer. I would say shocking but I don't want to be accused of mocking all the sub 60 IQ believers of her and squander any chance I may have of looting a Gofundme account one day. Maybe she'll use some of those ill gotten gains on a new hairstyle and removal of that second front door. The right thing still happens every so often. Hopefully his family wasn't permanently harmed from these vile people.

10-06-2018, 07:24 PM
Rush is a good dude who has lies spread about him and he still pimps one of the biggest lefty companies on the planet, Apple. As for Mrs. "Look I can fly", she no longer wants to seek justice against her high school make believe tit grabber any longer. I would say shocking but I don't want to be accused of mocking all the sub 60 IQ believers of her and squander any chance I may have of looting a Gofundme account one day. Maybe she'll use some of those ill gotten gains on a new hairstyle and removal of that second front door. The right thing still happens every so often. Hopefully his family wasn't permanently harmed from these vile people.

The Judiciary Committee should turn out over to the DOJ as she committed perjury before Congress. They must do this to deter another storyteller from trying to destroy a man's life. They're going to make a martyr out of her anyway so we may as well get our pound of flesh. There has to be a video out there of her talking in her real voice, drunk, singing karaoke while flashing her boobs. You don't get that just banged the platoon look overnight. That takes years of booze, partying and banging platoons. I bet you she did that tricky U-turn on her wedding day and put white on.

10-06-2018, 07:42 PM
Kill the messenger.

10-07-2018, 12:29 AM

10-07-2018, 11:07 AM
Kill the messenger.

The messengers of all those vile lies about a good man just for political gain should be shot. Still waiting for you to share what type of punishment you would bring on yourself, family, or a loved one with the same "evidence" brought against JUSTICE K. You lefties do have hypocrisy and deflection down to a science. Can't wait to read your in depth commentary when the President replaces Sleeping Beauty on the Supreme Court.

Broken Hand
10-07-2018, 01:36 PM
Taxfree4, I missed the audio, but read the transcript. You knocked it out of the park. I disagree with starting a third party. Will only divide and conquer ourselves. I follow Larry Schweikart on Twitter. He says with the likes of Jeff Flakey and Bob Corkscrewed retiring, plus the huge Republican advantage in Trump-won states, the Senate will be replacing and adding about 10 MAGA senators this Nov. 6. Then you look at Lindsey “Granite” Graham’s MAGA conversion, it leads me to believe that the most effective way of WINNING is changing the party from within. Something Trump is singlehandedly doing.

Anyways, I love your posts and your sharp wit. Hope you make it on Rush again, someday.

10-07-2018, 03:12 PM
Grahm changed his act very quickly after MCCain "died". They were bff's. I think Grahm got a good deal and took it.
Straighten up and fly "right" or else.

10-07-2018, 07:45 PM
Taxfree4, I missed the audio, but read the transcript. You knocked it out of the park. I disagree with starting a third party. Will only divide and conquer ourselves. I follow Larry Schweikart on Twitter. He says with the likes of Jeff Flakey and Bob Corkscrewed retiring, plus the huge Republican advantage in Trump-won states, the Senate will be replacing and adding about 10 MAGA senators this Nov. 6. Then you look at Lindsey “Granite” Graham’s MAGA conversion, it leads me to believe that the most effective way of WINNING is changing the party from within. Something Trump is singlehandedly doing.

Anyways, I love your posts and your sharp wit. Hope you make it on Rush again, someday.

It's really isn't a third party, Conservatives are orphans in the GOP. They treat us like the Dems treat the black vote: we'll tell you when to vote, vote for our guy, give us your $, thanks we'll take it from here. NY has always had a separate Conservative party and that's where I've been my whole life. So Rudy Giuliani was elected with a separate Cons. Party. Conservatives outside of NY have nowhere to go they are stuck in the GOP. Why should a Rand Paul Conservative be prisoner in the party of Jeb, Flake, Ryan and Romney? If a national Cons Party was started the constituents are already there as they show up at every Trump rally, we just need the organization. That giant sucking sound would be people leaving the GOP.

Notice on the Kavanaugh confirmation there was no question where the Cons were voting only the squishy middle of the road GOPers: Flake, Collins and Murkowski. When Cons control their own party they control the hard and soft $, we can vote for Cons in primaries instead of holding our noses and pulling the lever for Bush, Flake or Ryan. We are in a new era, as I said on Rush the Dems come to fight the GOP want to be statesman. Case in point, during the debates Trump pulled Jeb's pants down and spanked him on front of the world. Jeb just stood there with that stupid smile on his face trying to look like a statesman, that worked out well. Trump proved with Kavanaugh that you NEVER give in and you bring the fight right back at them, the GOP doesn't know how to fight and the Dems are scared shitless because the Anita Hill strategy backfired and now they don't know what to do.

You cannot change the party from within because too many of the old guard control the $. The change has to be rapid before the next election. The GOP will have to come to us with open hand. Do you think Rand Paul would have stopped the original vote? GrASSley did because he is a feckless, impotent, incompetent old man who wants to get along. They milked this for political advantage meanwhile this good man was left out to dry.

10-07-2018, 07:59 PM

10-07-2018, 10:46 PM
You guys are filled with so much hate, discontent, rage & there's always some sort conspiracy to under mine what ever you believe in at that time.
I don't understand, you've got the house, the senate, supreme court & POTUS & you're still pissed all the time. You're never happy, what will it take? You sound like poor winners. Hell I'd be dancing in the street.
Would you or one of the men or women, in your family, have the guts to do what Dr. Ford did? Dr. Ford had everything to lose, nothing to gain, but verbal & written abuse. The senate committee all "said" they believe something had happened to her. None of them called her a liar. You folks think she's a liar. Could it be which was the better liar? Could it be the senate just wanted to please Trump? At this point, it doesn't matter. he's in. So be it.
Can you imagine how much guts it took for those mature men to out the priest that abused them? Something that happened when they were kids. Could all of them be lying too, I mean, it has been decades....Imagine carrying that penned up for decades.
I know men & women that were abused when they were kids, young & old but never told anyone for decades. One of my best buddies told me things a priest did to him we were 7-10 yo. I'm sure many take the abuse to their grave w/o telling a soul.
So go a head with your grade school name calling & trash talk. That's what you alt. right folks love to do. Don't state any "real" facts, just make it up as you go & have your rant, rage & grade school name calling...………….you really enjoy, it don't you?

10-07-2018, 11:50 PM
You guys are filled with so much hate, discontent, rage & there's always some sort conspiracy to under mine what ever you believe in at that time.
I don't understand, you've got the house, the senate, supreme court & POTUS & you're still pissed all the time. You're never happy, what will it take? You sound like poor winners. Hell I'd be dancing in the street.
Would you or one of the men or women, in your family, have the guts to do what Dr. Ford did? Dr. Ford had everything to lose, nothing to gain, but verbal & written abuse. The senate committee all "said" they believe something had happened to her. None of them called her a liar. You folks think she's a liar. Could it be which was the better liar? Could it be the senate just wanted to please Trump? At this point, it doesn't matter. he's in. So be it.
Can you imagine how much guts it took for those mature men to out the priest that abused them? Something that happened when they were kids. Could all of them be lying too, I mean, it has been decades....Imagine carrying that penned up for decades.
I know men & women that were abused when they were kids, young & old but never told anyone for decades. One of my best buddies told me things a priest did to him we were 7-10 yo. I'm sure many take the abuse to their grave w/o telling a soul.
So go a head with your grade school name calling & trash talk. That's what you alt. right folks love to do. Don't state any "real" facts, just make it up as you go & have your rant, rage & grade school name calling...………….you really enjoy, it don't you?

Just the opposite, no one knew who this lying hosebag was the day before and now she's a household name AND on the cover of TIME already. Because every victim spends days, before they are scheduled to testify before Congress, scrubbing their social media accounts eliminating their high school yearbook where it depicts you as, you're ready, a drunk who usually "passes out." Also everyone who DOESN'T want to testify always takes a polygraph before. And the yearbook also mentions about during Beach Week picking up adult men who "passed out in our hotel room". You need a Gastroneurologist to help you get your head out of your ass. Soon as Ruth Bader Ginsburg slips on the other banana peel we'll put Amy Coney Barrett in, overturn Roe v Wade, make owning a gun mandatory, arrest Hillary AND jail her, defund Planned Parenthood, strike down homosexual marriage then I'll be happy. One more thing, like I said on Twitter, have Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh administer the Oath of Office to President-elect Trump in January 2021 and leave the door to the roof of the Capitol open so Democrats can throw themselves the fuck off it after seeing that. THEN I'll be happy.

10-08-2018, 07:40 AM
Seems to me that Dr Ford has a lot to gain. Hero status among the left, TV appearances, book deals, speaking engagements; and don"t forget that big fat Gofundme account. All for something thateven if it really happened wasn't a reflection on her.

Kokomo Kevin
10-08-2018, 08:37 AM
So, What would you do or how would YOU feel if you, your son, your brother in law, your father, your son in law, your brother was unjustly treated this way? By the way all the Female's in my life would never get into this situation in the first place, since you will ask! There is a reckoning coming the sleeping giant has awakened in this country.

10-08-2018, 09:05 AM
I appears the alt far right thinks the only way to live in the USA, is the way their way & no other way. Giving the old, grey haired, white male, controlled US government, total control, over everyone and more control over anyone that disagrees with them. With even more laws & regulations over women & minorities. AKA "police state."
Ever hear of Hitler & the Nazi party? Hitler started out kissing babies & sucking up to farmers & the working class. I a few short years, they're putting men, women, babies & kids in Nazi prison camps (like kids in cages in the US), when the Nazi camps got full, they gassed them, burned them up & used their ashes in road construction. Could anything like that ever happen here? OH, HELL NO, NEVER! Or could it? The US is building bigger "kids prison camps" as I type this. What happens when there's more kids than the camps can hold? Oh what the hell, that'll never happen here...……………..Or could it?

Kokomo Kevin
10-08-2018, 09:22 AM
Yes it could happen here, But looking at the socialists like Bernie, and Ocasio Cortez gaining on the FAR FAR left, one has to ask what it would look like if they would gain control. Personally I am centrist, I have voted for member's of both party, neither of them deserve blind allegiance, The thing that needs happening now is we need to move forward to doing the right thing in this country, protect the borders, allow legal immigration to continue after vetting, fix the trade imbalances that have nearly destroyed the middle class in this country. I have yet to hear see a plan from the left side of this country. Just need to see what the left side plan is.

10-08-2018, 09:24 AM
We are at the tipping point. A third party cant come around fast enough to help.
The man behind the curtain would pull strings and slow the process so much it would put "socialists" in power for generations.
We must fight and stand our ground right here right now. First things first.
We the people have the home field advantage. The ball is in the air.
Lets score with what we have now and clean house after. Our house is still functional, and is being cleaned from within, as we speak.
You all talk as though were divided? WE ARE NOT!
We do want the same things. We want to be able to ride freely!
You that defend the left, do you really want socialism??? Thats what they are shouting now. And proud of it.
You need to be cleaning house as bad as conservatives.
Their plan has finally come to light. And in the light, it cannot survive.
We welcome new ideas. From anyone regardless of party.
All I hear is bitching and whining. And I'm part of it too. Instead of the fighting, lets hear your ideas to fix things, so were all happy.
We all live here. Look at what they have reduced us to.
Whats the saying,,, Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
How many times do you want to be the fool??
This crap has been here since before the founding, as has been slowly gaining speed ever since.
Lets ALL slow this train down before it goes over the cliff, and we'll sort it out later.
Something is coming, and aint gonna be perty. For any of us!

Kokomo Kevin
10-08-2018, 09:30 AM
Well put my Buckeye neighbor!

10-08-2018, 10:14 AM
I appears the alt far right thinks the only way to live in the USA, is the way their way & no other way. Giving the old, grey haired, white male, controlled US government, total control, over everyone and more control over anyone that disagrees with them. With even more laws & regulations over women & minorities. AKA "police state."
Ever hear of Hitler & the Nazi party? Hitler started out kissing babies & sucking up to farmers & the working class. I a few short years, they're putting men, women, babies & kids in Nazi prison camps (like kids in cages in the US), when the Nazi camps got full, they gassed them, burned them up & used their ashes in road construction. Could anything like that ever happen here? OH, HELL NO, NEVER! Or could it? The US is building bigger "kids prison camps" as I type this. What happens when there's more kids than the camps can hold? Oh what the hell, that'll never happen here...……………..Or could it?

Deflect deflect deflect. You far alt lefties kill thousands of babies daily but you're worried about a kid encampment? Funny how you guys twist yourselves into so many knots because your attempt to destroy an innocent man failed. Can you even admit she was a liar? Of course you can't. Just remember, if a Hitler like person ever comes to power again, they will come from the left as they ALWAYS do and will exterminate the old goats first, as they always do.

10-08-2018, 10:43 AM
just to be clear, I vote both sides, right & left, I try to be opened minded, I try to get past the B/S & get the real, truthful, honest injun, facts, just the facts.
I'll vote for who I feel will best help America first & then my state, then county...…If I screw up, make a mistake, I'll own up to it. learn from it.
It's sad we have become so divided. There's plenty of blame on both sides for this huge division. I feel, there's also blame on Russia. The 1.7 million Russian ads / post as of (2years ago) Nov 2016 had a lasting effect on millions of people. Millions of people still think, whatever's online, TV, radio, newspaper or said by some, talking head or elected official, has to be true. All mentioned have a different spin on the facts...Having said that, WHO is telling the truth?? I don't have a answer for how to fix the division or finding the truthful, honest injun', facts, just the facts...…..do they exist anymore?


10-08-2018, 10:49 AM
You guys are filled with so much hate, discontent, rage & there's always some sort conspiracy to under mine what ever you believe in at that time.
I don't understand, you've got the house, the senate, supreme court & POTUS & you're still pissed all the time. You're never happy, what will it take? You sound like poor winners. Hell I'd be dancing in the street.
Would you or one of the men or women, in your family, have the guts to do what Dr. Ford did? Dr. Ford had everything to lose, nothing to gain, but verbal & written abuse. The senate committee all "said" they believe something had happened to her. None of them called her a liar. You folks think she's a liar. Could it be which was the better liar? Could it be the senate just wanted to please Trump? At this point, it doesn't matter. he's in. So be it.
Can you imagine how much guts it took for those mature men to out the priest that abused them? Something that happened when they were kids. Could all of them be lying too, I mean, it has been decades....Imagine carrying that penned up for decades.
I know men & women that were abused when they were kids, young & old but never told anyone for decades. One of my best buddies told me things a priest did to him we were 7-10 yo. I'm sure many take the abuse to their grave w/o telling a soul.
So go a head with your grade school name calling & trash talk. That's what you alt. right folks love to do. Don't state any "real" facts, just make it up as you go & have your rant, rage & grade school name calling...………….you really enjoy, it don't you?

No. I wouldn't have the guts to manufacture a horrible lie to destroy a person just for politics. No. I wouldn't have the guts to reap hundreds of thousands of dollars off these lies. No I wouldn't have the guts to throw my alleged BFF under a bus after she doesn't cave to pressure from my other FBI BFF to also lie. I too had a neighbor try to sexually assault me when I was 7. I told my parents immediately and he paid the price. My sister was raped as a freshman in high school and the piece of shit who did it got 28 years. The reason he got slam dunked was because my sister came forward immediately and the proof was irrefutable not just an accusation. I laugh at your extreme alt left talking point that conservatives are angry and full of hate. Look in the mirror buddy as it was all of your fellow lefties screaming, wailing, and threatening people after you guys didn't get your way. As I've already stated, you get an A+ in hypocrisy and deflection.

Kokomo Kevin
10-08-2018, 11:08 AM
The truth is not to be found in the Media for sure, but one must examine the information and make there own determination based on their own experience and judgment. What we are see is the end of a two party system due to the division in this country. Some of of have very Long memories as well let me offer you my perspective as to when this started. It started in the Clinton era, but not for the reasons you might expect such as his impeachment. It started when he took the North American Free Trade Treaty, which could not get through congressional approval. He retooled it and turned it into the North American Free Trade Act, which he then put into placement as he did not have to have congressional approval to enact. The last 25 years since have devastated middle america, middle class folks, who were both republicans and democrats . Trump is in the process of fixing that as we now see. The Democrats hard turn left began then, they always had a small faction in their party but that is when they took major control into what you see today. Unions finally woke up around 2010 and realized that they were about to lose their hard won health benefits due to taxation. That is when their dues paying folks started voting more independent and what you see today is a result of this situation. Just my 2$ worth of perspective.

10-08-2018, 11:18 AM
Okay Ewreck, You win. You win.... if you want to call it that.
I'm done with your insults & name calling. I try to caring on a tit for tad the way gentlemen should. I'll not lower myself to your level of name calling & personal insults. Your mind is closed to any & all points of view other than your own. There's no reasoning with a closed mind...……….. So in your closed mind.. you win...…. I'll take my marbles & go away... the thread is all yours, to rant as much as you choose, even your own self.

Kokomo Kevin
10-08-2018, 11:44 AM
The truth is nobody has won anything. Dr Ford was just used like yesterdays newspaper. Justice Kavanaugh and his reputation and family was trashed. This whole incident was not necessary period. The country if left to look at this entire debacle and try and make some sense of it. I will say that all my friends from both sides and all Americans have an innate sense of decency, fairness, the rule of law. I dont think any of these American values have been served,

10-08-2018, 12:23 PM
Okay Ewreck, You win. You win.... if you want to call it that.
I'm done with your insults & name calling. I try to caring on a tit for tad the way gentlemen should. I'll not lower myself to your level of name calling & personal insults. Your mind is closed to any & all points of view other than your own. There's no reasoning with a closed mind...……….. So in your closed mind.. you win...…. I'll take my marbles & go away... the thread is all yours, to rant as much as you choose, even your own self.

You call a man you don't know a serial rapist.
You call conservatives far alt right.
You are saying we are going to push a Hitler upon us.
Who's name calling? Like a typical lefty you create straw men to attack when you're called out on your hypocrisy. You're the close minded hater, not I. Your first post on this thread was filled with EVERYTHING you just accused me of. You have nothing to back up your bullshit on this subject so you deflect then try to put it on anyone who calls you out. No need to "lower" yourself Olegoat, you started in the dirt with your first post. As I said,you have a PHD in hypocritical deflection.

10-08-2018, 12:57 PM
just to be clear, I vote both sides, right & left, I try to be opened minded, I try to get past the B/S & get the real, truthful, honest injun, facts, just the facts.
I'll vote for who I feel will best help America first & then my state, then county...…If I screw up, make a mistake, I'll own up to it. learn from it.
It's sad we have become so divided. There's plenty of blame on both sides for this huge division. I feel, there's also blame on Russia. The 1.7 million Russian ads / post as of (2years ago) Nov 2016 had a lasting effect on millions of people. Millions of people still think, whatever's online, TV, radio, newspaper or said by some, talking head or elected official, has to be true. All mentioned have a different spin on the facts...Having said that, WHO is telling the truth?? I don't have a answer for how to fix the division or finding the truthful, honest injun', facts, just the facts...…..do they exist anymore?


How do you vote both? either you believe a centralized government is the answer, illegal immigrants shouldn't be prosecuted and put on public assistance (Democrats) or a decentralized government free market is superior and illegals should be stopped from coming in and shouldn't be on the public dole (Republican/Conservative)? Unless you're a single issue voter.

10-08-2018, 12:59 PM
Okay Ewreck, You win. You win.... if you want to call it that.
I'm done with your insults & name calling. I try to caring on a tit for tad the way gentlemen should. I'll not lower myself to your level of name calling & personal insults. Your mind is closed to any & all points of view other than your own. There's no reasoning with a closed mind...……….. So in your closed mind.. you win...…. I'll take my marbles & go away... the thread is all yours, to rant as much as you choose, even your own self.

Liberals way of saying ...I have no rebuttal

10-08-2018, 01:07 PM
The truth is nobody has won anything. Dr Ford was just used like yesterdays newspaper. Justice Kavanaugh and his reputation and family was trashed. This whole incident was not necessary period. The country if left to look at this entire debacle and try and make some sense of it. I will say that all my friends from both sides and all Americans have an innate sense of decency, fairness, the rule of law. I dont think any of these American values have been served,

I blame both parties, the Democrats for springing this fairy tale at the last minute and trying their old Anita Hill game plan of unsubstantiated allegations to not only stop a nomination but ruin a man's life. I blame Republicans for Grassley stopping the vote on a 36 yr old unsubstantiated claim for one reason: to squeeze the political capital out of it for the midterms while leaving this good man dangling out there while his reputation, career, family and name were dragged through the mud. That's why a national Conservative Party will fix it and it will be a place where God fearing, unapologetically Pro-Life, pro 2nd Amendment people can go.

Kokomo Kevin
10-08-2018, 01:18 PM
Could not agree more with you Taxfree. It is a nice day here in Indiana, and as we Hoosiers have a fondness of saying "Times a wastin" let's go riding it will all work it self out. Question for you did you ever find a new horse for your old saddle? Toughest decision I will make today is which one gets saddled up first The 13 RED Rocket or the 98 Valk which is the original baby....

10-08-2018, 02:07 PM
Could not agree more with you Taxfree. It is a nice day here in Indiana, and as we Hoosiers have a fondness of saying "Times a wastin" let's go riding it will all work it self out. Question for you did you ever find a new horse for your old saddle? Toughest decision I will make today is which one gets saddled up first The 13 RED Rocket or the 98 Valk which is the original baby....

Indiana gave us the greatest gift in the person of Mike Pence. The country owes Indiana a very big a big Thank you. Anyway, soon as the litigation is over its a done deal. Whatever bike you ride the most I would do first.

10-08-2018, 02:23 PM
Okay Ewreck, You win. You win.... if you want to call it that.
I'm done with your insults & name calling. I try to caring on a tit for tad the way gentlemen should. I'll not lower myself to your level of name calling & personal insults. Your mind is closed to any & all points of view other than your own. There's no reasoning with a closed mind...……….. So in your closed mind.. you win...…. I'll take my marbles & go away... the thread is all yours, to rant as much as you choose, even your own self.
Come on olegoat, don't take your ball and go home. We need it to make a score....

Kokomo Kevin
10-08-2018, 02:26 PM
Thanks, who would have ever thought a Hoosier would be buddies with a Native New Yorker ! Not ever in my lifetime, but he and Trump make a good pair, the country is going to be better going forward. Red is first up today! You ever get back on a new horse? You need to look at the one V1 Rotate has ready to go. Also could use your help . Our senior senator is just finishing updating his job resume, and will be available in about 4 weeks. We are giving him a one way ticket back to Massapequa, maybe you guys can use him, or have him get in touch with Bill and Hillary maybe they can use him. He not eligible for state unemployment here as we are an at will employment state. We can offer recommendations as well. He is pretty good at driving RV's around the state, but the folks in Elkhart, RV Capital of the US, did not have any interest in hiring him

10-08-2018, 04:05 PM
Thanks, who would have ever thought a Hoosier would be buddies with a Native New Yorker ! Not ever in my lifetime, but he and Trump make a good pair, the country is going to be better going forward. Red is first up today! You ever get back on a new horse? You need to look at the one V1 Rotate has ready to go. Also could use your help . Our senior senator is just finishing updating his job resume, and will be available in about 4 weeks. We are giving him a one way ticket back to Massapequa, maybe you guys can use him, or have him get in touch with Bill and Hillary maybe they can use him. He not eligible for state unemployment here as we are an at will employment state. We can offer recommendations as well. He is pretty good at driving RV's around the state, but the folks in Elkhart, RV Capital of the US, did not have any interest in hiring him

Hillary may need him...to put her Spanx on. Elkhart, love that place. Whenever I do a cross country from Brooklyn I always stop at Centerville and stay at the Super 8 when taking I-70. When I took I-80 in '15 I did want to stop at the RV Museum but when you're making time it's hard to stop, you know how that is. I'm going to check out V1's "B" just for the help of it.

Kokomo Kevin
10-08-2018, 09:49 PM
The Mayor of Elkhart is a very good friend of mine, actually went to college with him. If anyone wants a decent job they should go to Elkhart. They can not get enough help up there, and wages are way above average as well. Gotta go Joe Donnelly grew up in Massapequa. Indiana will send him back very shortly. Dont need anymore carpet bagger Senators in the Hoosier state he can fit in with Hillary your Ex carpetbagging Senator

10-09-2018, 11:22 AM
Come on olegoat, don't take your ball and go home. We need it to make a score....

Some should stay in the "what oil do you use" or "what PSI do you run in your tires" threads. Not to worry, he'll be back with his marbles in no time.

Kokomo Kevin
10-09-2018, 02:53 PM
Damn please dont start another oil thread !

10-09-2018, 03:43 PM
How about an antifreeze thread?

Kokomo Kevin
10-09-2018, 05:02 PM
Sure, what you runnin!

10-09-2018, 06:17 PM
Sure, what you runnin!


Kokomo Kevin
10-09-2018, 08:36 PM
I run silicate free ethylene glycol in mine, with blue tint!