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09-30-2018, 10:59 PM
When stopping to eat while riding alone, do you pull out your cell phone and read news, check forums, emails, etc? I used to love to get a paper when I would eat (especially breakfast) but the phone has long since replaced a paper.

Sometimes I think I would be better off to not look at it, as if somehow that would be more appropriate, but everyone else is on their phones, so what the hell? Frankly, I enjoy it, and find the cell phone may be one of the biggest assets for solo riding, as in it is more than just a communications tool. Eating alone and just sitting there isn't exactly fun, so I entertain myself with the phone. I also get texts and emails for business all day, so there is that aspect as well.

All that said, I usually will not just sit and talk on my phone the entire time I am seated. I will answer some calls if needed, but try to end them asap.

What say you? While riding solo, do you phone while you eat?

10-01-2018, 04:03 AM
I"l diddle around on my phone, but I'd much rather talk to people if the opportunity arises.you can met some really interesting people and learn some neat things just by striking up the odd conversation.

10-01-2018, 05:45 AM
Agreed. If I am riding out of my local area, especially on overnight trips, I talk with the locals. A lot of them see my helmet and ask where I'm riding in from, and it's easy to get a chat going from there.

Az Wingrider
10-01-2018, 08:47 AM
I agree about riding alone being a great opportunity to meet people. I usually check my phone before entering a restaurant and then leave it alone. Its amazing how many people are willing to approach a lone rider. I also try to eat at local non chain type restaurants while traveling on the bike. Its a chance to meet people and learn about the local area.

10-01-2018, 10:05 AM
I agree about riding alone being a great opportunity to meet people. I usually check my phone before entering a restaurant and then leave it alone. Its amazing how many people are willing to approach a lone rider. I also try to eat at local non chain type restaurants while traveling on the bike. Its a chance to meet people and learn about the local area.
Same here with the local eateries. I can get a chain restaurant food anywhere.

10-01-2018, 02:36 PM
I might look at mine while waiting for my food but its in the pocket mostly.

10-01-2018, 03:30 PM
Phone as a "riding companion"...no way! I just completed an 8,000 mile solo to the west coast and back to Ohio and never looked at the phone other than to send a text or two updating the "stay at homes" that I still had the bike on two wheels!

I did find that many locals were interested in the F6B, wondered what it was and wanted to know how it rode on such a long cross-country trip. I did find it interesting conversation from other bikers and lookers about how fast the F6B looked just sitting still! The F6B and Ohio plates was a sure conversation starter.

10-01-2018, 04:11 PM
Phone as a "riding companion"...no way! I just completed an 8,000 mile solo to the west coast and back to Ohio and never looked at the phone other than to send a text or two updating the "stay at homes" that I still had the bike on two wheels!

I did find that many locals were interested in the F6B, wondered what it was and wanted to know how it rode on such a long cross-country trip. I did find it interesting conversation from other bikers and lookers about how fast the F6B looked just sitting still! The F6B and Ohio plates was a sure conversation starter.

For business reasons, I cannot put my phone down for very long, but I would love to be able to "disconnect" like that some day. Since I'm checking my phone on the regular, I go ahead and fiddle with it. The only time I really feel I get away with that is on a cruise. I check the internet once a day and that is it. I need to start practicing that.

10-01-2018, 04:32 PM
My cell phone which is NOT a smart phone sets turned off in my ditty bag in one of my side bags. I only carry it for emergences other wise I never turn it on. My companions on the road are the wind, sun, scenery and all the great people I meet wherever I'm stopped.

10-01-2018, 04:54 PM
I confess, my nose usually is in my phone.

10-02-2018, 06:11 AM
I hate phones, and like others leave it stowed for emergencies.

10-02-2018, 09:41 AM
I"l diddle around on my phone, but I'd much rather talk to people if the opportunity arises.you can met some really interesting people and learn some neat things just by striking up the odd conversation.

Agreed. If I am riding out of my local area, especially on overnight trips, I talk with the locals. A lot of them see my helmet and ask where I'm riding in from, and it's easy to get a chat going from there.

I agree about riding alone being a great opportunity to meet people. I usually check my phone before entering a restaurant and then leave it alone. Its amazing how many people are willing to approach a lone rider. I also try to eat at local non chain type restaurants while traveling on the bike. Its a chance to meet people and learn about the local area.

Same here with the local eateries. I can get a chain restaurant food anywhere.

+1 to all!

I'll check mine for "emergent" messages whenever I stop - aging parents, canines, & daughters all seem to have issues every now & then, so as a first-born son, a father, and 'head-of-household" I do my due diligence to my tribe.
Other than that, I treat it like a tool - it is for my use - no one else's - and it stays conveniently ready, like a Swiss Army knife.

10-02-2018, 10:51 AM
+1 to all!

I'll check mine for "emergent" messages whenever I stop - aging parents, canines, & daughters all seem to have issues every now & then, so as a first-born son, a father, and 'head-of-household" I do my due diligence to my tribe.
Other than that, I treat it like a tool - it is for my use - no one else's - and it stays conveniently ready, like a Swiss Army knife.
I'm impressed with the multiple quotes. I didn't realize that could be done. :8:

BTW, your PM box is full. I tried to send you one but it wouldn't take

10-02-2018, 10:54 AM
Just cleaned it out.....recent events have plugged it pretty good.
My apologies to anyone else who tried to send me something.

10-02-2018, 08:58 PM
I have a old flip phone just in case I have some bad luck while riding.
I too would much rather chat with someone or read a paper while reading.
PLEASE, PLEASE don't talk or listen to stuff on your cell while it's on "SPEAKER" That just sucks & it's rude. I/we don't want to hear your crap.

10-03-2018, 06:52 AM
This last trip, I put my iPhone in the cup holder. Synced it to my helmet for map directions and occasional music but prefer the sound of my exhaust.

10-05-2018, 05:17 PM
I leave my cell in a breast pocket of my jacket so I will feel the vibration if someone calls.The only folks I am concerned with are family and they know to call three or four times in a row for emergencies. Past that I check it when I get off the bike while waiting to be served,maybe check the weather app if it looks stormy. After that I leave the world behind which is the whole point.