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View Full Version : New HD move?

10-07-2018, 06:08 PM
So I'm out on the B and I pull up behind a Harley at a light. The rider has no protective gear on what so ever. Of course I'm covered from the neck down in leather with a big old white full face Shoei on top. Anyway, he looks in the rear view mirror (surprisingly steady) at me and then turns his head to the side and spits. Now this isn't the first time I've seen this. Is this some sort of "Hey non American scum bag" sign or what?

10-07-2018, 06:38 PM
Not at all. Nope! I ride metric and might do the same thing!

10-07-2018, 06:44 PM
Maybe he needs a lesson in B etiquette.......

The Fuzz
10-07-2018, 07:21 PM
He probably was spitting at all the gear you had on. I think Harley riders feel you shouldn't have on leather if you ride a bike made in Japan. Right, Wrong or indifferent.

opas ride
10-07-2018, 07:25 PM
Most likely a "typical HD ego tripper....Convinced that Harley's are the only bike on the planet and he is too stupid and ignorant to admit other bikes may be better...So many of these "idiots" out there these days!!!...No wonder their sales are down.....Regards

10-07-2018, 07:52 PM
Maybe he just had a big ol chaw in and isn't a swallower. Lol

10-07-2018, 08:52 PM
The light turns green and we're on this beautiful two lane blacktop that goes about 12 miles with no passing zones. He's going so slow I'm falling asleep and the cars behind me are adding up. Finally an opening, check the mirrors for cars or the law, twist the throttle, gave him a wave :039:as I passed and he disappears in the mirror. I really wasn't going all that fast but I guess just jeans and a t-shirt tend to slow you down.

10-07-2018, 09:18 PM
The light turns green and we're on this beautiful two lane blacktop that goes about 12 miles with no passing zones. He's going so slow I'm falling asleep and the cars behind me are adding up. Finally an opening, check the mirrors for cars or the law, twist the throttle, gave him a wave :039:as I passed and he disappears in the mirror. I really wasn't going all that fast but I guess just jeans and a t-shirt tend to slow you down.

You are in Pennsylvania.....one of Harley's "home states."
And yeah, I would do that all the time to Harley riders - either on Isleen or Saorla.

10-08-2018, 09:37 AM
Ive had a few HD Riders look me over at lights. But not in a bad way. I think they know the deal.
Wings have been around long enough to have a reputation of their own.
The hard core HD riders just don't like to share.

10-08-2018, 09:44 AM
It's a "MACHO / testosterone" thing.
HD's makes you a tough bad ass, no gear, even a tougher bad ass.
I remember hearing stories about when they used to kick over imports, beat them with bats, even set them on fire.
I've seen them, have to have, a chase vehicle w/ a trailer, to P/U broke down HD's & haul them back home...…. a few decades ago.

10-08-2018, 09:45 AM
My post ==== that was for "some" HD owners ==== NOT ALL HD OWNERS.

10-08-2018, 11:37 AM
My post ==== that was for "some" HD owners ==== NOT ALL HD OWNERS.

Yes, just some. I've been riding over 50 years and I think it's a maybe gotten a little better. What cracks me up is when I see a Jap truck towing a Harley on a trailer or a hardcore Harley neighbor with a driveway full of Jap cars.

I even had a Vrod for a couple years and got about the same treatment. My hardcore Harley neighbor with the driveway full of Jap cars said "DOESN'T SOUND LIKE A HARLEY" when I showed him my new Vrod.

Too funny!

opas ride
10-08-2018, 04:51 PM
Yes, just some. I've been riding over 50 years and I think it's a maybe gotten a little better. What cracks me up is when I see a Jap truck towing a Harley on a trailer or a hardcore Harley neighbor with a driveway full of Jap cars.

I even had a Vrod for a couple years and got about the same treatment. My hardcore Harley neighbor with the driveway full of Jap cars said "DOESN'T SOUND LIKE A HARLEY" when I showed him my new Vrod.

Too funny!

I also laugh at the "double standard" some HD riders exhibit...Bad mouth Jap crap bikes,,,love my HD and his driveway has a Toyota truck, Nissan car, and a Kubota riding mower in the garage.....Just saying!!!

10-08-2018, 05:37 PM
then turns his head to the side and spits.

Who even does this anywhere anytime on a public street? Born and raised in a barn.:shrug:

10-09-2018, 02:41 PM
Went out for a great ride today in NE ohio.
ALLERT! This is walnut season, be careful, their all over the road!!
And you Harley riders, TAKE A PICTURE, it lasts longer!
Is it just me? I like to stop at every Motorcycle dealer I see. I stopped at a Harley dealer today and all they had was used Harleys on the floor.
I know, Its a Harley dealer! BUT,,, The some of the other metric dealers also had them. A lot of them.
But ya know what I haven't seen much of? Used wings or B's.
The used wings I did see were trikes that nobody would pay $20,000 for.

10-09-2018, 08:07 PM
Always a good laugh when we can laugh together. I get the "why didn't you buy a Harley?" all the time. Then we joke back and forth as I mention I am not a fan of shiny vibrators, but I don't judge. They know though, I ask if they want to go for a little speed run, see how tall their gears are.

10-10-2018, 08:59 AM
"shiny vibrators' Good one!
My buddy was on the gas all day on his Harley the first time we rode together with my B.
So I went around him once and thats all it took to slow him down.
He just said WoW!
And now our bikes are good buddies.

10-11-2018, 01:03 AM
I've seen this sort of behaviour before. But....to be honest....it's not happened recently.

Back in the 60's and early 70's it used to be you didn't even pull into an HD dealer parking lot if you were on a metric bike. Those who did paid for their brazen behaviour....usually in the form of dents and scratches.

Back then I saw Harley guys routinely quick kick bikes over for no other reason than being metric. Most of that crap is gone these days....but every now and then, some clown still pulls it. I suspect it's usually some poser who's only been riding HD (or anything else) for about 3 months and is just putting on an act.

And....in all fairness....the guy may just have had mouthful of chew and needed to drain it. The fact you were there when he did may have just been purely coincidental.
