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10-08-2018, 08:20 AM
This is by far the best handling bike I've ever owned. I read that a CT will improve it, and a rear tire on the front will improve it some more. Plus I'm told that Progressive springs will vastly improve the bike. I'm also hearing that the Traxxon upgrade will be a world of difference in better handling for the bike and if doing the full monty which includes the rear also it will be like a new and better bike. So I'm thinking if doing all those things to an already fantastic bike will I now have basically a bike that is on par to a race bike in the way it handles? Oh yea I almost forgot the Helibars, another bike handling improvement.

10-08-2018, 08:43 AM
Yes, the 6 ,is a really great bike. But let's not kid ourselves, it's not a race bike. For a big bike, it handles extremely well, but again, not on par with a race bike. There are currently, dozens of crotch rockets that will out perform the 6 as far as being on "par" with a race bike. I love my F6, but I also know it's limitations.

10-08-2018, 08:56 AM
I agree that this is a really good handling bike for it's size, power and weight. I installed the Progressive monotubes and they did improve the ride and handling but IMHO saying a vast improvement is an over statement. I am not an aggressive rider and perhaps the more aggressive one rides the more the upgrade reveals the improvement. I am curious about how a CT improves handling. I can see how it lasts longer and give more traction on the flat straight roads, have not ridden with a CT but have been considering trying one.

10-08-2018, 09:13 AM
You're correct, it's not a 400#-500# sport bike, not even close....................I tell people the B is like riding a 800# sport bike, very comfy & you can ride it for hours upon hours...….. not a sport bike...……… It's better, much better, in my opinion..

10-08-2018, 09:13 AM
That was said somewhat tongue in cheek. The point being that a bike so good already and so many claims that make it better. :roll eyes: I tried the CT thing, no longer want one on any of my bikes.

10-08-2018, 10:33 AM
That was said somewhat tongue in cheek. The point being that a bike so good already and so many claims that make it better. :roll eyes: I tried the CT thing, no longer want one on any of my bikes.

Mikey - Isleen has the Full Monty. Come on up and give her a test ride. THEN you can show me those "rolling eyes."
Car tire make it better? Oh hell no. Putting workbooks on a gymnast will make her shoes 'last longer' - but the girl just ain't gonna perform as well.

10-08-2018, 10:45 AM
Plus one, Steve. I did the Traxion to the front end, and I love the way the big bike handles. But if I really feel like carving crazy, I will ride my Yamaha FZ 09. I would never ride the Yamaha for more than a couple hours, tho. Just aint that comfy!

10-08-2018, 11:18 AM
You get what you got with only 4" of travel in the suspension. Not enough distance to properly dampen a 850# bike.

10-08-2018, 07:34 PM
That was said somewhat tongue in cheek. The point being that a bike so good already and so many claims that make it better. :roll eyes: I tried the CT thing, no longer want one on any of my bikes.

I figured it was tongue in cheek. Why would you care about handling in Florida? I heard there aren't any curvy roads there!

10-08-2018, 07:47 PM
I figured it was tongue in cheek. Why would you care about handling in Florida? I heard there aren't any curvy roads there!

Hi F6Dave

Oh we have plenty of turns here...getting on and off route 95! Yeah, my part of FL along the Treasure coast is a bit limited in twisties. �� Head north GA, SC, NC, etc. You got the twisties in your backyard, that's for sure.


10-08-2018, 08:01 PM
The Dragon has 318 curves in 11 miles we have 11 curves in 318 miles.

10-09-2018, 10:20 AM
Yup... for a bike of its size, it handles well! I'm not sure putting a car tire on the back will "improve" handling. All my reading (and it's ALL over the Internet for ALL types of scoots) seems to point out that when initiating a turn, there is a slight amount of hesitation as the rear tire works hard to "heel over" to run on the mix of thread and sidewall. Therein is the one benefit of a conventional motorcycle tire -- "rounded" to provide a seamless transition to the outer edges of the tread. I'll leave any comments re: the safety aspects of running a CT to others who have stronger opinions (yea or nay).

10-09-2018, 11:45 AM
Best bike out of the box I've ever owned. Bar risers, seat mod, and Traxxion upgrade and I'm in heaven. Going to try my first 1000 mile ride next Monday if Mother Nature lets me escape CO on Thursday.

10-09-2018, 12:37 PM
Best bike out of the box I've ever owned. Bar risers, seat mod, and Traxxion upgrade and I'm in heaven. Going to try my first 1000 mile ride next Monday if Mother Nature lets me escape CO on Thursday.

1000 miles in a day on this bike is cake.
Keep RPMs to about 3150 (~70mph) for max fuel efficiency and minimal stops.
NASCAR pits stops help too - fuel her up, as you drink something, then empty you and away you go. 7 minutes turnaround time.

10-09-2018, 03:50 PM
I've done a few 750+ rides on my Harleys so I'm not sweating it. 650s been my max so far on the Honda.

10-09-2018, 03:58 PM
What do you anticipate as an average speed or the number of hours you will be riding?
I just can not see myself riding anywhere near 1000 miles without stopping for the night. I don't even think I want to drive a car 1000 miles without stopping over night.
Last time I drove straight through to Daytona from Indy I was beat and I was 15 years younger.

I am just amazed! More power to you.

10-09-2018, 10:13 PM
I agree, the B handles great right out of the box. My brakes were grabby for the first 7500 miles but are way better now. I do ride aggressively, although not as aggressively as I used to. I used to ride with "irrational exuberance" before a broken leg and months on a wound vac helped me tame the "irrational" part a little bit. I ran CT's on my Valk because I felt it did improve handling, she seemed to "fall into turns" with a bike tire, at least that's how it felt to me. The CT's fixed that and held the road like cats claws in carpet. The GY TT would squall like a banshee too, which I loved.

Unless my next rear tire (will be an Avon) doesn't last long enough to suit me I won't switch to a CT on the B, I love the handling as it is. The OEM Stone has 8200 miles and will be replaced soon. I did some 950 mile days on the Valk, I'm older now and have back issues so I may never do those kind of days again, just don't know.

Went through an entire tank of gas on the valk once without ever dropping below 95 mph (closed course in my driveway if you ask), looks to me like the B could equal that in her sleep (only got 22mpg at that speed on the valk). I miss my Valk sometimes, it felt faster than my B, but I think the B maybe faster, it just does it so easy it doesn't feel as fast.

However, the Valk's top speed was somewhere way over 120 mph, even with a weeks worth of luggage and a passenger on the back. I don't think the B can equal that without a reflash. And yes, it was on a closed course in my driveway also. ;)

10-10-2018, 07:33 AM
My F6b will do 125 as per the GPS before the computer stops the increase in speed. It is not redlined at 125.

10-10-2018, 07:35 AM

Kokomo Kevin
10-10-2018, 09:56 AM
Impressive. Hey Frye, There is more top end on your Valkyrie, I have one with Dyna 3000 ignition, able to turn off rev limiter, have only done it once, will never do it again unless at a closed course with a safety crew in place, lets just say 130+ wish I had a GPS on it at the time...

10-10-2018, 09:49 PM
Yep, the Valks are amazing.

I just quit looking down at the speedo at 120, she kept accelerating till somewhere well North of there when I backed off. I do miss her sometimes but the B works well.

Kokomo Kevin
10-11-2018, 09:00 AM
I ride both of mine every week when the weather good. I just cant see her go, kinda like the first girl you ever fall in love with! The B is a lot quicker but the sound of the Valkyrie @ 4K + RPMS with Vikings is pure adrenaline....