View Full Version : Uploading Pictures from a Smartphone

10-09-2018, 02:08 PM
Back in August (while at the rally in Cortez) I figured out how to upload photos to the site from my iPhone (or any smartphone). Normally I (and I would guess most of us) view the site on my smartphone while in the "Mobile Mode". The mobile mode does not allow for uploading photos to the site. I had researched this sometime back and it is the same for all sites using this forum software. However..............

...if you scroll down to the bottom of the site in your phone's browser you will see the option where you can change the viewing style to the default for a browser, thus switching your display from the mobile display to the "full site" mode. In this mode you will be able to access all of the site functionality that you can access on your computer, including "insert image" into your thread. Just browse to select the photo that you want to upload from your phone's gallery and you are in business. After uploading your photo, scroll down and go back to the mobile mode. This requires a couple of extra steps but it works well.

REMEMBER: Your photo that you upload must be less than 2M in size or it will not upload to the site, so you may need to downsize the image on your phone for this to work.

Hope this info is helpful!

I just uploaded the following from my phone.


10-09-2018, 02:25 PM


10-09-2018, 02:39 PM

I’m not sure why your picture did not show up in the mobile mode. Something about it being a thumbnail, which shows the image in the full site mode (which you can click and see the full image) but does not show in the mobile mode. I don’t know why but it appears to have something to do with selecting a photo in your list of attachments vs uploading as a new image. The software seems to post it using different BB code.

I just uploaded a picture from my phone and added it to my original post. You can see the thumbnail in the mobile mode and click to view the larger image.

NOTE: Guess I had nothing better to go today than this. 31 deg, buried in the clouds, and light snow falling here at 8,500 feet in the Colorado Rockies.