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12-31-2018, 04:32 PM
The B came off the road yesterday, now tucked away and the battery is being "tender-ized" until the spring.

In the PNW it was a decent riding year for the most part. I enjoyed reading everybody else's ride reports and ride photos. Thank you.

Although I consider myself as semi retired I spent too many weeks too busy to ride. I'm looking forward to new and exciting rides among all other things in the New Year. 2019 is shaping up to be a lighting accessory year as well!

I want to wish everyone in the B hive a very Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year!

PS - how do you all tuck in your B's for the winter?



opas ride
12-31-2018, 04:47 PM
Mine has been "tucked in" for winter since early November..The weather here in Michigan has been cold and rainy for several weeks now...No major snow yet, just crappy weather for riding....Did not get chance to change oil, but no big deal as the current stuff only has 3,000 miles on it..If it warms up I might change the oil and filter if I can...Battery tender is hooked up, tires aired up, bike on center stand and covered with soft blanket and coat of polish was done a few weeks ago...Most likely it will just sit until Spring as usual....Hope I also get to ride more often in 2019, but only time will tell....Ride safe and "Happy New Year".....

12-31-2018, 08:03 PM
Not tucked in yet and probably won't be. Winter in east central PA is kind of off and on. I put 200 + miles on her last weekend and saw some snow on the ground and flurries in the air. I'll ride to work any chance I get. Hard to keep her cleaned up but I'd rather ride than polish anyway. The old Harley is tucked in though. It's carbed and I have it fairly lean so cold weather is a problem.

12-31-2018, 08:25 PM
Here in the Colorado mountains my B is always ready to go, but that won’t be for a while. There is a hill on the road to my house that never sees the sun for a few months in winter, so it is always snow-packed in mid-winter. It is 2 deg right now at my house and will be -5 tonight. When warmer days occur (can be anytime) I’ll put it on the trailer for a couple of miles to get it off the hill to dry roads. Unfortunately I will probably be grounded for a while. See the surgeon next Monday and it looks like rotator cuff surgery is in my future. MRI shows 3 of the 4 tendons/muscles are pulled bad; 1 of those 3 is completely torn. All of the things I’ve done over lots of years has caught up with me...again!!!

01-01-2019, 07:09 AM
Not much tucking here in North Idaho, ready to ride and thinking of taking it out for a spin today since it will be nice and dry. Just a few miles but I need that fix.

01-01-2019, 10:08 AM
4 degrees this morning, to start off the new year. The street bikes are locked away in an enclosed trailer, which is locked away in the machinery shed. Only thing to ride now, is the dual-sport Honda. Did take it out in the fields for a couple miles last week. Good news? the days are starting to get longer, now that we have passed the "winter equinox". Not much longer, but every minute helps! Come spring, come early!

01-01-2019, 11:08 AM
Been raining for days but now 71 and sunny. Found an excuse to ride into town, gonna take the no windshield bike. Later at the beach for black eyed peas, cornbread and greens then go watch the costumed polar bear dippers. Should be a crowd with it being so warm.

01-01-2019, 12:11 PM
Been raining for days but now 71 and sunny. Found an excuse to ride into town, gonna take the no windshield bike. Later at the beach for black eyed peas, cornbread and greens then go watch the costumed polar bear dippers. Should be a crowd with it being so warm.

Come up north, and watch the real kooks, when they cut holes in the ice, and do the real New Years Polar plunge. No ice baths for me. But , I'll have an adult beverage and watch them!

01-01-2019, 02:46 PM
4 degrees this morning, to start off the new year. The street bikes are locked away in an enclosed trailer, which is locked away in the machinery shed. Only thing to ride now, is the dual-sport Honda. Did take it out in the fields for a couple miles last week. Good news? the days are starting to get longer, now that we have passed the "winter equinox". Not much longer, but every minute helps! Come spring, come early!


01-01-2019, 05:49 PM
Same here, last ride was 11/4, fresh oil and filter, center stand, covered up, snowblower in front of it.

I do need to put a new rear tire on it, and install my Ergo IIIs and remote saddle bag releases.

I did just use some extra $$ to purchase hip armor and new breathable riding shoes!

Ixol Phaane
01-01-2019, 08:01 PM
I wish I had to do all that winterizing and tender-izing stuff that y'all do up there in the northern climes. It sounds like a fantastic skill to have. And FUN, too!


If anybody calls, I'll be out riding!


Winterize Safe, amigos!

opas ride
01-01-2019, 08:11 PM
I wish I had to do all that winterizing and tender-izing stuff that y'all do up there in the northern climes. It sounds like a fantastic skill to have. And FUN, too!


If anybody calls, I'll be out riding!


Winterize Safe, amigos!

I will stick with winterizing here in Michigan for now..If things don't change with our illegal immigration problems soon you folks in the Southwest and California will not have to worry about riding as the illegals will steal your bikes and sell them!!!!.....Just kidding!!!....I hope.....

01-01-2019, 08:16 PM
I wish I had to do all that winterizing and tender-izing stuff that y'all do up there in the northern climes. It sounds like a fantastic skill to have. And FUN, too!


If anybody calls, I'll be out riding!


Winterize Safe, amigos!

You're making a good case for life below 30 degrees N. :cheers:

01-01-2019, 08:35 PM
I wish I had to do all that winterizing and tender-izing stuff that y'all do up there in the northern climes. It sounds like a fantastic skill to have. And FUN, too!


If anybody calls, I'll be out riding!


Winterize Safe, amigos!

Was downhill skiing last sunday, this coming weekend I will be at the " National Snow Cross" race in the Twin Cities. We still find fun stuff to occupy ourselves, even tho we don't get to ride our 6's

01-02-2019, 07:50 AM
The southern climes certainly offer an advantage for riding this time of year. However, I will take a few months off in the winter to go snowmobiling ... if I lived down there, I would be parking the bike June-August anyway! Too hot!

As someone I know who moved to Jacksonville, then came back up here, said: "You can always put more layers on, but there's only so many you can take off!!"

To each, his own. I could very easily see having a winter place in New Mexico or Arizona, especially if our winters keep underperforming. If you think motorcycling is expensive, try snowmobiling!

01-02-2019, 08:00 AM
... See the surgeon next Monday and it looks like rotator cuff surgery is in my future. MRI shows 3 of the 4 tendons/muscles are pulled bad; 1 of those 3 is completely torn. All of the things I’ve done over lots of years has caught up with me...again!!!
If it has to be done (rotator cuff), now is the time of year to do it.
Not fun.
Had right shoulder replaced 2016. Painful part was the therapy. But WELL worth it.
No problem picking up the "B" with my replacement. . . don't ask how I know :rolleyes:

01-02-2019, 08:36 AM
Thanks. Look fotward and dread it at the same time.

If it has to be done (rotator cuff), now is the time of year to do it.
Not fun.
Had right shoulder replaced 2016. Painful part was the therapy. But WELL worth it.
No problem picking up the "B" with my replacement. . . don't ask how I know :rolleyes:

01-02-2019, 11:22 AM
This fall I tried one of Honda's recommended (owners manual) storage hints that I have never done before. Remove plugs and put a teaspoon of oil in each cylinder and crank her over a few times. A bit of a pain in the ass but thought I'd give it a try. My bike sits for 5 months in a very cold garage. Of course fresh engine oil and battery in the house.

01-02-2019, 12:03 PM
This fall I tried one of Honda's recommended (owners manual) storage hints that I have never done before. Remove plugs and put a teaspoon of oil in each cylinder and crank her over a few times. A bit of a pain in the ass but thought I'd give it a try. My bike sits for 5 months in a very cold garage. Of course fresh engine oil and battery in the house.
I do the same with a boat motor and the Norton, however I use a spray can of fogger.
That might be easier than using a spoon of oil.
The B is always ready to ride as I hope to get it out at least once each month this winter.

01-02-2019, 03:51 PM
This fall I tried one of Honda's recommended (owners manual) storage hints that I have never done before. Remove plugs and put a teaspoon of oil in each cylinder and crank her over a few times. A bit of a pain in the ass but thought I'd give it a try. My bike sits for 5 months in a very cold garage. Of course fresh engine oil and battery in the house.

I haven't heard that before. My first thought was would it work or be necessary with a flat configuration? I'd always considered flat motors to be a natural position for existing oil to rest. My old boxer airhead and my old VW's always had a residual amount of oil in the cylinders at startup. Of course, if you are doing it, an old school kickstarter would be ideal for a gentle couple of strokes, but the technology has evolved away from the kick starters.

01-02-2019, 08:55 PM
It's supposed to get up to 42 here this weekend, might be able to get in another ride depending on how much salt is left on the road. It's snowing right now. I did manage 300 miles in December, not bad for these parts! I like to cheat ol man winter whenever I can.


01-03-2019, 12:09 AM
It's supposed to get up to 42 here this weekend, might be able to get in another ride depending on how much salt is left on the road. It's snowing right now. I did manage 300 miles in December, not bad for these parts! I like to cheat ol man winter whenever I can.



I notice 5 posts...Welcome to the B hive!

01-05-2019, 09:38 AM
55 F and sunny yesterday. Filled up the tank with some fresh non-ethanol, and hit the highways for a quick 40 miles. Not bad out! Thing is, I like to take backroads during the season, and that is a no-no on a warm day in January with salt and sand on those roads.

This was just a few hours after I rode my snowmobile at my camp up north.


01-05-2019, 10:11 PM
Every year I like to get at least one ride in every winter month here in Western PA. Last year I put almost 1000 miles on the B in February. Got January chalked up for 2019 today. Sunny and high 40's, nice little 80 mile jaunt. ��

01-05-2019, 10:41 PM
...riding to teach MSF class tomorrow...
Living in Florida doesn't suck...

01-06-2019, 03:26 PM
I was able to get out for a few hours today, the temps made it to 39 and with heated gear it wasn't bad at all. Had to throw a little rock salt down on the shaded spots on my drive way, the ice was being stubborn there. That made me think that some of the shaded back roads probably would have some ice as well so I decided to stick to the highways. Oh well, wasn't much else to do, football for us fans from Michigan has been done for a while now.