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View Full Version : MP3 Rear rack.

Ghost Rider
02-12-2019, 05:13 PM
I have seen lot of people say these racks are almost impossible to find. I saw someone post several months ago they bought one off on Ebay for $170. My question what is one worth? or what is someone will to pay for one?

02-12-2019, 05:50 PM
Any Harley Davidson

02-12-2019, 06:07 PM
I still like the way you think.

02-12-2019, 07:09 PM
If you have one, I am interested. Value would depend on condition.

02-12-2019, 07:41 PM
I ain't selling mine...

02-12-2019, 08:22 PM
Just wondering can that rack be made by someone else like a machine shop if someone would take the rack there and have it duplicated?

02-13-2019, 09:29 AM
There may still be a patent on it. If you were doing it for your self and not for resale you most likely could get away with it. A minor change in a cut might protect you if you are going to produce it for resale.

02-13-2019, 12:31 PM
If we're going to reproduce a rack, my vote is for the one with the F6B embedded in it.....

02-13-2019, 12:51 PM
I have seen lot of people say these racks are almost impossible to find. I saw someone post several months ago they bought one off on Ebay for $170. My question what is one worth? or what is someone will to pay for one?

If I remember correctly they sold for a little less than that when they were in stock. I have one and I like the lines of the rack on the back of the B.

They are nice but...maybe another rack will suit your needs instead, especially if you're angling for something like a GIVI box to mount. Don't get lured in by someone hoping to make a profit at your expense.

02-13-2019, 01:17 PM
If we're going to reproduce a rack, my vote is for the one with the F6B embedded in it.....

Anyone interested in manufacturing one of these, I'm in for one.
Had one and sold it to a member here, but wish I had kept it, it was great when heading out for the F6B Forum Rallies.
Love to have one back on my bike for this years rally.
BTW, any word on dates and a location yet?? Inquiring minds.............

Ghost Rider
02-13-2019, 03:49 PM
Yes I have a F6B rack it is in excellent shape. I also have a Show Chrome Black was on bike a few days never used. That rack on classified section but no interest. I will sell the MP3 rack. And use Show Chrome on my new bike, If someone wants to make very serious offer. last one I know that was bought was $170. offers must be more to be considered. PM me if interested.

02-14-2019, 09:52 AM
If we're going to reproduce a rack, my vote is for the one with the F6B embedded in it.....

I tried to message the guy who designed and made the “F6B”rack to see if he would share the CNC file. I heard he sold his bike and doesn’t visit the site anymore. If anyone has info on how to contact him please let me know.

02-15-2019, 01:42 PM
Anyone interested in manufacturing one of these, I'm in for one.
Had one and sold it to a member here, but wish I had kept it, it was great when heading out for the F6B Forum Rallies.
Love to have one back on my bike for this years rally.
BTW, any word on dates and a location yet?? Inquiring minds.............

I can't vouch for this product, but a quick search on Amazon yielded this...


02-15-2019, 01:59 PM
That is the standard size rack, same as from Honda. Here is the standard and MP3 side by side. 6214