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View Full Version : Help! There's a snake in my bike!

09-24-2019, 06:50 AM
Anyone ever had this issue? Yesterday I'm in my garage where I keep my '13 red/black F6B. I notice something strange; there's a small snake coiled around the r/s mirror. No problem, I'll get my grabber and grab it. I missed and it disappeared somewhere inside all that plastic & aluminum. If you haven't noticed on yours there are a lot of nooks and crannies for a snake to hide. Or, several snakes to hide. I do have the advantage though; I know it's in there. But, I still think I might have a heart attack if while cruising the twisty, curvy highways & byways of middle TN it decides to have a look around to see what the faint vibration is all about. It's probably a harmless critter even though it looks like a Coral snake which isn't even supposed to be in this area. What to do? Not sure, but I am sure I don't want to do any riding til I know he's gone! If you've had a similar situation or you're a snake expert or looking to buy a '13 red/black garaged F6B in almost perfect condition, I would love to hear from you.

Thank you!

09-24-2019, 07:40 AM
You need a recorder and the snake charmer sheet music.

09-24-2019, 08:44 AM
Snakes do not like vibration or excessive heat. Start your bike up and see if it’ll come out. To bad you don’t have a Harley as it would probably run from it.

09-24-2019, 02:41 PM
fishingtom - Hmm. Being a red/black snake, maybe he/she just felt a sudden kinship to the red/black bike. :)

Given your location, I agree with you that it's likely not a coral, but rather a scarlet king snake, which mimics a coral. Since you're 5 years in, have you done the air filter? Might be a good time to finally do that task if you have not, and evict the little critter while you do. :D


09-25-2019, 02:11 PM
Sayings that help identify if it is a poisonous coral snake or the non-poisonous scarlet king snake:
Red Touch Yellow - Kills a Fellow
Red Touch Black - Venom Lack
Yellow Touches Red - Soon You'll Be Dead
Red Touches Black - Friend of Jack

If the snake has a black nose, it's a Coral Snake. That's a good hint.:D

09-25-2019, 05:40 PM
If the snake has a black nose, it's a Coral Snake. That's a good hint.:D

I've always confused the 2, the BLACK nose tip is easy to remember !!!! Thanks Larry !

09-25-2019, 08:58 PM
There’s only four venomous snakes in your neck of the woods and a Coral is not one of them. Probably a King which makes a very nice pet if you can coax him out of your bike.

09-26-2019, 05:37 AM
That's the first thing I tried but to no avail. This thing seems to like a little vibration and the heat generated by the engine as well as the racket from the stereo cranked all the way up. Maybe it's a teensnake! I've also tried compressed air and my shop vac.

Thanks for the suggestion.

09-26-2019, 06:49 PM
Put a car tire on it.��

09-26-2019, 06:50 PM

09-26-2019, 08:27 PM