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12-04-2013, 11:58 AM
What do YOU think?


12-04-2013, 08:22 PM


Steve 0080
12-05-2013, 12:59 AM
All I can tell you is..... that the Dept of Home Land Security has purchased more bullets in the last couple of years than we have EVER FIRED before...and the procurement will last the U.S. Government three lifetimes..... Long story short " if you can not buy bullets you can not shoot guns".... he wins, the long way around!

Retired Army
12-05-2013, 09:35 AM
Does this mean less bullet holes in the Tupperware?:banghead:

12-05-2013, 08:53 PM
I personally would not put anything past this administration and politicians in general. They consider us to stupid to know what is good for us, after all, that is why we voted them in, isn't it , to do what is best for us ? lol

Retired Army
12-18-2013, 01:20 PM
Two things that will be with humanity till the end of time, racism & guns.

12-19-2013, 12:29 PM
Thanks to EPA regulations, state regulations, and military goals, traditional lead ammo is on its way out and "green bullets" are on their way in.

As Breitbart News reported on December 1, EPA regulations led to the closing of the Herculaneam lead smelter in Herculaneum, Missouri, which is expected to push up prices for traditional lead ammo.
On top of this are regulations like the recent statewide lead ammo ban in California. Signed by Governor Jerry Brown (D) on October 11, this ban forces hunters to seek out nontraditional alternatives for their ammunition. In this way, the ban mandates "green bullets" by default.
Moreover, as Fox News reports, the military has set 2018 as its target date to have troops operating lead-ammo-free. "Green bullets" have been under testing at Picatinny Arsenal since 2010, and the Army plans to issue "a lead-free version of the 7.62 mm rounds fired from M-14 rifles... in 2014." The Army already switched to a greener 5.56 mm "enhanced performance round" in 2010.
With the military committing to the switch, the EPA making smelting a tougher business, and governors passing state-level lead ammo bans, experts say "lead bullets will be all but phased out within a few years in favor of so-called green bullets."

Does the new ammo perform as well as the old? That is one question that has yet to be answered.

12-19-2013, 01:11 PM
Never did I imagine the word "green" could carry such ominous and negative implications. :crazy2:

12-19-2013, 01:35 PM
Metal jacket filled with????

Ceramic bullets have (or were) used for practice by some branch's of the military in indoor firing ranges,, (I visited such a range in San Antonio a few years ago)

Visited a another facility where the Military was using air-powered replica's of hand guns / rifles / SAWS,,, taking aim at a 'Virtual" infantry invasion projected on the wall. Firearms were true to size and weight. Air was used in the weapons to simulate recoil. (A multi-million dollar version of a multi-player Atari!!!) Computer registered hits/misses/ammo used in a certain length of time, etc etc etc, .

'We' (Construction Representatives) were allowed to try it out. When finished, the Instructor told us safest place for the enemy to stand was directly in front of me! :icon_lol: (I should have been using a SAW instead of the 45 pistol!)

BUT,,, back to the topic, it will be interesting to see if they come up with something that ~works~ and can be enjoyed :yikes: by all!!!! (I guess that depends on what end of the barrel you're on!!! LOL!!)

Steve 0080
12-19-2013, 10:56 PM
Ummmmmm... so the EPA doesn't care if you are killed by a bullet...they just don't want your corpse to get lead poisoning ?????

That is why this country is headed down the tubes... and on top of that Phil, the Duck Commander is in trouble for paraphrasing the BIBLE..... better dust of you Korans...