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View Full Version : Scammer Warning

01-05-2023, 11:25 AM
The guy in the pic, or someone posing as him, was selling an Ultimate seat for $200 on Face Book F6B Owners Page to “help a buddy” in need. He appeared legit and said the right things.
I went back and forth with him until my wife reminded me that I had been scammed a few months ago with a similar deal. So I reluctantly bailed.

The ad disappeared so I figured someone had snapped up the seat and I didn’t bother warning anyone about it.

Today, I saw another unfortunate member got scammed by the same pos. Now I have to bury my head up my ass and tell my wife she was right. Again.

https://scontent-dfw5-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/323430874_493193419592412_4395367296931886600_n.jp g?stp=cp6_dst-jpg&_nc_cat=109&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5cd70e&_nc_ohc=7qlSLwyYvcUAX9xreed&tn=k8hqq3ayKwgku09U&_nc_ht=scontent-dfw5-1.xx&oh=00_AfAVaZTiAxiyVqbxKdDzp8i_EkjIn1FkAndGaDRXDT5G KQ&oe=63BBB2F1

01-06-2023, 09:15 AM
CRAP! He got me yesterday for $125 for the same seat.

01-06-2023, 09:56 AM
Somebody needs to do a little digging and make a few calls. Maybe you can put a stop to the scum

01-06-2023, 11:02 AM
We run a couple of FaceBook Groups for the Rallies that we put on.
We see this all of the time. We now have it set up so we have to look at the person and information posted and approve anyone joining and also their first post. Anyone that has nothing in the overview and we can not see where they are from is banned from even joining along with people that appear to have taken over accounts. We even have idiots with shirts and everything else submitting posts to us to approve, all fraud from overseas.
Before you even think about doing business with anyone like that click on their name and look at everything, most of the time it is obvious. This one has posts, but nothing at all in the about information and where he is from, is a complete guess.

Even on this Forum you have to give us your location when applying to be a member. We verify where you say you are at compared to your IP Address, if it is not close we delete immediately. We have some people that decide to give fake cities and states when putting in their information here, automatic delete.

01-06-2023, 11:32 AM
We run a couple of FaceBook Groups for the Rallies that we put on.
We see this all of the time. We now have it set up so we have to look at the person and information posted and approve anyone joining and also their first post. Anyone that has nothing in the overview and we can not see where they are from is banned from even joining along with people that appear to have taken over accounts. We even have idiots with shirts and everything else submitting posts to us to approve, all fraud from overseas.
Before you even think about doing business with anyone like that click on their name and look at everything, most of the time it is obvious. This one has posts, but nothing at all in the about information and where he is from, is a complete guess.

Even on this Forum you have to give us your location when applying to be a member. We verify where you say you are at compared to your IP Address, if it is not close we delete immediately. We have some people that decide to give fake cities and states when putting in their information here, automatic delete.

Many people (including me) use a VPN now when accessing the Internet. So trying to marry up someone's actual location with an IP address is not feasible anymore.

01-06-2023, 11:54 AM
Use a proxy from now on if you're going to buy anything off the internet from a private person. A little more $ but you won't get shafted.

01-06-2023, 04:31 PM
He’s still on Face Book and answering texts saying the seat is still available. Spread the word to help others avoid getting scammed. Sorry it was too late for you Steve.