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View Full Version : Nor Cal unification rally

Ebony Deluxe
01-08-2014, 09:10 AM
Any of you Nor Cal riders going to this event? Just found out not long ago. Gathering of riders to to protest intrusive state laws on motorcycles. Sounds interesting. Gathering is at noon, January 11th state capital, 1400 tenth st. Sacto.

01-08-2014, 01:18 PM
Attend this event if you ride. If you just park your ride in the garage and look at it you can pass on this one.

Get involved with an SMRO (States Motorcycle Rights Organization) like ABATE, etc.
The clowns in the state hose will have you going to the dealer for service and parts because it will be illegal to buy ANYTHING that is not OEM for your ride. Been tried twice at the federal level already. This kind of legislative abuse could close every independent shop and parts store in your state.

The founding fathers of this country obviously overlooked making motorcycle riding one of the "unalienable rights".

Ebony Deluxe
01-08-2014, 02:02 PM
Amen to that. The state has no concept of freedom. All they concern themselves is how to create laws and positions to benefit themselves, and their cronies. Less laws, less government = freedom.

01-08-2014, 03:43 PM
That is the same day as the Easy Rider Show at the Sacramento Convention Center (6 blocks away). There could be a big turn out.

01-21-2014, 10:11 AM
The clowns in the state hose will have you going to the dealer for service and parts because it will be illegal to buy ANYTHING that is not OEM for your ride. Been tried twice at the federal level already. This kind of legislative abuse could close every independent shop and parts store in your state.

I didn't realize there was pending legislation on this issue. Can you help me out with a source?

01-21-2014, 11:14 AM
I can only assume of what's pending as no clear definition has been given.

Moss Magnuson will protect some aftermarket parts, so no worry there,

"Off road use only" aftermarket exhausts are already illegal. It's another one of those laws that (mostly) goes un-enforced, at least for now,,,

What, exactly, is pending? :shrug:

01-21-2014, 12:42 PM
Go to the "Motorcycle Riders Foundation" web site, read it thoroughly and then join up.
They are the best watchdog on national legislation I know of.

OEM parts only has been brought up twice in recent sessions here in Oregon. The "off road" issue was designed to remove exhaust systems that are too loud and lights that are over wattage, etc.

If you don't get active in your home state you can sit back and watch your liberty being stripped away.
We have a former ER doctor for governor who announces what legislation he approves of and nobody has the ba##s to call him a dictator.
They have a list of doctors who cry like they spend 18-20 hours a day putting the mangled skulls of bikers back together when in fact, government statistics show helmets are effective only 37% of the time. Women have the "right to choose" but bikers don't and bicyclists skulls are assumed to be crash proof at age 16. Go figure.

There are web sites from the state gov't that track all the pending legislation so it's easy to keep abreast of which house of the legislature is considering what.

Good luck, make your voice heard and your vote felt.

01-21-2014, 12:48 PM