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View Full Version : Goodbye to F6B

01-25-2014, 07:10 AM
Sadly I traded in my F6B for a cruiser. For the 11 months I had the F6B it was a Fun ride with one superlative machine. The F6B is unmatched in its delivery with a fantastic engine and handling ability. But, I had to move on and accept that the F6B is just a little too big for me to handle. The years take their toll and as the knees begin to go I realized that trying to handle a bike of that size and weight was just getting too hard. On the open road it was a dream, but only being able to Tip-Toe when stopped kept taking the fun out of the rides. Since most of my rides were short, day trips and around town the F6B became uncomfortable to deal with. Having gone through the process of shaving seats and lowering on other bikes only to not be happy with the change in characteristics of the bike, I decided I was not going to do that to the F6B. Ride Safe everyone and know that you're riding one of the BEST of the bikes out there.


01-25-2014, 07:59 AM
Good luck with your next bike :yes:

01-25-2014, 08:26 AM
Sorry to see you go, jlig! What cruiser did you go with? Ride safe!

01-25-2014, 08:32 AM
Ride safe, change is good.

01-25-2014, 11:54 AM
Sorry to hear you had to give up your F6 but riding anything beats not ridin at all.
Hope your new ride works out well for you! 'riding'

Steve 0080
01-25-2014, 12:02 PM
At least you are still riding !!!! Good luck!!!

Elin in So. Cal.
01-26-2014, 11:05 AM
So sorry that you've run into one of those places in life where what you want to do doesn't match what you can do. Like the others, I, too, am glad to know you're still riding. One of these days, I am going to have to "oversize" to a trike because of no longer having the strength to "manhandle" this bike's 800+ pounds.

I'm continuing to do the things necessary to put that day further out--keeping strong, not carrying "too" much extra lubs on my frame, and always wearing footwear with lugged soles for traction.

I'm just 64" tall, so I ride with minimum 1" heels to flat-foot the bike. (My 1.5 heeled HD boots work really well).

So I'm really with you on your decision, and know it wasn't an easy one. But keep riding, and perhaps (since you're in SoCal, too) I'll get to ride with you on the twisties.

01-26-2014, 11:56 AM
In the end, it doesn't matter what you ride. More important is that you can keep riding if you choose. Enjoy the search for your next ride and please share details about your test rides and buying experience.

Best wishes on your search!


Tom Foolery
01-26-2014, 09:56 PM
Hey Jlig,
Sorry to hear that you had to trade your ride, but as Clint Eastwood once said
"a man's got to know his limitations" and good for you for knowing yours!

Long Beach, CA.

01-27-2014, 09:27 AM
Honestly, the wifes Vulcan 900 was a hoot around town or putt'in out on the backroads!!! :yes: It wasn't really cut out for the super-slab, but other than, it was care-free cruising!

As long as you have your knees in the breeze and your wearin a smile, its all good! :yes: