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View Full Version : Farewell F6B Riders

02-02-2014, 12:52 PM
FSIXB_AZ has rolled up on his last stoplight. I have sold my bike to a buyer in Henderson Nevada, he will come down to Phoenix and pick it up next week and trailer it back to it's new home. I sold the bike for 17,300 and had a few interested parties. The F6B has been the best street bike I've ever owned without question, there isn't anything I didn't like about the bike, personal reasons force the sale after only 7 months of ownership. I've logged on to this site everyday since joining and have really enjoyed all the posts. I'll be retiring in 3 years so if the F6B is still in production look for me again in 2017 with a new F6B, unless of course something else has come on the scene that is better, which would be a very tall order ....Ride safe everyone :039:

Steve 0080
02-02-2014, 01:06 PM
It has been a pleasure having you as a F6B owner !!! You are still welcome on this board anytime !!!!!

02-02-2014, 01:09 PM
What Steve 0080 said.

Paul B Blues
02-02-2014, 02:00 PM
Thanks for your kind words, been good to have you along. All the very best for the future :thumb:

02-02-2014, 02:38 PM
Too bad we never got to go for a ride. Maybe next time.

02-03-2014, 12:02 AM
FSIXB_AZ has rolled up on his last stoplight. I have sold my bike to a buyer in Henderson Nevada, he will come down to Phoenix and pick it up next week and trailer it back to it's new home. I sold the bike for 17,300 and had a few interested parties. The F6B has been the best street bike I've ever owned without question, there isn't anything I didn't like about the bike, personal reasons force the sale after only 7 months of ownership. I've logged on to this site everyday since joining and have really enjoyed all the posts. I'll be retiring in 3 years so if the F6B is still in production look for me again in 2017 with a new F6B, unless of course something else has come on the scene that is better, which would be a very tall order ....Ride safe everyone :039:

Aw damn, sometimes life deals that card. I hope you're back in action sooner than you think.

02-03-2014, 05:13 AM
Sorry you had to sell your ride, but life goes on.
Hope to see you back :039: