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View Full Version : Well, I got the OK but.....

02-08-2014, 08:38 PM
My wife said OK to me buying an F6B but I have to sell my Honda VTX 1300R. Told her I was willing to do that to be able to get what I want. She also said that this would be my last bike and I was even OK with that cause I know the quality of the 1800's. I've been talking to Bill Casey in Russelville, Ar., and may buy it from them if I can't find what I want around here. I'm partial to the color green and like their signature green color. There's a bike painter in South Carolina, BD"s cycle, and I want to talk to him before I do anything. Really happy right now!!!!:041:

02-08-2014, 09:36 PM
My wife said OK to me buying an F6B but I have to sell my Honda VTX 1300R. Told her I was willing to do that to be able to get what I want. She also said that this would be my last bike and I was even OK with that cause I know the quality of the 1800's. I've been talking to Bill Casey in Russelville, Ar., and may buy it from them if I can't find what I want around here. I'm partial to the color green and like their signature green color. There's a bike painter in South Carolina, BD"s cycle, and I want to talk to him before I do anything. Really happy right now!!!!:041:

Still haven't told the SO that I bought one, she will find out in due time.

02-09-2014, 08:30 AM
She said it will be my last bike - that's the running joke with my wife and friends - they have a pool running for which month and year I switch to a different ride.

Enjoy your new ride!

02-09-2014, 09:37 AM
She said it will be my last bike - that's the running joke with my wife and friends - they have a pool running for which month and year I switch to a different ride.

Enjoy your new ride!
Yea, Mine said this is the last one two Harleys ago but she's still married to me................Dickie

02-09-2014, 10:14 AM
My sweetie and I have different interests, we work out the details so that each of us can enjoy the things we like.:yes:

opas ride
02-09-2014, 12:12 PM
Been with my wife for 48 years now and she told me 8 bikes ago that "this is your last bike"...!! Well here we are with a new F6B and at 74 years old she may finally be right.....Saw a T-shirt at a BMW dealer last year that read..."How many bikes is enough....Just one more"..