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View Full Version : windshield venting

02-21-2014, 10:29 AM
I know it's another windshield question but I am curious. I have pretty much decided on the Cee-Baileys windscreen. I'm thinking 13". I was wondering if getting the vent is worth it or not. I live in Dallas and it does get pretty hot here. I was wanting the opaque and don't want to kill the look with the vent, but if it's worth it, I might. What do you guys think of a vent?

02-21-2014, 10:36 AM
I know it's another windshield question but I am curious. I have pretty much decided on the Cee-Baileys windscreen. I'm thinking 13". I was wondering if getting the vent is worth it or not. I live in Dallas and it does get pretty hot here. I was wanting the opaque and don't want to kill the look with the vent, but if it's worth it, I might. What do you guys think of a vent?

You'd be nuts not to get a vent in DFW. Or really, anywhere.

Steve 0080
02-21-2014, 03:37 PM
+1 ........................

02-21-2014, 04:22 PM
You'd be nuts not to get a vent in DFW. Or really, anywhere.

Well, that confirms it...I am nuts :shock:

02-21-2014, 04:28 PM
No vent in my Madstad, at least not one mounted in the shield... :shrug:

opas ride
02-21-2014, 04:54 PM
I must be nuts also, no vent for me....Like my Baggershield the way it is.....Although it never gets as hot here as other places I suppose..

02-21-2014, 05:40 PM
Living in south central Texas gotta have a vent..........had one on Valkyrie, ST, Wing and F6.

02-21-2014, 06:02 PM
I have the 13 inch Cee Baileys Tinted with no vent. Love it.

02-21-2014, 06:08 PM
i guess i'm nuts too. no really i'm just more heat tolerant than some. baggershield/ no vent. to each his own, i can see the benefit:icon_biggrin:

Elin in So. Cal.
02-21-2014, 07:21 PM
Baggershield here, no vent. California can cook with weeks over 90 and several over 95 degrees. I even ride when it is 105+ out and use my wet vest. Switching to the F6B from a stewpot-Harley-hot-box, the F6B has been awesome withOUT the V-twin searing my nether regions.

The lack of air movement around my upper torso was a switch for me, too, so I ordered and have used the Baker hand wings. On rides with weather approaching 90 degrees, they work very well for their purpose of deflecting wind into that space. Useless at a red light, however.

For that reason, I'm considering installing an itty bitty fan on my dash.... Bwa ha ha!!!

02-21-2014, 10:16 PM
I live in Fl. Use my vent all the time. It's hot in Texas I would say yes !

02-21-2014, 10:51 PM
It doesn't make as big a difference as I thought it might. It ain't nothin', but it ain't that much.

02-21-2014, 11:10 PM
The vent just gives you options.

I actually have a baggershield adjustable (no vent). Here we are, still in "winter", I put the shield high in the morning commute this week (30-50 degrees), and pull her down on the way home (60-80 degrees). I can't imagine having no air on the face/helmet in hot weather. Well, unless you don't ride in hot (90+) weather. JMO.

Also, as a Texan, I reserve the right to call folks 'nuts' at my own discretion. :icon_lol:

02-22-2014, 07:52 AM
I'm definately nuts! no vent in S.Texas. it seems like it is just too much to keep up with + extra money on the frontend. I dont like the look...

02-22-2014, 09:38 AM
:stirthepot: Why have a single itty bitty vent through the shield when you can have 1-3 inch tall 100% adjustable vent across the entire base of the shield? :stirthepot:

02-22-2014, 11:04 AM
I have shields with and without vents but I prefer the vent for air management. Crack it open and it helps air flow a bit higher over your head, open it all the way and feel the air on your chest.

But if I was going to get an opaque shield, I don't think I would get a vent. Wouldn't look as "cool". JMHO

02-22-2014, 12:58 PM
I have shields with and without vents but I prefer the vent for air management. Crack it open and it helps air flow a bit higher over your head, open it all the way and feel the air on your chest.

But if I was going to get an opaque shield, I don't think I would get a vent. Wouldn't look as "cool". JMHO

Do many go w/the shorter opaque shield, I like the look but would probably want a smoked one for backup, say night riding.

02-22-2014, 04:25 PM
13" Cee Baileys..

I would have melted last summer riding across Death Valley without that vent!

02-22-2014, 08:06 PM
13" Cee Baileys..

I would have melted last summer riding across Death Valley without that vent!

That is because sugar melts in the hot sun. :icon_cool:

Texas TC
02-22-2014, 08:41 PM
Vent in Texas for sure!:icon_cool:

02-22-2014, 10:27 PM
Before taking delivery of my 6, I had the dealer install the OEM Windshield with vent. Spending six months in Florida, over the winter months, I have absolutely no regrets in having the shield vent. It provides a excellent stream of refreshing air on those 90+ degree days when cruising the various back-roads of Northern Florida. Having the option of some additional airflow on ones face and chest, IMHO. is priceless. The simplicity of a simple flick of the vent lever provides several "air flow adjustments" which provides adequate comfort for warm whether riding:icon_wink:

Bruce B
02-23-2014, 10:47 PM
The vent not only gives you some extra cooling air, but I think it helps cut down on any buffet and noise you may have to contend with.

I went to the Madstad so I have a 13 inch, tinted CB w/vent available for sale. I like the tinted look and visibility through it is still good if needed for a moment. It's listed in the Forum classifieds or you can PM me if interested.

02-23-2014, 11:21 PM
I know it's another windshield question but I am curious. I have pretty much decided on the Cee-Baileys windscreen. I'm thinking 13". I was wondering if getting the vent is worth it or not. I live in Dallas and it does get pretty hot here. I was wanting the opaque and don't want to kill the look with the vent, but if it's worth it, I might. What do you guys think of a vent?

I ran the convertable Baggershield in Dallas all last summer and the heat wasn't really that bad to me. Kept both sections up all season. Just took it off and bagged it up and went with a Madstad 13". There was nothing wrong at all with the Baggershied but the Madstad really sounded sweet. Received a Mustang seat the same day but I made a mistake and didn't take into account the seat height change & should have ordered an 11". Had a flat while I was attempting to dial it in... Will try again when I get another day off.

If you'd like to check out either shield I'm close. Just pm me.

02-26-2014, 12:12 PM
Because of this thread, I went ahead and tested my vent on my last ride, although it was cold outside. :shock:

It worked fantastic. It can be directed to hit your face a little or all the way down to your chest area. I am really glad I have the vent.