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View Full Version : Tomorrow the Wing World Magazine photo shoot

Elin in So. Cal.
03-09-2014, 07:34 PM
Cleaning the bike right now... because tomorrow I ride the Red Queen over to Whittier Narrows and the dam area there to meet up with a pro photographer and participate in a photo shoot for Wing World. Wow. Can you say excited? I hope the images will end up in an article. I'll do my bestest to reflect honorably on the F6B and the posse of owners who hang out here. Today the temperature is 84 degrees right now (5:20) and riding over there tomorrow will see the same high-for-this-time-of-year day. Wearing the mesh jacket!

Safety gear is a must for this shoot, and he wants me to ride the bike by him (LEANING, which isn't a problem, but the Whittier Narrows Park might limit some lean. Dunno yet.


He wants to shoot here:
And he can make it look like this with my bike in place of the bride... he's that GOOD.

I just wonder if I will look phat in the photos... sigh.

03-09-2014, 07:49 PM
.notworthy. Awsome !

03-09-2014, 08:05 PM
A well deserved opportunity. Much congrats!!!

03-09-2014, 08:10 PM
I just wonder if I will look phat in the photos... sigh.

adjective \ˈfat\

: very attractive or appealing

I'm sure both you and the bike will look very phat!

03-09-2014, 08:25 PM
A well deserved opportunity. Much congrats!!!

I second this. Well done!

Cool Hand Luke
03-09-2014, 08:35 PM
Looking forward to this. I hope somebody will post pictures from the magazine once they're published!

Deer Slayer
03-09-2014, 08:36 PM
You get my vote. Looks as if Wing World wants F6B pixs as I had two in the January 2013 issue. Go Gal...'all/right':cheers: Elin yours should be better, mine were Killboy.com photos at Deal's Gap. Good luck..

03-09-2014, 08:47 PM
I hoe your pictures make the mag. Congrats!

Steve 0080
03-09-2014, 10:03 PM
I hope your pictures make the mag. Congrats!!!!!!! Now I am jealous .batman-smilie.

Elin in So. Cal.
03-10-2014, 07:12 PM

Well, I have "x's for i's" right now, after an exciting morning being the model (*not*) for the Red Queen shoot. I tried my darndest to keep out of his lens, but he was subversive and got me into some of the pictures. He said he'll send them to me this evening, so I'm looking forward to seeing them full size. They were AMAZING on his digital screen. He used fill lights and different angles to get some really good images.

I just stood there and tried to look cute. Or like Betty Page. Maybe both. Whatever....:icon_redface:

Some excitement happened when a loose, riderless horse :kngt: galloped up from the open space. Marco and I were taking a break when I heard hoofbeats on the cement below. Saw the horse, saw no bridle, so stepped down to intercept the mare on the ramp. She wanted to stop (it was in her body language) and she did, right in front of me. I made a makeshift halter out of her breast collar and talked her anxiety down. She was a good mare, and after a few minutes, she was happy to just stand there. The rider came up in a car (picked up on the road about a half mile away) and took her back. He lost his iPod, but no one got hurt. Keeping her out of traffic was my interest, since the ramp ended on a rather busy street, and that worked.

And Marco took pictures! Of the horse. ;photog;

I'll share some (he said it was fine to share some from the shoot) when they come thru.

03-10-2014, 07:29 PM
Congrats on the photo shoot. I be sure to keep an eye out in WingWorld mag.

After seeing quite a few F6B's in Daytona that all looked the same, yours would definitely stand out.(in a good way)

03-10-2014, 08:53 PM

Well, I have "x's for i's" right now, after an exciting morning being the model (*not*) for the Red Queen shoot. I tried my darndest to keep out of his lens, but he was subversive and got me into some of the pictures. He said he'll send them to me this evening, so I'm looking forward to seeing them full size. They were AMAZING on his digital screen. He used fill lights and different angles to get some really good images.

I just stood there and tried to look cute. Or like Betty Page. Maybe both. Whatever....:icon_redface:

Some excitement happened when a loose, riderless horse :kngt: galloped up from the open space. Marco and I were taking a break when I heard hoofbeats on the cement below. Saw the horse, saw no bridle, so stepped down to intercept the mare on the ramp. She wanted to stop (it was in her body language) and she did, right in front of me. I made a makeshift halter out of her breast collar and talked her anxiety down. She was a good mare, and after a few minutes, she was happy to just stand there. The rider came up in a car (picked up on the road about a half mile away) and took her back. He lost his iPod, but no one got hurt. Keeping her out of traffic was my interest, since the ramp ended on a rather busy street, and that worked.

And Marco took pictures! Of the horse. ;photog;

I'll share some (he said it was fine to share some from the shoot) when they come thru.

Congrats, you will both look WUNNERFULL!:icon_lol:

Trike lady
03-10-2014, 09:29 PM
Congrats. You've got an F6B with a one of a kind paint job. :yes:

03-11-2014, 02:33 PM
Daymmmm! She faced down a running frightened horse?!!! :shock:

Elin in So. Cal.
03-11-2014, 08:56 PM
Daymmmm! She faced down a running frightened horse?!!! :shock:

Don't mess with this broad. I "got my tough on" today around here!!!

And speaking of that, here's the first image he sent me of the shoot. Doesn't show enough of the bike, and he took a BUNCH, so this oen is more for art and fun. I'm stoked!!!


Mr. Marco Patino is one GOOD photographer. I found out he paved the way by shooting all the cars for Low Rider magazine back in the day....(makes even me look good!) He did groundbreaking shots like this low angle to show off the cars. Now all the photographers do it.

03-11-2014, 08:57 PM
Way too tough a stance for that paint job! LOL.