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View Full Version : Long Ride Ideas

06-08-2014, 04:16 PM
I have an opportunity to ride from North Texas to Minneapolis for a 10 day assignment at the Convention Center this month. I've never driven north before. It's always been east or west. Looks like a 15 hour drive which I think I can do in 2 days. My question for those that live in Minneapolis is, is it worth having my bike there to get around & what is it like up there? Are there any alternate routes from Kansas City north that way be nice rides?

Thx for any recommendations!

06-08-2014, 04:33 PM
Buzz, I live in Wi but work in the Cities and ride w/ a riding club in the Cities. I personally do not like to ride their, the roads suck and to many people on their phones but I am sure thats any big city, I spend the day driving around the metro, in a service van and go home to small town Wi. What are your possible dates, maybe some things will be going on at that time.

06-08-2014, 09:23 PM
I'm going to leave here the 19th or 20th and check in the 23rd in Minneapolis. I finish there the 3rd then going to Tennessee to visit family and meet my wife. May leave Texas earlier if if there is something going on.