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06-19-2014, 04:40 AM
http://techcrunch.com/2014/06/18/harley-davidson-might-be-making-an-electric-motorcycle/ .batman-smilie.

06-19-2014, 05:20 AM
It will be the first Harley ever that doesn't leak oil! :clap2:

06-19-2014, 06:32 AM

Deer Slayer
06-19-2014, 07:49 AM
Ponder, does one get a CD of Harley noise so as to fit in the Fantasy Harley World? :yikes:

06-19-2014, 08:02 AM
Ponder, does one get a CD of Harley noise so as to fit in the Fantasy Harley World? :yikes:

Yes and a fake oil puddle to leave under your bike where-ever you park it.

Steve 0080
06-19-2014, 08:21 AM
I guess that is better than finding rice puddled under yours……… :stirthepot:

06-19-2014, 08:29 AM
I guess that is better than finding rice puddled under yours……… :stirthepot:

Lol not going to take that bait

Retired Army
06-19-2014, 10:40 AM
They are equipped with a large set of speakers and amp to produce the patented Harley racquet.

06-19-2014, 10:49 AM
Some truth to the name Hardly Davidson. They need to focus on some other things. Want me to name them?

06-19-2014, 03:29 PM

Texas TC
06-19-2014, 04:05 PM
Being from Texas where cattle and oil are staples, I never paid too much attention to this electric transportation fad. However, last week I rode in a Tesla owned by one of the Republic of Texas Biker Rally promoters and I cannot believe I am saying this but I was impressed. Those electic cars have unbelievable torque. 0-60 is truely impressive. I am not ready to start hugging trees, giving up internal combustion engines or buying in to the global warming myth, but electric vehicles can be a lot of fun to ride or drive. Their drawback is the limited range provided by current battery technology and, of course, cost!

06-19-2014, 05:13 PM
The Tesla is a fun car, and I think HD is brilliant to get into this. If anyone has a chance to make an electric motorcycle profitable on a large scale, it would be Harley.
Face it, if any other bike manufacturer put out an electric bike like that, it would be seen by the majority of the motorcycle culture as less than cool. With the Harley name and cachet, the bike will gain an automatic acceptance it couldn't from any other manufacturer.

I would love to have one of these for my daily commute, but I'll bet it will cost a mint (just like the Tesla).

06-19-2014, 06:47 PM
NEWSFLASH.......Harley comes out with another model that still will only go 100 miles before service!

06-19-2014, 08:31 PM

06-19-2014, 08:41 PM
All the trepidation about going to water-cooling, and they think is a good move?

Obviously NOT meant for the masses,,, Just for the Techno-Heads with tons of disposable income. (Techno Heads,,,, You know, the kind of folks who have panic attacks if they don't know where their smart phone or tablet is,,,,, :jerkit: )

Well,,,, I predict HD will have many, many years to 'dial it all in' before they have to worry about anything that resembles 'assembly line production',,,,

Like a sign on a certain TX Hill Country restaurant,,,, advertising it's Chicken Fried Steak,,, After a few years, HD can also claim "Nearly 3 dozen sold!"

06-19-2014, 08:43 PM
I guess we can expect a scooter next since they have included an electric bike along with a copy of Yamaha's Bolt, that's made in India BTW, in their lineup.

Another reason why I have never cared for HD. Here's to you HD :moon:

06-19-2014, 08:55 PM
The LiveWire offers 74 horsepower, 52 foot-pounds of torque and a (governed) top speed of 92 mph. It’s more powerful and quicker off the line than the $13,000 Zero DS, but it’s got less torque and range. That said, it’s got more torque and power than Harley’s Iron 883.

Still, Harley execs and engineers don’t like talking about specs. They don’t want potential customers making judgments based on what the LiveWire offers right now. The LiveWire is a work in progress, based on “what we think our customers are looking for,” Richer says. The company hopes to glean more info during the LiveWire tour, and iterate accordingly to suit consumer tastes. Think of this as LiveWire v1.0.

Harley isn’t saying much about the drivetrain beyond saying the bike uses a lithium-ion battery with a range of 53 miles. It charges in 3.5 hours at 220 volts. Assuming the bike has a 3.3 kw charging system like other electric motorcycles, some back-of-the-envelope math suggests the LiveWire uses a 10 kilowatt-hour pack. Twist the throttle and the bike leaps forward with authority. Roll off the throttle and the regenerative braking kicks in, bringing the bike down from speed with due efficiency.

Zero to 60 MPH in under 4 seconds.

With a range of 53 mph, and a top speed of 92, if ya pegged it at 92 mph, that 53 miles would take ya about ~35~ minutes,,, then ya sit for another 3 1/2 hrs,,, That gives you a sustainable average speed of ~about~ 13 mph,,,

Don't really give a flyin fug if it can go 0 to 60 in 4 seconds,, I'll race ya from Dallas to Houston,,, you on a 'lectric Hog, and me on a moped,,, I'd still whup that 'lectric lemon!!! :icon_laugh:


06-19-2014, 10:20 PM
I wonder what the price tag will be on "Sparky"?

Bruce B
06-19-2014, 11:14 PM
I think the operative words are "work in progress". I don't expect this to amount to anything except a research vehicle until the day we see electric cars as an economical and practical alternative for a person to own as his sole vehicle. I love the idea of a fake oil puddle to place under it. Maybe the lack of vibration will help keep it from self destructing.

06-20-2014, 02:09 AM
I can't wait to ride one!

06-20-2014, 02:04 PM
I think EVs are the future. Not due to an increase in tree hugging, it's because oil is getting harder and harder to come by. It is a finite resource. One of my favorite ideas was making battery stations just like gas stations. Running low in electrons? Pull into the station and get a battery swap. Takes about the same amount of time as it does to fill up with gas and when it gets close to the same cost I think it will take off. What I'm hearing a lot of people say about EVs today sounds a lot like what people were saying about horseless carriages some years ago.

What amazes me is that Harley has this thing out on the road. Not a market for expensive electric bikes yet? Not a market for Honda's expensive robots yet either, but Honda did it anyways. Not a market for Honda's little electric people movers yet either, but again, Honda did it anyways.

My hat's off to Honda for doing the robot/mover/jet thing. My hat's off to Harley for finally, finally doing something way different.

06-20-2014, 02:21 PM
Possible EV's are the way of the future, but Harley only did this to get the rest of the line up numbers on fuel economy down across the whole group to satisfy the EPA and govt. In my opinion. Fiat did the exact same thing and begged the public not to buy one because they are losing their asses on each one sold. The CEO said he would not sell one unit more then they had to.

06-20-2014, 03:02 PM
Funny how EV's are supposed to be the "wave of the future". Guess where the power to charge batteries comes from? Are we gonna cover the planet in windmills and solar panels? Guess what, it's takes a hell of a lot of oil to manufacture, build, transport and maintain that stuff. And batteries. And EV's.

We have the largest nuclear power plant in America here in AZ but when is the last time we built a new one?

Where's all this magical energy going to come from? :icon_doh:

06-20-2014, 03:05 PM
I think EVs are the future. Not due to an increase in tree hugging, it's because oil is getting harder and harder to come by.

Huh? :bs:

Oil is very abundant and a very lucrative business for the world economy. Choking it out like coal will only hurt our country as well as the world economy.
If people want electric cars and bikes that's great but in a free country, free choices is what made it great.
Seems I remember when solar panels were said to be the future too, think that was in the late 80's. Time will time.

Possible EV's are the way of the future, but Harley only did this to get the rest of the line up numbers on fuel economy down across the whole group to satisfy the EPA and govt. In my opinion. Fiat did the exact same thing and begged the public not to buy one because they are losing their asses on each one sold. The CEO said he would not sell one unit more then they had to.

Exactly :yes:, and as the government puts it's boot on the necks of businesses with stifling regulations they will find a way to get around it, just like the CEO of Fiat is doing. Same thing has happened to HD by choosing to build their Bolt copy in India.

06-20-2014, 05:25 PM
Would any of you be interested in getting yourself an electric F6B if it became available?

06-20-2014, 07:54 PM
When electric vehicles perform better and cost less than petro powered they will dominate. I will wait and hope the next batch of politicians loosen the reins on American energy production and allow the free market to determine when alternative energy makes sense.

06-20-2014, 08:39 PM
I think the operative words are "work in progress".


Never meant for the masses. More potential as P.R. / "Come see the Wire, ride off on StreetGlide" than anything more.

Lotsa folks in several forums say they'd like to ride one,,,, Very few are saying they would actually buy one,,, :icon_wink:

Like I say,,, Come see the wire,,,,,

06-20-2014, 08:43 PM
Would any of you be interested in getting yourself an electric F6B if it became available?

Nope. I need a bike that can run all day w/o having to stop and sit for hours to recharge.

06-20-2014, 10:39 PM
Would any of you be interested in getting yourself an electric F6B if it became available? :tapfing: Yes...with the following caveats, it must have a 200 mile range between 2 hr charges and be able to maintain triple digit speeds, all while hauling my fat a$$ around.:yikes:

06-21-2014, 07:59 AM
Would any of you be interested in getting yourself an electric F6B if it became available?

I spend money on after market exhaust systems just to hear the IC engine better. What do you think :icon_rolleyes:?

06-21-2014, 07:37 PM
Someone told me today that my F6B sounded better than the HD.... :041:

06-21-2014, 08:09 PM
Harley has lost its way. Harley manufacturing plants in India, liquid cooling and now electric bikes. It's so un-Harley.

06-22-2014, 09:25 AM
Harley has lost its way. Harley manufacturing plants in India, liquid cooling and now electric bikes. It's so un-Harley.

Not really, they had their name on two stokes as well as golf carts. It's all a faux image and good marketing skills to fool the masses.

06-22-2014, 10:31 AM
c'mon yall, harley had to grab back some attention since our f6 came out!:icon_mrgreen:

06-24-2014, 02:40 PM
Would any of you be interested in getting yourself an electric F6B if it became available?

It wouldn't be an F6 (flat 6 cyl) if it was electric. :icon_biggrin:

maybe a E0B. ;) an electic zero cylinder bagger.

Bruce B
06-24-2014, 03:23 PM
If EVs were perfected tomorrow, where would the needed power come from to keep them charged? Electricity does not appear magically at a power outlet in your garage. And any kind of power generation has it's own brand of pollution and side effects. If, magically, adequate electricity generation with no pollution or adverse side effects were perfected tomorrow. we still aren't even close to having the distribution infrastructure needed to get the power out to the people. I support use of our own country's petroleum resources as well as renewed development of nuclear power. Increased power needs should drive development of the distribution grid. We can not continue being slaves to foreign oil. Practical EVs will come, but don't put off trading in your old Suburban, Prius, or bagger because you hear PR dept. talk of the wonders of their newest EV (read that as "research vehicle"). The posts I've read here indicate that most Forum members have their feet sensibly planted on the ground regarding the EVs.

Retired Army
06-24-2014, 04:55 PM
When Hillary made her bid she called the internal combustion engine a dinosaur.

Under no circumstances construe this post as a political endorsement! just sayin

06-24-2014, 05:00 PM
:agree: with you, Bruce :clap2:. As a former electrical engineer with the power company, I can safely say you are correct on all counts. Unfortunately, the less informed have "drunk the coolade" and if allowed, will lead us all to economic destruction. We are already pretty far down that road. The POTUS had an honest "moment" months ago when he said that, by carrying out his plan, our electricity costs would necessarily "sky rocket". I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm NOT OK with that :icon_frown:

06-24-2014, 05:12 PM
A few people I know did the test rides today in NY.It was by invite only.I am waiting for the feedback.As soon as I get it I will post it .batman-smilie.

06-26-2014, 04:02 PM
I was told the test ride was fun.Lots of power and no clutch or changing gears.The motor has a engine braking system.Slows down pretty quick when you let off the throttle. Just a little front braking was required.Thats about all I was told .batman-smilie.

Retired Army
06-26-2014, 04:42 PM
Would any of you be interested in getting yourself an electric F6B if it became available? I would if you can grantee it will be smother than the internal combustion one I have.

06-26-2014, 09:49 PM
Here's where Harley is going ... probably
Harley will sell a couple hundred electric bikes, none to the die-hard V-Twin crowd.
They'll get a few cool new technologies from the R&D, then they will deploy it to the v-twins.
They will continue to stay with the old technology and continue to sell to the traditionalists, it's working well now.
What they won't do is move into the 21st century.
What they should do is the same thing BMW did, keep the air-cooled twin, and release a new modern water-cooled powerplant.
It worked for them, they have a great following for both systems.
So here you go Harley, this is your task list ...
Design a new water-cooled engine.
Design a shaft drive system, no belts or chains.
Quality is key, just like BMW.
The result will need to be in line with the BMW's and Goldwings as far as design and functionality.
And it ALL has to be done on shore.
If they did it right, they'd grab a much bigger piece of the market, I always like to "Buy American."
If the F6B had a Harley-Davidson badge on it, they'd never be able to keep up with the orders.

Trike lady
06-27-2014, 09:01 PM
How about a 'Hybrid' Wing?