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View Full Version : Thanks for all the help

06-29-2014, 05:20 PM
Just bought my F6B last week and began scouring this site. I picked up a wealth of information from all the posts I read...thanks.

Thought I'd share what I've learned. I really like the looks of the F6B in stock trim. That short windshield, however, left a lot to be desired at high speeds. I've been wearing a 3/4 helmet for years and the wind was beating me on a short, 50 mile trip to Daytona Beach. Plus, the wife unit wasn't pleased with all the wind turbulence.

I picked up some National Cycle mirror wind deflectors at J&P. It's hard to believe a couple of little plastic pieces could make such a difference. Wow. Well worth the $70.

The more I read the more convinced I became that a full face helmet might make things more comfortable. I ordered a GMax modular helmet from Competition Accessories, and a Go Cruise from 2WheelRide,Inc.

Earlier today I went out for a little ride. I didn't have time to get on the Interstate, but at speeds up to 60 MPH I was amazed at the difference. There is still a fair amount of wind noise with the helmet, but that may be because I have all the vents open. It was amazingly smooth. The Gmax certainly made the ride more pleasant. I'm not much of a radio guy at higher speeds so I don't know or care if it will reduce hearability.

That Go Cruise feels like it might be the ticket to make up for the lack of a cruise control. My last 3 Harleys all had cruise and I relied on it whenever I was on the Interstate. I think this little device may help an old guy compensate for no cruise control.

Some friends and I are doing the America's 9/11 ride in August so these three accessories will get a full test. We'll leave the Orlando area, go to Shanksville, Pa; Arlington, Va; and NYC. Then back to Orlando. That should be an excellent opportunity to see how my selections work out. Right now I firmly believe I have the perfect ride.

So, thanks for all the input on this forum from those sharing what they learned. It helped me make some informed choices.

06-29-2014, 05:36 PM
Do yourself a favor and get a taller windshield. It's like a night and day difference at highway speeds.

Steve 0080
06-29-2014, 05:42 PM
The "board" is at its best in posts like this one!!!!!! :clap2:

06-29-2014, 08:35 PM
Gotta love phantom- :postpics:

'welcome gang' from Sunny South Florida, try to make the rally!

06-30-2014, 11:29 PM
Hoglaw -
I'm with you on this.
Been riding for 38 years, never had a windshield, never liked the look.
Started using full face helmets in '83, have used them ever since.
I think it's a little like having a windshield - it's just that I wear it on my face. :icon_wink:
I like riding with full face and earplugs - you still hear the important stuff, but the wind noise almost disappears.
Not saying I'll never try a taller windshield on my F6B, but I'm really enjoying it 'stock' so far, with my usual full face helmet and earplugs.