View Full Version : Duck walking your F6B with after market floorboards

07-10-2014, 04:10 PM
As a new guy on the F6B, I am shopping for various add-ons. On their way are: Honda cargo carrier rack, Ultimate King 3 piece seat, Clearview windshield, 12 volt power outlet and now I need pegs.

I currently run the Kury ISO wings on my VTX. Have had those since day one 8 years ago. I am looking at the mini floor boards for both the passenger, but something dawned on me.

Right now, the stock F6B foot pegs don't leave you a lot of room in between rider and passenger pegs to duck walk the bike if needed. Unless you have out-riggers for legs, I can see even less room with wider floorboard of any style (full boards, minis, wings). Just curious if anyone has any feed back after they appointed their bikes with after market foot rests.

07-10-2014, 04:28 PM
Luv my mini boards,,, :shrug:

07-10-2014, 06:18 PM
My feet wind up outside the pegs when duck walking, and the mini boards shouldn't be much wider so I am assuming it will be a non issue. I will know for sure when mine arrive on Tuesday.

07-10-2014, 07:54 PM
I love the mini-boards. I have no issue when walking the bike. I'm 6 '2". I guess it might be an issue if you're shorter.

07-11-2014, 07:06 AM
You are correct....I am 6'2"....and I find that I strike the mini-boards with the calves of my legs.

I originally installed them in the center of the three positions...I have since moved them to the most rearward position possible. This keeps them clear of my legs but won't allow them to fold upward to the detent position. It seems from my perspective it is a product that was "made to fit" the F6B rather than a product "made for" the F6B.

However, the maiden journey on the bike was the first two thirds of a cross Canada trip and my passenger found them to be comfortably located.

It is a five minute job to switch them out if you keep a small stash of vey tiny cotter pins handy. I would likely go back to stock pegs and put the mini boards on for those times when we are doing longer distance trips.


07-11-2014, 01:04 PM

What's up with all this 'duck walking'???

Are you fellas 'duck walkin' yer bikes through intersections/parking lots/small towns, etc???? :shrug:

Just because it's the very first thing they teach ya in the MSF course, it doesn't mean ya have to do it all the time!!!



07-11-2014, 01:30 PM

What's up with all this 'duck walking'???

Are you fellas 'duck walkin' yer bikes through intersections/parking lots/small towns, etc???? :shrug:

Just because it's the very first thing they teach ya in the MSF course, it doesn't mean ya have to do it all the time!!!



I actually ride all my slow speed stuff with my feet on the pegs, I duck walk at highway speeds.'all/right'

07-11-2014, 03:06 PM
I actually ride all my slow speed stuff with my feet on the pegs, I duck walk at highway speeds.'all/right'




Big Jay
07-11-2014, 06:53 PM
I actually ride all my slow speed stuff with my feet on the pegs, I duck walk at highway speeds.'all/right'

Yea works like a nitous boost . :icon_lol:

07-15-2014, 10:28 PM
I see you have the Honda cargo carrier rack ordered. If you like it fine, but consider the Bike MP3 cargo rack - no more expensive, bigger, looks awesome, great finish work. All reviews I have seen are strong. I love mine!

07-16-2014, 07:14 AM
I see you have the Honda cargo carrier rack ordered. If you like it fine, but consider the Bike MP3 cargo rack - no more expensive, bigger, looks awesome, great finish work. All reviews I have seen are strong. I love mine!

The Honda cargo rack arrived yesterday. For the price we pay for Honda accessories you'd think that they could include some installation instructions. Now that's cheap.

I missed the MP3 rack. I would have considered it.

07-16-2014, 08:00 AM
Some folks add stuff slow, some add everything right from the start,,,