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View Full Version : What Radar detector to use

07-16-2014, 12:17 PM
Hello Gang:

So I have never used a radar detector before, and I have some questions for anyone that has one.

1. Do cops tend to get nasty if they see you have a radar detector when they pull you over even though its legal (in my state at least).

2. In your opinion which is the best brand to buy?

3. Ive seen in some other threads that some users say they are useless as usually the radar detector beeps too late. What is your experience with this?

Thanks to all for your input,


07-16-2014, 12:41 PM
I know this is not the answer you are seeking, but with 70 and 75 mph speed limits now (Texas), I don't use one.
Just do the limit. Way back when the limit was 55, I used an Escort and got more than a few tickets. I finally figured out that it wasn't worth it for me.
Coming into Salida, CO one morning a Sheriff told me that they had a scale that they went by for speeding and I was TOTALLY OFF THE SCALE. Right after I paid that one I pretty much quit speeding.

07-16-2014, 01:40 PM
Hello Gang:

So I have never used a radar detector before, and I have some questions for anyone that has one.

1. Do cops tend to get nasty if they see you have a radar detector when they pull you over even though its legal (in my state at least).

2. In your opinion which is the best brand to buy?

3. Ive seen in some other threads that some users say they are useless as usually the radar detector beeps too late. What is your experience with this?

Thanks to all for your input,


1. Depends on the cop but, in my experience, most don't seem to appreciate the fact that you have one. Don't expect any leniency if you get caught speeding and they see the detector.

2. Opinions will vary but after owning several, the Escort PassPort 9500iX is, by far, the best I've ever owned.

3. In NC, state police are likely to use "instant on" and, in that case, you probably can't get on the brakes fast enough. The detector is most useful around here with local police and I usually see them long before they see me :icon_biggrin:. In fact, before I got the new detector, a local sheriff caught me twice within 60 days for speeding and after that, was really on the lookout for my car. I felt compelled to buy the Escort and, ever since, I see him before he sees me. This particular guy has a really bad reputation for what I call "cheap" tickets, i.e., 45 in 35, 55 in 45, etc. Each ticket was costing me around $300 after court and lawyer fees so basically, for the price of one ticket, I got a top-of-the-line detector.

Finally, one word of caution...a good detector can give you a false sense of security. There are other ways to be caught speeding besides radar. And, speaking of that, there is laser to worry about too. Laser is speed-of-light so you can forget beating that with your little detector :icon_frown:.

07-16-2014, 04:58 PM
Finally, one word of caution...a good detector can give you a false sense of security. .

I believe that's what happened to me years ago,, I 'established' a 'not slowing down until I hear a Radar alert' mentality back then,,, Still got tickets,,

Yep, 55 was 'too darn slow' for many roads back in my 'radar detector' days. (IMHO, it still is too slow for Interstates, etc,,,)

Since then, I've slowed down and the limits have been raised. The current mentality of 'try to keep it close to the speed limit' is, for the most part, working for me now,,,

07-16-2014, 08:06 PM
Depending on your budget there are great options for speed protection. These options may be concealed, alert you correctly, integrate with your stereo, and contend with both radar and laser technology.

To accomplish all this plan to spend close to $1,000.00. I have planned out a full solution for my bike - but spending a grand so I may speed isn't in my budget. So I do as others do, ride more moderately and watch carefully.


07-16-2014, 11:20 PM
Since most radar detectors radiate a signal of their own, which can be detected by the newest police radar, you want to ask if the model you are considering is a "constant on" or one that samples and shuts down when it sniffs radar. They "peek' for a few milliseconds and analyze what they detect. Confuses the boogeyman.

Check into Valentine for a laser/radar detector.

07-17-2014, 12:10 AM
I use a Valentine 1 with an in-helmet LED. Looks both front and back.

Steve 0080
07-17-2014, 12:14 AM
Complete waste of money and effort.....I have never owned one and never saw the need.....I have been in cars with folks that had them and they seemed to go off to often in error....for me it is simple...I run 8 over on the big highways....that is fast enough and you will not get stopped....there are two tricks to making time on the road.....1. Keep the kickstand up and second......wait for it....keep the kickstand up!

If you must speed as you feel the need...go fast where you should be going slow and go slow where you should be going fast.....

Ray H
07-17-2014, 10:04 AM
+1 for Valentine-1. Been using them for years. Don't really speed anymore but I still like to know where the action is and how many. Valentine-1 handles both items, up to 8 bogies from any direction. Kind of fun watching the cagers react.:icon_biggrin:

07-17-2014, 04:03 PM
The ex-Harley riders don’t need them because they’re not used to going fast on motorcycles. :stirthepot::moon:

I on the other hand like to be informed. This bike has too much accessible power no to have one and they will pay for themselves. I bought a fairly inexpensive whistler and I never ride without it after getting a ticket for 6 mph over (beat in court) and 10 mph over. You learn the false readings from the real readings and make the adjustments to it to reduce the false alarms.

It doesn’t give you a free pass to speed, it just reminds you how many cops are out there even when you don’t see them and keeps me a lot less paranoid.

07-17-2014, 04:57 PM
It doesn’t give you a free pass to speed, it just reminds you how many cops are out there even when you don’t see them and keeps me a lot less paranoid.

Well said, ghostrider! Now that I have a detector again, I have been amazed at all the law enforcement guys out there that I was not aware of before. I don't necessarily have my device so I can speed without getting caught as much as I just like to know what's around me. This is especially true when you have a local sheriff that is ticket happy like I have in my neighborhood :icon_rolleyes:.

One thing that has vastly improved with detectors is the blocking of false signals. My older detectors used to go off so much that I started ignoring them. The new Escort that I have now doesn't alarm all that often but when it does you better pay attention. Another great feature of my Escort is the built-in GPS. That feature enables the detector to memorize the location of things like automatic door openers and will ignore them after about 3 activations. In short, good radar detectors are far smarter and more effective than they used to be.

07-17-2014, 09:21 PM
Another vote for Valentine1. I've had mine for over 10 years and it has more than paid for itself. They support their product and stand behind it; I sent mine in a few years ago to have the software updated but otherwise I've done nothing to it and it's been flawless.

The other brands have finally caught up in performance but the arrows are patented; you will find these incredibly useful and only on Valentines. Further, when Mike Valentine left Escort back in the 1980's, he did so because the industry was producing CRAP detectors. He struck out on his own, and IMO, single handedly raised the bar for performance and quality.

Valentine is a small American company based in Cincinati and unlike some, they truly deserve your business.