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View Full Version : Cannot fit handrails on Mustang seat

opas ride
07-23-2014, 06:32 PM
After waiting over 7 weeks I finally got my Mustang seat delivered to the dealer today..Picked it up a 125 miles away from my house, and told them I would install it myself as they were pretty busy and the tech guy that has done work for me in the past was out sick...Anyhow after fighting for almost a 1/2 hour with the new seat, with assistance from my neighbor who works on ATV's, we could not make the side hand rails align, or fit, anywhere close..Read the instructions several times to no avail and finally gave up and put stock seat back on...Going to call Mustang tomorrow and ask them what the problem is...The holes in the new seat do not seem to line up with the holes in the seat rails and nothing seemed to work..I even bought the aftermarket pointed seat bolts that are supposed to make things easier...Right now I am really "bummed""....Any thoughts from those that have the regular style day tripper seat would be greatly appreciated....Thanks

07-23-2014, 07:16 PM
My Ultimate did the same at first. I really had to push the front of the seat forward with all my might to get the holes to line up. Good luck

07-23-2014, 07:22 PM
Sorry to hear that. I'm not very "mechanically blessed" but the holes lined up on mine. Couldn't thread the fancy pointed bolts on the front but went back to the originals and they worked. Took me about an hour and I'm slow. My butt didn't get sore on the entire trip I made. Hope Mustang can give you some help.

07-23-2014, 08:54 PM
Yep, you really need to work hard to get it on there with the rails. It took me 27 tries. :icon_frown:

07-23-2014, 09:22 PM
Have you tried to align the holes with a long Phillips screwdriver before tryin the bolts?

I had (2) RDL's to install one night.(OEM pan, so not a true 'apples to apples' comparo)

First bike went fine. 2nd bike,,, could only get 3 outta 4,,, Tried several times,,, Loose / snug etc,,, Even my trusty screwdriver trick wouldn't work.

Pulled all bolts and worked the 'problem child' first,,,

Why 1 bike was easy peasy and the 2nd such a PITA,,, well,,, :shrug:

07-23-2014, 09:46 PM
I used three Phillips screwdrivers to line everything up. If you don't have that many get two bolts in on one side without the rails and then work on the other side.

Steve 0080
07-23-2014, 10:16 PM
+1 on the next two posts up...I placed painters tape on the bike to show where the holes are...my Grandfather would have said you are not holding your mouth right!!!!!

Patience and you will get it...mark the holes ,use the screw drivers and if possible make the bolts pointy so they "hunt" the hole!!!!

good luck !!!

Steve 0080
07-23-2014, 10:23 PM

see other thread for pics….
After reading all the concerns about fit of the seat…I started with painters tape and marked where the bolts attached to the bike…laid the seat in place and began the installation…rights side no issues …used a long screw driver to get the seat in place…onto the left side….no issues…I did have a talk with the back bolt and it did begin to understand I wanted it to line up….. The fit is tight …the tolerances by the levers that open the seat are VERY TIGHT…. over all no big deal…30 mins start to finish…. Very nice seat!!! The seat is 1 “ lower but could not see any further back…the seat does not push you forward which was the major concern for me in buying this seat !!! Very Happy!!!!

Ray H
07-23-2014, 10:53 PM
My Mustang seat arrived Monday and I just installed it yesterday morning. After struggling with it with just my two hands, I found the trick, at least that worked for me. After engaging the front tab of the seat pan under the bracket, use the screwdriver method to get the seat and the frame threads close. I then took the handrail and started the front bolt, while not worrying about how the rest of everything lines up. I then took a small screwdriver, reached down between the seat and the handrail, and pushed the saddlebag release out a bit until it dropped into the handrail lever receiving hole. That pretty much also took care of the rear guide pin of the handrail. After that, the remaining rear seat bolt was a piece of cake. The other side went just as smoothly using that method. Worked for me!

Honda Goldwing seats have always been a bit of a PITA to install. On the F6B, just don't forget to install those two machine bolts that came with the seat to hold the fender. Miss that little item and you get to do it all over again.:banghead:

07-24-2014, 12:19 AM
I just got my Mustang seat yesterday and put it on. I have the exact same complaint as you do. Clearly, the rear of the seat is too darn wide, a mistake by Mustang.

After several tries and about two hours, I did succeed.

First off, if you push the seat too far forward, the bolt holes will not line up. I wasted a bunch of effort like that. Gotta back the seat off a bit.

So, I put masking tape with arrows on the bags to show precisely where the holes would be once the seat was back on.

I left off the rails and used a screw driver to see where the seat had to be positioned to have the bolt holes line up. The seat cannot be pushed all the way forward. Then I threaded all four bolts in just to prove it could be done.

Remove the bolts and start the rails. I pretty easily started the most forward screw on each rail. At this point, there is no way in he!! that the hand rails are going to just go on. Mustang's mistake.

If you can get the second, rear most screw started in straight (use the tape). I had to push down on the seat to help the second bolt go in. Then I turned each screw until they forced the hand rails in the right position. You will not be able to push the rails into place.

When you get close, you will have to raise the rails above the bag switches to get them on. Then finish tightening the bolts. You will hear the seat creak in pain at this point, to my satisfaction.

Worked for me. I dread the day I remove the seat again.

Oh btw, my seat levers will not return on their own any more due to rubbing against the ridiculously wide rear seat.

I re-installed the rails today hoping for better results. Nothing changed, still a bi!ch to put on and still hanging levers.

Thanks Mustang! :stirthepot:

P.S. The seat does look good.

Dave Ritsema
07-24-2014, 05:19 AM
I am VERY fortunate, my Ultimate seat was a breeze to install. I just dropped it off with Des, went out and had a Coke and when I came back it was installed. :icon_mrgreen:

07-24-2014, 07:26 AM
I am VERY fortunate, my Ultimate seat was a breeze to install. I just dropped it off with Des, went out and had a Coke and when I came back it was installed. :icon_mrgreen:

Well that "bites". I was gonna come to S.Bend and let you walk me through it whenever I get a seat. Looks like you don't have any more of a clue than I do Bud. :icon_razz:

07-24-2014, 08:28 AM
,,,hear the seat creak in pain at this point, to my satisfaction.





Dave Ritsema
07-24-2014, 08:31 AM
Well that "bites". I was gonna come to S.Bend and let you walk me through it whenever I get a seat. Looks like you don't have any more of a clue than I do Bud. :icon_razz:


07-24-2014, 10:18 AM
My right lever still pops out and sometimes doesn't release. hoped after a few weeks it would settle in and fit right.

07-25-2014, 10:31 AM
Mine lined up perfectly. I had no problems, even got the lip to tuck under in the front also. I've taken it off several times to install the back rest and cargo carrier. The seat is a perfect fit. Take your time.2166

07-25-2014, 10:36 AM
I just got my Ultimate seat yesterday. I will try the install today. I placed it on the bike just to see what I was in for. The rails are definitely tight. I'll know more today.

After looking at some of the info in this thread, it dawned on me that if you need to try to move the saddlebag release pin on the install, an option to a screwdriver might be to simply put a piece of string around it. You can then pull it outward a bit to fit it back into the hand rail. Then just pull the string out, before locking it down, once it's seated in the hand rail.

07-25-2014, 10:47 AM
I've had three different seats on my bike, each required some pushing and shoving to get everything lined up. They'll go, stay at it.

07-25-2014, 11:01 AM
It took me about three tries to get the bolts lined up, but I was finally successful. My problem however is unique in that I could not get the right side handrail to close the gap on the seat. I have removed and replaced the bolt a dozen times and it still tightens up before pulling against the seat and closing the gap. Not crossed up or binding in any way so it has m puzzled. I plan to remove it again this weekend and take another stab at it.


07-25-2014, 12:20 PM
F6Pilot: Mine looks exactly the same, and just on the brake side. I figure that comes with an aftermarket seat.

To all: As far as the rails fitting. Though they were a real pita to install (the seat is too wide on these latest seats). This morning I removed them and it is 90% better. I can easily push them back into place. So something has given over time. Yeah! :yes:

Now to work on making the side covers removable ....

07-25-2014, 02:52 PM
When I replaced the stock seat on my VTX 1800 with the Mustang seat, I had the same problem. It took me (and my brother-in-law) hours of pushing and pulling to get that seat on. When I put the Ultimate King on my F6B, it was much easier. I think it's going to be hit or miss with any aftermarket seat on any bike, sometimes and easy install, sometimes difficult. The good news is that once they're on, and you can leave them on for a few weeks, the seat pan seems to mold itself to the bike. Then, it's a lot easier to get on and off.

07-25-2014, 03:27 PM
Nothing fits like OEM. You'd think I would know that by now.

opas ride
07-25-2014, 03:48 PM
Got tired of "haggling" with the Mustang seat rails, and took it up to my dealer in Northern MI this AM..Tech guy that builds mostly trike conversions is really good and offered to install the seat...A "little wiggling" followed by a little more "adjusting" and after about 45 minutes I was on my way!!!...Thanks to a great bunch of guys at Central Motorsports in Mt. Pleasant Michigan....BTW the after market seat bolts sold by many accessories shops, will NOT work with the Mustang seat...they are too short..Work great on the stock seat, but not so good on the aftermarket one. Rode the 125 miles home and so far the seat is great and I can actually flat foot at stops!!

07-25-2014, 05:02 PM
I had to put my Ultimate seat on along with the BikeMP3 cargo carrier. Did both at the same time. Thanks God because I wouldn't want to mess with those handrails again.

After about an hour and a half, I finally managed to get the bolts lined up. In my case, I was trying to press the seat downward towards the frame where it sat a bit higher. Finally got in on.

One thing that I noticed is that there are no rearward tabs on the Ultimate seat pan to bolt the seat to the frame. The 4 handrail bolts do all of the work.

I do love the look of both the Mustang and the Ultimate seats. Time to test it out.

Steve 0080
07-25-2014, 05:24 PM
Got tired of "haggling" with the Mustang seat rails, and took it up to my dealer in Northern MI this AM..Tech guy that builds mostly trike conversions is really good and offered to install the seat...A "little wiggling" followed by a little more "adjusting" and after about 45 minutes I was on my way!!!...Thanks to a great bunch of guys at Central Motorsports in Mt. Pleasant Michigan....BTW the after market seat bolts sold by many accessories shops, will NOT work with the Mustang seat...they are too short..Work great on the stock seat, but not so good on the aftermarket one. Rode the 125 miles home and so far the seat is great and I can actually flat foot at stops!!

Are you speaking of the semi chrome ones from Wing Stuff??? I used those and they worked.

07-25-2014, 05:35 PM
F6Pilot: Mine looks exactly the same, and just on the brake side. I figure that comes with an aftermarket seat.

Now to work on making the side covers removable ....

Well, at least now I know it's not my install methods. However, I will not accept this as what comes with aftermarket. I had Mustang on my VTX and it was a great seat and fit flawlessly. I have already reached out to Mustng once with no reply. I think I'm going to ping them again and see what the issue may be. I've seen others that fit up well on both sides so I expect the same.

opas ride
07-25-2014, 06:14 PM
Steve, part of the problems with installation of the Mustang seat is some go on fairly easily and other are a hassle..Why I do not know and the guys at Mustang don't seem to either. A few have had success with the aftermarket bolts from WingStuff, some like me did not. The Mustang people recommend to use the stock bolts to install their seat...I was told the chrome like bolts were introduced to help prevent rust problems on ageing GW's that had been ridden in wet weather and after time the seat bolts become difficult to re-install...I have no personal knowledge about either,except the tech that installed my seat today showed me that they are a little shorter than the stock bolts and after trying several times to make them work we gave up and used the stock bolts and it went on fine....At this point I am a "happy camper" and will keep the aftermarket bolts to re-use if I ever go back to the stock seat....Ride safe

07-25-2014, 07:59 PM
Initially, the seat bolt kits from Wingstuff fit the regular GW but not the F6B. On our bikes, 2 of the 4 bolts are longer. Sometime later, Wingstuff started offering the bolt kit that fit our bikes where you have 2 shorter and 2 longer bolts. Perhaps this explains why some have had trouble with the bolt kits.

07-25-2014, 11:19 PM
glad to hear you got it on.

07-29-2014, 03:43 PM
Mustang seat - After doing all of the tricks stated in the discussions with no luck, I got the front bolts in and found the back of the seat to be about a bolt width above the hole. I had to have the wife sit on the seat and that lined up the holes. Getting the bolts started straight in the holes was also a challenge. I took the seat off a few days later and it was fine; not bound up like the initial install.

Retired Army
07-29-2014, 04:22 PM
http://wingstuff.com/products/35360-rust-free-easy-mount-seat-bolts-for-f6b Try a set of these when installing the seat I purchased a set to help the dude that painted my bike.

07-29-2014, 07:52 PM
Nothing fits like OEM. You'd think I would know that by now.

Yup, and even OEM is a challenge at times. Our RDL's are built on our own OEM pans, so that does help a little.

Put a passenger b-rest on my 6 this weekend. Still remembered which bolt was the troublemaker,, started with it first...

I have a #3 Phillips with the tip ground down like an 'ice pick',,,, large enough shank to just 'seat' in the threads, but too large to pass through.

One thing I haven't heard anyone mention is what tool they use to install/tighten the seat bolts.

I use something similar to these:


I also wave a 'ball-drive' set, but the 'straight cut' set, sans ratchet, lets me 'feel' around with the bolt under the seat. :icon_wink: :yes:

opas ride
07-29-2014, 08:51 PM
http://wingstuff.com/products/35360-rust-free-easy-mount-seat-bolts-for-f6b Try a set of these when installing the seat I purchased a set to help the dude that painted my bike.

They work great with the stock seat but are a "Royal" PITA to make work with the Mustang seat...Mustang recommends using the stock bolts which I ended up doing and all is well......They are a little to short unless they have updated since last spring when I bought mine....

07-30-2014, 09:07 PM
I installed my Mustang seat tonight. It took me about an hour and was definitely not an easy bolt on seat install compared to say a Harley seat that usually has one or two bolts and is on and off within 5 minutes or less. That being said, I was able to do it by myself and did have to wrestle a bit with the seat and handrails to get everything lined up. I ended up using the stock bolts since the ones Wingstuff sells didn't want to catch as easy.

My only issue is that my right saddlebag still isn't opening properly, but that was a problem with the stock seat on too so doesn't have anything to do with the Mustang seat. I think there is something wrong with the latching mechanism. I just hope my dealer doesn't try to claim that the Mustang seat caused the issue and won't fix it under warranty. That will be a fight for another day.

07-31-2014, 08:14 AM
I installed my Mustand seat yesterday too and had same issue with the grab handles. Overall took about 45 mins of wiggling to get it on. I think they made the back to wide, but the seat does look great and feels awesome. Just a pain to install.

opas ride
07-31-2014, 05:08 PM
The right side passenger hand-rail does not fit flush with the side of the Mustang seat on my bike, but the saddlebag levers seem to be fine so far...Left side fits flush and works fine also...You might remove/loosen the rail a little and try to push the saddle bag lever release point back a little toward the seat and then re-tighten rail...The tech at my dealer also struggled with the right side but after "grunting and groaning and wiggling" the thing finally got it to work decent....Love the Mustang seat but dread the day it has to come of for service or???

07-31-2014, 05:24 PM
The right side passenger hand-rail does not fit flush with the side of the Mustang seat on my bike, but the saddlebag levers seem to be fine so far...Left side fits flush and works fine also...You might remove/loosen the rail a little and try to push the saddle bag lever release point back a little toward the seat and then re-tighten rail...The tech at my dealer also struggled with the right side but after "grunting and groaning and wiggling" the thing finally got it to work decent....Love the Mustang seat but dread the day it has to come of for service or???

Thanks for the tip in the saddlebag lever. I did to loosen and tighten the seat bolts and played with the lever, but it never opened properly with the stock seat either and still doesn't with the Mustang seat. I'm sure it's something with the latch/lever mechanism and not the seat. I can open the right saddlebag as is, but I have to lightly force it open instead of it opening on its own like the left side which works as it should.

opas ride
07-31-2014, 07:18 PM
I had a similar issue with the same saddlebag on mine even before the Mustang seat...Someone posted on the board to spray a little silicone on the bag gaskets and it worked for me...Might give it a try!!

07-31-2014, 10:29 PM
Well, I contacted Mustang and received a reply from someone in support named Neal. Following are his directions:

Hi, thanks for the email.

The F6B seat is a notoriously difficult install. What usually corrects your issue is to push the washer-spacer through the vinyl into the seat, so that washer is now behind the exterior vinyl but the spacer is still inside the seat. This should allow you to close up that gap.

If you still have issues, please reply with photos.

I have yet to do this but immediately asked why this would be required on one side and not the other.........I guess he has been busy. YMMV

opas ride
08-01-2014, 10:01 AM
Well, I contacted Mustang and received a reply from someone in support named Neal. Following are his directions:

Hi, thanks for the email.

The F6B seat is a notoriously difficult install. What usually corrects your issue is to push the washer-spacer through the vinyl into the seat, so that washer is now behind the exterior vinyl but the spacer is still inside the seat. This should allow you to close up that gap.

If you still have issues, please reply with photos.

I have yet to do this but immediately asked why this would be required on one side and not the other.........I guess he has been busy. YMMV

Neal is the same guy I talked with and was basically told the same stuff..He seems like a really decent guy and was as helpful to me as he could..Good advise on the rail issue, but the thing is on now and I will leave that way for now as it works okay...Thanks