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View Full Version : GearBrake Introduces Automatic Brake Light Module

Cool Hand Luke
07-31-2014, 05:48 AM
I found this interesting new idea so I thought I post it here for everyone:


Apparently it turns your brake light on while decelerating (not just while braking). I'm not sure it's for me but I'm curious what everyone thinks about it. It is certainly a new approach to safety.


07-31-2014, 09:17 AM
Interesting. I ride with a group that rides hard in the twistys. I, know ride your own ride. The problem would be is the breaks are generally only applied when you may be a little hot coming in or most times some thing is not right in the corner, sand/ gravel/ deer/ tree branch. Out in daly traffic it may be usefull or it may be confusing to others. AND they would have to look up from there texting. :icon_doh:

08-01-2014, 10:12 PM
I think I would like this accessory.

08-02-2014, 02:04 AM
Out in daly traffic it may be usefull or it may be confusing to others.

+1 In my country nearly 80% are already driving with LED Daylights. I think it's good, because you can recognize vehicles earlier in the countryside. The little "but" is: When are signals too much?

I also think it's interesting. I'd like to see it on the streets for testing, before coming to my conclusion.

Deer Slayer
08-02-2014, 09:40 AM
I am not too sure about this thingy? It appears like you would be crying wolf. When you really hit the binders, some one may think you are merely slowing? :yikes: :017::cheers: