View Full Version : Lazy Sauturday

08-30-2014, 01:00 PM
I have had a few things waiting to get done and today was the day. I have hard wired the Zumo, made a cubby key, and went darkside. Not bad for a Saturday. Now for some football ROLL TIDE

08-30-2014, 05:16 PM
I want to hard wire my Zumo. Can you help me out with how and where you hooked in? I want it on only when the key is on so I don't forget and drain the battery.

08-30-2014, 06:40 PM
I want to hard wire my Zumo. Can you help me out with how and where you hooked in? I want it on only when the key is on so I don't forget and drain the battery.

I prefer not to splice into wires so I left the power plug in the cubby intact and went straight to the fuse box.
Was not hard at all, I took the cubby out, took the battery cover off and also the black cover above the shifter (not sure what it's called). They all snap and there are directions in the manual. Follow those to not break tabs and the four fasteners that hold the cubby are easy to drop. Be careful, those beauties are $7 a pop.

Anyway I used thick weedeater line to fish the wires behind the radio controls then crimped two ends on the wires and screwed them to the accessory terminals on the fuse box. The other end I ran out the cubby along the other wire harness and took the handle bar cover loose enough to get the wire behind it. Also be careful with that screw, it will fall into the black hole
Easy. Anyway make sure there is enough play lock to lock.