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View Full Version : MotorCycle Cruise Controls - F6B Forum members discount

10-02-2014, 07:06 PM
We recommend all customers obtain complete instructions for their kit BEFORE they purchase.

There is an email link to us on each product. Please use that to request the instructions AND provide your F6B forum member name to claim your 5% discount on the product (not freight) - we will email a unique code with the instructions valid for 5 days (to give you time to assess the instructions and ensure this is something you want to get into).

Alternatively, you can use the time to find a capable installer. We suggest about 8 hours for installation, but good Honda techs in the USA seem to be taking about 5-6 hours.

For the home mechanic - allow a weekend (at least) and make sure you have plenty of floor space for the bits! I have never seen Frank have to put sticky labels on parts before he developed the F6B - but maybe he is just getting old! :icon_wink: