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View Full Version : Its not the hours, its not the effort, it is the RESULTS !

Steve 0080
10-15-2014, 04:39 PM
The Democrats are right, there are two Americas. The America that works, and the America that doesn’t. The America that contributes, and the America that doesn’t. It’s not the haves and the have nots, it’s the dos and the don'ts. Some people do their duty as Americans, obey the law, support themselves, contribute to society, and others don't. That’s the divide in America .
It’s not about income inequality, it’s about civic irresponsibility. It’s about a political party that preaches hatred, greed and victimization in order to win elective office. It’s about a political party that loves power more than it loves its country.
That’s not invective, that’s truth, and it’s about time someone said it.
The politics of envy was on proud display a couple weeks ago when President Obama pledged the rest of his term to fighting “income inequality.” He noted that some people make more than other people, that some people have higher incomes than others, and he says that’s not just. That is the rationale of thievery.

The other guy has it, you want it, Obama will take it for you. Vote Democrat. That is the philosophy that produced Detroit .
It is the electoral philosophy that is destroying America. It conceals a fundamental deviation from American values and common sense because it ends up not benefiting the people who support it, but a betrayal.

The Democrats have not empowered their followers, they have enslaved them in a culture of dependence and entitlement, of victim-hood and anger instead of ability and hope. The president’s premise – that you reduce income inequality by debasing the successful – seeks to deny the successful the consequences of their choices and spare the unsuccessful the consequences of their choices. Because, by and large, income variations in society is a result of different choices leading to different consequences. Those who choose wisely and responsibly have a far greater likelihood of success, while those who choose foolishly and irresponsibly have a far greater likelihood of failure. Success and failure usually manifest themselves in personal and family income. You choose to drop out of high school or to skip college – and you are apt to have a different outcome than someone who gets a diploma and pushes on with purposeful education. You have your children out of wedlock and life is apt to take one course; you have them within a marriage and life is apt to take another course. Most often in life our destination is determined by the course we take.
My doctor, for example, makes far more than I do. There is significant income inequality between us. Our lives have had an inequality of outcome, but our lives also have had an inequality of effort. While my doctor went to college and then devoted his young adulthood to medical school and residency, I got a job in a restaurant. He made a choice, I made a choice, and our choices led us to different outcomes. His outcome pays a lot better than mine. Does that mean he cheated and Barack Obama needs to take away his wealth? No, it means we are both free men in a free society where free choices lead to different outcomes.
It is not inequality Barack Obama intends to take away, it is freedom. The freedom to succeed, and the freedom to fail. There is no true option for success if there is no true option for failure. The pursuit of happiness means a whole lot less when you face the punitive hand of government if your pursuit brings you more happiness than the other guy. Even if the other guy sat on his arse and did nothing. Even if the other guy made a lifetime’s worth of asinine and short-sighted decisions.
Barack Obama and the Democrats preach equality of outcome as a right, while completely ignoring inequality of effort.
The simple Law of the Harvest – as ye sow, so shall ye reap – is sometimes applied as, “The harder you work, the more you get."
Obama would turn that upside down. Those who achieve are to be punished as enemies of society, and those who fail are to be rewarded as wards of society. Entitlement will replace effort as the key to upward mobility in American society if Barack Obama gets his way. He seeks a lowest common denominator society in which the government besieges the successful and productive to foster equality through mediocrity. He and his party speak of two Americas, and their grip on power is based on using the votes of one to sap the productivity of the other. America is not divided by the differences in our outcomes, it is divided by the differences in our efforts.
It is a false philosophy to say one man’s success comes about unavoidably as the result of another man’s victimization.
What Obama offered was not a solution, but a separatism. He fomented division and strife, pitted one set of Americans against another for his own political benefit. That’s what socialists offer. Marxist class warfare wrapped up with a bow. Two Americas, coming closer each day to proving the truth to Lincoln ’s maxim that a house divided against itself cannot stand.
"Life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent how you respond to it."

Lou Holtz

Leo "Lou" Holtz (born January 6, 1937) is a retired American football coach, and active sportscaster, author, and motivational speaker.

10-15-2014, 05:07 PM

Man, I stirred up the tire thread all I could recently,,,

Are ya feeling like a little :stirthepot: yourself?


10-15-2014, 07:45 PM
Exactly ....
And tell me what happens to our great nation when the don'ts exceed the do's?
How long will the do's keep doing until they stand up and say enough is enough?

10-15-2014, 08:43 PM
One thing I've been noticing, particularly among the uneducated crowd (obviously), is that new "rights" seem to be created at will. They don't understand the difference between a privilege and a right, and that their behavior can certainly cause them to be denied that privilege.

Further, Rights that actually exist in the Constitution get bastardized far more often than I recall from days gone by. Right to associate and protest? Sure. Right to associate and protest in the middle of the street and block traffic? Uh, no.

red dog
10-15-2014, 09:04 PM
imagine this place in fifty more years.........all these dumbed down idiots..........what a piece of shit this country is turning into.....stupid beyond beliefe......

opas ride
10-15-2014, 09:31 PM
Socialist, liberal, left wing radicals and just plain lazy and "gimme a hand out"people are driving this great country into ruin and most are to stupid to realize what is going on...Why folks listen to this Democrat "BS" and the lies and deceit they produce is beyond me!!! As a friend of my once said.."The Masses are ASSes"......

10-16-2014, 07:18 AM
Steve you bring up some good points. And F6B I think the dont's have already exceeded the do's. Steve I'm not even sure its safe to say vote republican. I have traditionally leaned that way but they are as screwed up as the Dems. I just lean toward conservatives , people with family values and more of a median income. Washington is sooo out of touch. They have no idea how bad it is. The best solution I have is to get rid of them all. We get the quarterly reports of economic growth. Give me a break. This country is going downhill at an alarming rate. We need leaders with vision , someone that can make the hard choices , someone that's not afraid to hurt someone's feelings and someone that has the balls to say no. I say a barrel of oil for a bushel of corn. Let's see those Arabs eat that sand. We feed the world yet our farmers struggle. Let's see how mighty Russia"s army and China"s army is without food. This country does s piss poor job of marketing our assets. We give them away. The rest of the world prospers while we suffer. Thank our leaders for that. We are no longer feared or respected as a nation. We need leaders like Ronald Reagan.............hell its hard to think of another good one in the last 50 years. I'm not even sure the Republicans have a viable presidential candidate. I pray that someone will step forward. Chuck Norris? Steven Seagal? You guys how what I mean. I have just about give up. Not quite , but almost. I don't know about you but I'm tired of pulling the wagon by myself.

Steve 0080
10-16-2014, 08:08 AM

Man, I stirred up the tire thread all I could recently,,,

Are ya feeling like a little :stirthepot: yourself?


Wellllllll I was growing tired of the CT back and forth !!!!

Steve 0080
10-16-2014, 08:17 AM
Exactly ....
And tell me what happens to our great nation when the don'ts exceed the do's?
How long will the do's keep doing until they stand up and say enough is enough?

I,Me...thinks the next civil war in this country will be throwing the bums out of the wagon, They now number 52%. I also am tired of politics in general, all 535 are idiots blaming the other side when they are in power....IF our leader had let the "Big" companies fail we would have had a chance to fix this, but NOOOOOOO...but that is another story. The "I deserve" crowd is what is killing the USA and until WE stop filling their hands nothing will change. We can start with our own children. Both of mine owe me money, at times a lot of money. I was keeping a ledger but have thrown it away as I was the only one concerned! One called about a month ago and "needed" more money...I said you still owe me money and have made no effort to pay it back sooooo the money train has stopped. When you pay me back I will consider helping you in the future! By the way this is OUR fault...we gave our kids to much for to little in return. I, for one have put a stop to it.... it is time for them to grow up!!!

10-16-2014, 08:24 AM
Hey, Shooter! I'm with you 100% on your post #7. What seems to be taking place is people focusing on what is "fair" vs what is "right". For example, someone might say, "It's not fair you make more money than I do" or, "It's not fair you have a nicer car than I do", etc., etc. The left is all about "fairness" rather than what is "right". End of rant (for now). :banghead:

10-16-2014, 09:14 AM
Rant all you want buddy. I hope there are a lot more of us ranting in November. I never miss a chance to vote. I knew bikers was a better class of people. And after all , you meet the nicest people on a Honda:039:

10-16-2014, 02:02 PM
:agree:.nothing.to.sdd.:Saweeet smilie:

10-16-2014, 03:27 PM
imagine this place in fifty more years.........all these dumbed down idiots..........what a piece of shit this country is turning into.....stupid beyond beliefe......

That's almost an exact quote of what my Grandfather said in the 70's,,,

About 45 yrs ago,,, :shrug:

He was ~right~, you are ~right~, and it continues,,,

And it always will. Long after we have all turned to dust, it will continue.

That's probably the biggest reason I don't get my knickers in a twist over it,,, No reason for me to fret about things I cannot change. (And if anyone thinks an election will really change anything, if "Fred" was just the President instead of that damn "Jerry",,, eh,, well,, they really ARE a few bricks short of a load,,,, :icon_doh: )

WW3 will help with a 'reset', but the same thing will back again,,, and it always will be,,, Its just the nature of that beast called 'mankind',,,

Anyone care to bet otherwise? :shrug:

10-16-2014, 04:27 PM
Obama is just a sock puppet following some of the worst policies of the Bush era. It isn't about left or right, both sides are moved by the same hand. Factionalism is a time honored rhetorical device of little value, divisionism simply plays off the polarized versions of popular opinion while ignoring a single over arching agenda that loves neither, you, me nor liberty.

10-16-2014, 04:37 PM
Oh yeah, I forgot. It's Bush's fault. :icon_doh:

10-16-2014, 04:45 PM
That's almost an exact quote of what my Grandfather said in the 70's,,,

About 45 yrs ago,,, :shrug:

He was ~right~, you are ~right~, and it continues,,,

And it always will. Long after we have all turned to dust, it will continue.

That's probably the biggest reason I don't get my knickers in a twist over it,,, No reason for me to fret about things I cannot change. (And if anyone thinks an election will really change anything, if "Fred" was just the President instead of that damn "Jerry",,, eh,, well,, they really ARE a few bricks short of a load,,,, :icon_doh: )

WW3 will help with a 'reset', but the same thing will back again,,, and it always will be,,, Its just the nature of that beast called 'mankind',,,

Anyone care to bet otherwise? :shrug:
Scot we don't really want to hear that shyt. Can't you gripe and bytch a little and be normal. We believe it can be better. Don't bust our bubble and tell us it can't. We have to try. That's what real god fearing men do. We try to make things better. Those that don't? We call them Liberals.

10-16-2014, 04:51 PM
Its so unbelievable that people on the right complain about the direction of the country when republicans always ruin everything they are put in charge of.

With all of the experience you have you must remember the economy in 08.

DEYSTROYED by eight years of Republican rule.

Remember the budget surplus that Clinton delivered to the right wing when they stole the 00 election?

GONE, we still have not recovered from 8 years of pointless wars and tax breaks that do nothing but make the rich richer.

Under our current leadership we have had CONSISTENT RELIABLE GROWTH.

Here is some data to back up that statement:

When you look at who is actually a "taker" and who is a "giver" in our society it is consistently the liberal states giving money to the conservative ones. Conservatives love to complain about takers but their policies do nothing but cause their to be more "takers"

Look at this article about which states give more tax dollars to the federal government and which states take more than they give:

It is clear that without the liberal states the conservative states would be SUNK.

I know in the great state of Massachusetts where I am we only get back 94 percent of what we pay, but in the conservative state of Mississippi each tax dollar given to the government gets more than a 300 percent return. How is it we could afford to take on the conservative policies, without the liberal states to carry the conservative ones we would be doomed....

I dont doubt that the people on this board who can afford this bike have and do work hard for their money, but to think that democrats are all about "giving" money away misses the fact that under democrats our economy has flourished and under conservatives the rich have gotten richer but the average American has been worse off at the end of the conservative term than they were in the beginning.

Im proud to have voted for Obama, I cant wait to get the chance to vote for another Clinton. I am happy living in my state where we give more than we get and also lead the nation in healthcare, educational outcomes and are in the top five for earned income.

Please if you could, point out one measure of overall success as a country that is actually worse than when Obama took office, he has done nothing but work to improve our country. We are all lucky to have had him as our leader.

10-16-2014, 06:25 PM
Scot we don't really want to hear that shyt. Can't you gripe and bytch a little and be normal. We believe it can be better. Don't bust our bubble and tell us it can't. We have to try. That's what real god fearing men do. We try to make things better. Those that don't? We call them Liberals.

LMAO!!! I'll try to be less realistic next time!!! :icon_biggrin:

Besides, Polly-o-tics just ain't my game!!! I do all my bitchin in the tire threads, dayumit!!! :crackup:

But if fussin about the 'state of the world' helps folks feel better by letting 'em blow off some steam, hey, why not!?!?! :shrug:

10-16-2014, 06:35 PM
Its so unbelievable that people on the right complain about the direction of the country when republicans always ruin everything they are put in charge of.

With all of the experience you have you must remember the economy in 08.

DEYSTROYED by eight years of Republican rule.

Remember the budget surplus that Clinton delivered to the right wing when they stole the 00 election?

GONE, we still have not recovered from 8 years of pointless wars and tax breaks that do nothing but make the rich richer.

Under our current leadership we have had CONSISTENT RELIABLE GROWTH.

Here is some data to back up that statement:

When you look at who is actually a "taker" and who is a "giver" in our society it is consistently the liberal states giving money to the conservative ones. Conservatives love to complain about takers but their policies do nothing but cause their to be more "takers"

Look at this article about which states give more tax dollars to the federal government and which states take more than they give:

It is clear that without the liberal states the conservative states would be SUNK.

I know in the great state of Massachusetts where I am we only get back 94 percent of what we pay, but in the conservative state of Mississippi each tax dollar given to the government gets more than a 300 percent return. How is it we could afford to take on the conservative policies, without the liberal states to carry the conservative ones we would be doomed....

I dont doubt that the people on this board who can afford this bike have and do work hard for their money, but to think that democrats are all about "giving" money away misses the fact that under democrats our economy has flourished and under conservatives the rich have gotten richer but the average American has been worse off at the end of the conservative term than they were in the beginning.

Im proud to have voted for Obama, I cant wait to get the chance to vote for another Clinton. I am happy living in my state where we give more than we get and also lead the nation in healthcare, educational outcomes and are in the top five for earned income.

Please if you could, point out one measure of overall success as a country that is actually worse than when Obama took office, he has done nothing but work to improve our country. We are all lucky to have had him as our leader.

+1 Finally someone who reads and understands what is going on! You know, Eisenhower was a great president and it was because he was for the people and also a decent person, but he would not recognize his party today, nor they him!

10-16-2014, 06:39 PM
Its so unbelievable that people on the right complain about the direction of the country when republicans always ruin everything they are put in charge of.
With all of the experience you have you must remember the economy in 08.
DEYSTROYED by eight years of Republican rule.
Remember the budget surplus that Clinton delivered to the right wing when they stole the 00 election?
GONE, we still have not recovered from 8 years of pointless wars and tax breaks that do nothing but make the rich richer.
Under our current leadership we have had CONSISTENT RELIABLE GROWTH.
Here is some data to back up that statement:
When you look at who is actually a "taker" and who is a "giver" in our society it is consistently the liberal states giving money to the conservative ones. Conservatives love to complain about takers but their policies do nothing but cause their to be more "takers"
Look at this article about which states give more tax dollars to the federal government and which states take more than they give:
It is clear that without the liberal states the conservative states would be SUNK.
I know in the great state of Massachusetts where I am we only get back 94 percent of what we pay, but in the conservative state of Mississippi each tax dollar given to the government gets more than a 300 percent return. How is it we could afford to take on the conservative policies, without the liberal states to carry the conservative ones we would be doomed....
I dont doubt that the people on this board who can afford this bike have and do work hard for their money, but to think that democrats are all about "giving" money away misses the fact that under democrats our economy has flourished and under conservatives the rich have gotten richer but the average American has been worse off at the end of the conservative term than they were in the beginning.
Im proud to have voted for Obama, I cant wait to get the chance to vote for another Clinton. I am happy living in my state where we give more than we get and also lead the nation in healthcare, educational outcomes and are in the top five for earned income.
Please if you could, point out one measure of overall success as a country that is actually worse than when Obama took office, he has done nothing but work to improve our country. We are all lucky to have had him as our leader.

Hi Kevbuckley333,
I am curious if you have ever read any of the following
1) The Constitution
2) The Declaration of Independence
3) The Bill of Rights
4) The Federalist Papers
Also curious if you have read the Affordable Care Act, see the link below, the .PDF document download is only 974 pages.

COMPILATION OF PATIENT PROTECTION AND AFFORDABLE CARE ACT (http://housedocs.house.gov/energycommerce/ppacacon.pdf)

10-16-2014, 06:52 PM
Being subsidized the government is good for everybody, isn't it???

10-16-2014, 07:12 PM
I have read all of those documents. I challenge you to find ANY way EVER the president has actually worked against the constitution. As usual the liberal argument includes facts and figures as to why the President is helping our country and the conservative argument is a whole bunch of bluster and accusations with NOTHING to back up their claims.

The affordable care act is a revolution in healthcare, the reason all of the conservative talking heads produce all the propaganda to try and convince you its a bad idea is because as the effects make themselves clear it will show that the act will make us a stronger healthier more productive country. Just in the short time some of its ideas have been enacted the healthcare costs in our country have already begun to stabilize. From 2000-2008 as a country we spent 7 percent more per year on our healthcare each year, last year with a partial implementation of the ACA we slowed our growth to just 2.7 percent. As more of the act comes into focus and as we adjust our healthcare system to meet its requirements the spiraling costs that we have not been able to control for DECADES will finally start to stabilize.

The argument that the something as complicated as the healthcare system in our entire nation needs to be less than a big complex document shows the backwards thinking that causes conservatives to hurt our country. I do nOt think you mean to but your unfound stances are really hurting the future of America.

Hi Kevbuckley333,
I am curious if you have ever read any of the following
1) The Constitution
2) The Declaration of Independence
3) The Bill of Rights
4) The Federalist Papers
Also curious if you have read the Affordable Care Act, see the link below, the .PDF document download is only 974 pages.

COMPILATION OF PATIENT PROTECTION AND AFFORDABLE CARE ACT (http://housedocs.house.gov/energycommerce/ppacacon.pdf)

10-16-2014, 07:31 PM
Steve you bring up some good points. And F6B I think the dont's have already exceeded the do's. Steve I'm not even sure its safe to say vote republican. I have traditionally leaned that way but they are as screwed up as the Dems. I just lean toward conservatives , people with family values and more of a median income. Washington is sooo out of touch. They have no idea how bad it is. The best solution I have is to get rid of them all. We get the quarterly reports of economic growth. Give me a break. This country is going downhill at an alarming rate. We need leaders with vision , someone that can make the hard choices , someone that's not afraid to hurt someone's feelings and someone that has the balls to say no. I say a barrel of oil for a bushel of corn. Let's see those Arabs eat that sand. We feed the world yet our farmers struggle. Let's see how mighty Russia"s army and China"s army is without food. This country does s piss poor job of marketing our assets. We give them away. The rest of the world prospers while we suffer. Thank our leaders for that. We are no longer feared or respected as a nation. We need leaders like Ronald Reagan.............hell its hard to think of another good one in the last 50 years. I'm not even sure the Republicans have a viable presidential candidate. I pray that someone will step forward. Chuck Norris? Steven Seagal? You guys how what I mean. I have just about give up. Not quite , but almost. I don't know about you but I'm tired of pulling the wagon by myself.

Palin Nugent 2016

10-16-2014, 07:43 PM
Those don't mean anything to guys like him. They live by the Obama Doctrine. Whatever Obama says goes. Frick the Constitution. Make it up as you go to suit Do Nothings and Disabled Frauds. They're all gonna shyt when we get tired of supporting their lazy azz.

10-16-2014, 07:45 PM
You're speakin my language F6B 1911. I already have 'name envy'. My favorite bagger and my favorite type of gun. Son we must be Kin somehow. Third stepbrother twice removed or something.

10-16-2014, 07:50 PM
Being subsidized the government is good for everybody, isn't it???

52% of the people apparently think so in the last two elections. I still haven't figured out how 48% can support 100%. I'm not real good with numbers.

10-16-2014, 07:52 PM
Those don't mean anything to guys like him. They live by the Obama Doctrine. Whatever Obama says goes. Frick the Constitution. Make it up as you go to suit Do Nothings and Disabled Frauds. They're all gonna shyt when we get tired of supporting their lazy azz.

As usual this post is a whole bunch of accusations with nothing to back them up. I work as a teacher, have never taken a dime from unemployment, disability, or any other kind of government program. I just look at the facts and data available to help make decisions about what is actually better for the country and it is pretty clear that the liberal agenda is far more effective at actually moving our country in a positive direction.

The conservative agenda tends to look alot like the post, a whole bunch of unsubstantiated angry words. Having to deal this kind of a response in a discussion of what is actually better for our country holds all of us back.

10-16-2014, 07:54 PM
52% of the people apparently think so in the last two elections. I still haven't figured out how 48% can support 100%. I'm not real good with numbers.

Have any data to back this ridiculous statement up? or is it the usual make believe talking points you heard someone say sometime and liked the sound of..

10-16-2014, 08:07 PM
Kev you are part of the problem. The fact that people that think like you are educating our children scares the hell out of me. Could be why the US has the lowest test scores of any empowered nation. The problem starts in the public school system and flows uphill. There are some good teachers and I would hope you are one of them. My mom was a teacher . I was married to a teacher for 24 years and my stepmom is a teacher. I know a little about teachers. Not trying to cut you down and nothing personal. Just my opinion.

10-16-2014, 08:07 PM
Palin Nugent 2016


Where is old Ted nowadays??? I see to remember a promise of 'Dead or in Jail,,,' a while back,,, :shrug:

Far as I know, he's still alive, not in jail, and still blowing steam out his cornhole! :icon_doh: He's proven to be full of ca-ca on so many levels, he WOULD make a great politician!!! LOL!!!

And Palin? I believe she's the one who got all the Teabaggers riled up,,, Resulting in a 'fractured' GOP,,, Probably the BEST thing that's ever happened to the Dem's,,,

You must be a 'Closet Liberal' as 'Pale and Nug 2016' would certainly mean another win for the Dems,,, :crackup:

10-16-2014, 08:26 PM

Where is old Ted nowadays??? :

Oh he's alive ok, as a matter of fact, I ran into him at the airport that serves general aviation here in OKC. I recognized him as he was waiting on his ride. Had a 10 minute conversation with him.

10-16-2014, 08:36 PM
What a crappy thing to say, You can't refute his statements so you attack him personally. I also have worked hard and saved all of my life and have mostly voted for Dems because I can see the difference in their policies. I also know and am friends with many Republicans and have even supported a few, but the right has corned the market on bat shit crazy. Finally WTF with all the politics on this board, I joined to learn more about what my bike is and what it could be not to listed to a bunch of bellyaching.

Kev you are part of the problem. The fact that people that think like you are educating our children scares the hell out of me. Could be why the US has the lowest test scores of any empowered nation. The problem starts in the public school system and flows uphill. There are some good teachers and I would hope you are one of them. My mom was a teacher . I was married to a teacher for 24 years and my stepmom is a teacher. I know a little about teachers. Not trying to cut you down and nothing personal. Just my opinion.

10-16-2014, 08:38 PM
Oh he's alive ok, as a matter of fact, I ran into him at the airport that serves general aviation here in OKC. I recognized him as he was waiting on his ride. Had a 10 minute conversation with him.
Did he ever clean the crap out his pants from his draft dodging days, or did he still have the sh*t stink on him?

10-16-2014, 08:46 PM
Finally WTF with all the politics on this board, I joined to learn more about what my bike is and what it could be not to listed to a bunch of bellyaching.

This is the off topic part of the forum, no F6B info here. Don't read it if it bugs ya

10-16-2014, 08:56 PM
Kev you are part of the problem. The fact that people that think like you are educating our children scares the hell out of me. Could be why the US has the lowest test scores of any empowered nation. The problem starts in the public school system and flows uphill. There are some good teachers and I would hope you are one of them. My mom was a teacher . I was married to a teacher for 24 years and my stepmom is a teacher. I know a little about teachers. Not trying to cut you down and nothing personal. Just my opinion.

If the state I taught in was compared to the worlds without the rest of the nation we would be in the top two or three, my students for my subject have consistently scored near the top of my state. I promise if the rest of the nation worked the way we did in MA we wouldn't have all the issues we do. It is more than just the teachers its the value we put on education and supporting all members of our society.

10-16-2014, 09:04 PM
What a crappy thing to say, You can't refute his statements so you attack him personally. I also have worked hard and saved all of my life and have mostly voted for Dems because I can see the difference in their policies. I also know and am friends with many Republicans and have even supported a few, but the right has corned the market on bat shit crazy. Finally WTF with all the politics on this board, I joined to learn more about what my bike is and what it could be not to listed to a bunch of bellyaching.

Thank you. I believe these discussions should be about facts and how different policies affect our nation. I like numbers and analysis, I wish I could have more discussions that actually focused on how different policy decisions actually effect our nation and the world, so often these discussions just turn into name calling. I really wish I could see some facts that explain why there is so much vitriol from the right to the left, I really don't hate their beliefs the way they appear to hate mine, I just don't think they are the right move for our country.

10-16-2014, 09:13 PM
This is the off topic part of the forum, no F6B info here. Don't read it if it bugs ya

Well I am still curious as to if nugent ever wiped his a** since his draft dodging days?

10-16-2014, 09:30 PM

This is the "OFF-TOPIC" section

Everyone is entitled to their opinion HOWEVER I ask that everyone please be civil and not lower yourselves to a second grade disagreement. Just agree to disagree and ignore the posts that you don't care for.

No need to let your blood pressure rise.

I love my country and the freedoms that I have...... Discussing Politics is part of everyday life and stirring the pot once in a while isn't going to kill anyone.

POLITICS does play a role in the motorcycle community ... here is some history ...

I believe it was Jimmy Carter that enacted the first federal emissions requirements for on-highway motorcycles, with compliance required for the 1980 model year. . I remember the 1979 Honda CBX being a more powerful bike then the 1980,1981 and 1982 CBX's

In the early eighties, Harley Davidson claimed that Japanese manufacturers were importing motorcycles into the US in such volume as to harm or threaten to harm domestic producers. After an investigation by the US International Trade Commission, President Reagan imposed in 1983 a 45% tariff on imported bikes and bikes over 700 cc engine capacity. Harley Davidson subsequently rejected offers of assistance from Japanese motorcycle makers. In 1983, many of the Japanese and other foreign manufactures dropped engine sizes from 750cc to 700cc in what has become known as the "Harley tariff". US President Ronald Reagan imposed a 45 percent tariff over a five-year period on the import of Japanese motorcycles, improving Harley-Davidson's ability to compete against high-quality foreign manufacturers as the last U.S. motorcycle manufacturer.

10-16-2014, 09:55 PM
Yes yes yes. One party is the root of all evil and the other will save the world. Gawd I must be a genius to believe that.

They say 7 of the 10 richest counties in the country are now in the DC metro area. Not sure what metric they used but I'm sure it's true by some measure, and guess what, fools, we're all footing the bill.

We freely send $40,000,000,000.00 (40 BILLION dollars) overseas every year... so thank you all for working so hard.

Your precious representatives enter Congress with "normal" net worth but leave as multi-millionaires...but of course they accomplished this by sacrificing and fighting for you and your causes. Of course they did.

Any party or representative that believes they're ENTITLED to take more from me in taxes to mis-spend and mis-appropriate... well, you know.

10-16-2014, 09:55 PM
Hey don't start it if you don't want to hear it. My opinion is just as good as yours. I said it respectfully. I believe it , I mean it , and I had the balls to say it. Go to a school board meeting. I do I'm involved. A lot of educators and administrators are flaky. Not all , but a lot. Hang around a group of them for 24 years and you will see what I mean. Didn't say it necessarily applied to anyone on here. And Jay you want to censor everyone and just hear your own drivel. Not my first rodeo with you. Typical liberal. You want to force your beliefs on everyone. If you think it's good then that should be the law. No one else is allowed to have an opinion. Like I said Mine is as good as yours , maybe better.

10-16-2014, 10:00 PM

This is the "OFF-TOPIC" section

Everyone is entitled to their opinion HOWEVER I ask that everyone please be civil and not lower yourselves to a second grade disagreement. Just agree to disagree and ignore the posts that you don't care for.

No need to let your blood pressure rise.

I love my country and the freedoms that I have...... Discussing Politics is part of everyday life and stirring the pot once in a while isn't going to kill anyone.

POLITICS does play a role in the motorcycle community ... here is some history ...

I believe it was Jimmy Carter that enacted the first federal emissions requirements for on-highway motorcycles, with compliance required for the 1980 model year. . I remember the 1979 Honda CBX being a more powerful bike then the 1980,1981 and 1982 CBX's

In the early eighties, Harley Davidson claimed that Japanese manufacturers were importing motorcycles into the US in such volume as to harm or threaten to harm domestic producers. After an investigation by the US International Trade Commission, President Reagan imposed in 1983 a 45% tariff on imported bikes and bikes over 700 cc engine capacity. Harley Davidson subsequently rejected offers of assistance from Japanese motorcycle makers. In 1983, many of the Japanese and other foreign manufactures dropped engine sizes from 750cc to 700cc in what has become known as the "Harley tariff". US President Ronald Reagan imposed a 45 percent tariff over a five-year period on the import of Japanese motorcycles, improving Harley-Davidson's ability to compete against high-quality foreign manufacturers as the last U.S. motorcycle manufacturer.

Hey where'd this motorcycle talk come from ??


10-17-2014, 01:14 AM

10-17-2014, 05:41 AM

This clearly illustrates the differences between how we view the world. Conservatives think you debate politics and make decisions using funny pictures and insults, liberals actually look at facts and make sound choices that move our country forward.

Just look at this thread, how it always turns out....

10-17-2014, 07:04 AM
Yeah Bobby. How dare you have a funny thought I'm the midst of all this stupid shyt they are doing. You need to be researching facts and figures instead if doing something to try and cheer yourself up.

10-17-2014, 07:47 AM
RE: Just look at this thread, how it always turns out....

Uh,,,, where's the OP!??!!??

He's been around here long enough to know how these threads go,,, That didn't stop him from lighting another fuse, did it!?!?! LOL!!!

That wascally troublemaker!!! He lit the fuse and walked away,,, again!!! :crackup:

But then again,,,, ~lighting a fuse~ isn't quite the same as heaping kegs of powder on the stack,,, :icon_wink:

LOL! Kinda like an arsonist,,, start a small fire and watch from the sidelines as the house burns! :icon_biggrin:

(No, Steve, I am not calling you an Arsonist,,, just an occasional 'wascally troublemaker'! :icon_biggrin: :cheers:)

10-17-2014, 07:54 AM
Wasn't Jesus more or less killed by 'Republicans'? :shrug:

Isn't the term 'Republican Christian' an oxymoron, because no REAL Republican would ever tolerate giving up their worldly possessions,,,

Or is it 'Christian on Sunday, Republican Monday through Saturday'?


Steve 0080
10-17-2014, 08:59 AM
Scottrod, you are partially correct...the fact is EVERYONE believes there opinions are the correct ones. I on occasion try to get people to think, see the other side, or just stir the pot as it has been boring... The hard part for people to accept is not NO ONE wakes up and decided they are going to F#^K up their life today. EVERYONE ONE thinks they are living their life as best that it can be, the fact that from the side lines you can see it as a train wreck means nothing!. We could spend the rest of the year debating the actions of the last 5 presidents and congress...still won't change anything but it does liven up the board.
Now for more fodder , Why are we not stopping flights from the Ebola areas like 35 other countries, why is the Pres trying to convince everyone that we are immune from disease, why is the IRS targeting Reps, why do we have a US Attorney General backing the Black Panther group, when are people going to realize that if a young black man is in church, he can't be shot by a policeman, the right-wing propaganda machine. The Democrats thinking it is OK to kill babies but not go to war. So many questions, so little time...

Headed to Daytona :stirthepot:

10-17-2014, 09:33 AM
Daytona sounds like FUN!!!

BE SAFE / HAVE FUN!!!! :yes:

10-17-2014, 11:15 AM
You know I like Steve , but he's a shyt disturber. As soon as he leaves for Daytona me and Scot is gonna talk about him behind his back.

10-17-2014, 01:30 PM
Facts and figures are great, especially when they're made up.

No one can tell me how great obamacare is cuz I already know. My family can't afford to go to the doctor anymore cuz all our co-pays doubled. Stick it to the middle class, we're too busy working and living to do anything about it.

10-17-2014, 01:58 PM

Here's some facts that aren't made up. Last year copays (top) vs this year (bottom). When you get hurt or sick and call the dr they say, "we have an opening next month". That's nice, so you're off to the ER. Now it's gonna cost me $300 to get checked out at the ER. Or maybe I can get into (not so) urgent care for the discounted rate of $100. Gee thanks.

Forget it. I think I'll just bleed out.

10-17-2014, 02:23 PM

Here's some facts that aren't made up. Last year copays (top) vs this year (bottom). When you get hurt or sick and call the dr they say, "we have an opening next month". That's nice, so you're off to the ER. Now it's gonna cost me $300 to get checked out at the ER. Or maybe I can get into (not so) urgent care for the discounted rate of $100. Gee thanks.

Forget it. I think I'll just bleed out.

Bobby,Bobby. Its for the good of the people. We have to take care of the Do-Nothings too. Get a part time job. Work nights and weekends. Just remember , its the right thing to do.

10-17-2014, 02:51 PM
Facts and figures are great, especially when they're made up.
88-93% of all facts are completely made up 4 out of 5 times,

10-17-2014, 03:04 PM
88-93% of all facts are completely made up 4 out of 5 times,

And there are 3 different kinds of lies; lies, damn lies, and statistics.

10-17-2014, 04:00 PM

10-17-2014, 04:21 PM
Here's some facts that aren't made up. Last year copays (top) vs this year (bottom). When you get hurt or sick and call the dr they say, "we have an opening next month". That's nice, so you're off to the ER. Now it's gonna cost me $300 to get checked out at the ER. Or maybe I can get into (not so) urgent care for the discounted rate of $100. Gee thanks.
Forget it. I think I'll just bleed out.

Yeah, I got hit hard also, I have to meet an 8k deductible, my new doctor seems to have an issue speaking English.
Think I may just join a union and be a schoolteacher, heard Obama gave them a break for voting for him.

10-17-2014, 04:26 PM
I can always go to the VA and die in the waiting room. :banghead:

10-17-2014, 04:40 PM
We had United. Went to BCBS. Copays have been increasing long before O-care started,,, Pretty sure they will continue to keep climbing. :shrug:

Houston has it own 'economy',,,, Lotsa folks coming in and Dr. offices popping up everywhere. My Dr. went from a small office in strip-center to 2 story stand-alone facility.

Probably time to find another DR as the patient numbers just keep on growing at my current one, regardless of how may additional DR's she hires,,,

Hospitals?!?!? OLE CHIT!!! They can't build 'em fast enough down here, and we aint talkin 3-400 bed 'mini's,,,,, Friggin full-blown multi-block facility's sitting on PRIME real estate,,, :shock:

O-care or not, there is BIG money in healthcare. If there wasn't, we wouldn't be seeing all the construction / new offices. The system would 'collapse', right?? (Hey, that's what the rumors were, right? O-care means Dr's won't practice anymore,,, No Nurses,,, No hospitals,,, General health care 'Chaos',,,,)

Well, that certainly isn't the case here!!!!! :shrug:

10-17-2014, 07:41 PM
We had United. Went to BCBS. Copays have been increasing long before O-care started,,, Pretty sure they will continue to keep climbing. :shrug:

Houston has it own 'economy',,,, Lotsa folks coming in and Dr. offices popping up everywhere. My Dr. went from a small office in strip-center to 2 story stand-alone facility.

Probably time to find another DR as the patient numbers just keep on growing at my current one, regardless of how may additional DR's she hires,,,

Hospitals?!?!? OLE CHIT!!! They can't build 'em fast enough down here, and we aint talkin 3-400 bed 'mini's,,,,, Friggin full-blown multi-block facility's sitting on PRIME real estate,,, :shock:

O-care or not, there is BIG money in healthcare. If there wasn't, we wouldn't be seeing all the construction / new offices. The system would 'collapse', right?? (Hey, that's what the rumors were, right? O-care means Dr's won't practice anymore,,, No Nurses,,, No hospitals,,, General health care 'Chaos',,,,)

Well, that certainly isn't the case here!!!!! :shrug:

It's funny you should mention that about all of the construction being as Obama care is so bad for us and the health care providers, as a side note one of my favorite places to golf is Hermann Park Golf with its towering buildings and the constant hum of the city. Every time I visit Houston I make a point of going there.

10-17-2014, 07:47 PM
Hey don't start it if you don't want to hear it. My opinion is just as good as yours. I said it respectfully. I believe it , I mean it , and I had the balls to say it. Go to a school board meeting. I do I'm involved. A lot of educators and administrators are flaky. Not all , but a lot. Hang around a group of them for 24 years and you will see what I mean. Didn't say it necessarily applied to anyone on here. And Jay you want to censor everyone and just hear your own drivel. Not my first rodeo with you. Typical liberal. You want to force your beliefs on everyone. If you think it's good then that should be the law. No one else is allowed to have an opinion. Like I said Mine is as good as yours , maybe better.

And Jay you want to censor everyone and just hear your own drivel.

I don't recall trying to censor anybody, but it seems that you are trying to censor me, And as far as forcing my beliefs on everybody if you mean being a real American than guilty as charged and if not than feel free to just ignore any of my posts.

10-17-2014, 08:40 PM
Yeah, I got hit hard also, I have to meet an 8k deductible, my new doctor seems to have an issue speaking English.
Think I may just join a union and be a schoolteacher, heard Obama gave them a break for voting for him.

That's good buddy. Now we're having fun.

10-17-2014, 08:42 PM
You're the man Bobby!!!:icon_lol:

10-17-2014, 09:41 PM
It's funny you should mention that about all of the construction being as Obama care is so bad for us and the health care providers, as a side note one of my favorite places to golf is Hermann Park Golf with its towering buildings and the constant hum of the city. Every time I visit Houston I make a point of going there.

Yeah, Houston is kind of it's own little 'country', with oil and gas keeping it anchored,,, Dozen or more tower cranes building just within 5-10 miles of I-10 and beltway 8,,, Who knows how many more in other area's,,, :shrug:

Memorial Hermann is building in several places, and also buying other hospitals as well. Methodist @ Katy is only a year or 2 old,,, Memorial @ Katy is adding on again,,,,

Whole different world when I go back to the Parents farm in Iowa,,, Kinda like the land that time forgot,,,

Each area has it's pro's and con's,,,

10-17-2014, 09:46 PM

I was not one of the SPECIAL few that were EXEMPT from OSHITCARE.

I'm also paying higher premiums and have a higher deductible with this great program.
I could use some vaseline :bendover:

10-17-2014, 09:49 PM
Wait til next year!!!! You know it's only going to get BETTER!!!! LOL!

Steve 0080
10-17-2014, 11:25 PM
Just got in from Daytona !! Had a great time, had dinner with Fla Mike and his wife Beverley and 53 Driver +1...

I work for a rather large company which employes 300K..last year my insurance went up $1000, this year another $1000.... and no it was not going up before... I had my neck operated on and it cost me $250.00 and they over billed me by $100 because I did not stay the night... I did not complain! My heart surgery cost me $2500.00 I am thinking that is quite a jump in two years !!!!! And as for as Obumacare... I don't remember seeing any of the 15% who did not have coverage sitting on the side of the road bleeding.....just sayin

Steve 0080
10-18-2014, 08:22 AM
Happy Saturday!!! Lets go to the beach !!!

10-18-2014, 08:37 AM
Happy Saturday!!! Lets go to the beach !!!

Yeah, right now in Detroit it 48 degrees... I may do a ride to the cider mill, but I ain't going to no beach.

10-18-2014, 09:36 AM
This is why the summer is worth suffering through.


Steve 0080
10-18-2014, 02:10 PM
Have we noticed there is no muslim or Ebola issues in Japan or China...Uummmmmmm

Steve 0080
10-18-2014, 03:04 PM
Why do Democrats NOT want people to have a photo I.D. in order to vote...I guess this would hamper the dead from voting?????

10-18-2014, 03:25 PM
I love arguments about politics in murica. There is no logic just geography.

10-18-2014, 05:44 PM
Have we noticed there is no muslim or Ebola issues in Japan or China...Uummmmmmm


(Reuters) - Chinese militants from the western region of Xinjiang have fled from the country to get "terrorist training" from Islamic State fighters for attacks at home, state media reported on Monday.

The report was the first time state-run media had linked militants from Xinjiang, home to ethnic minority Uighur Muslims, to militants of the Islamic State (IS), a radical Sunni Muslim group which has seized large parts of Syria and Iraq.

China's government has blamed a surge of violence over the past year on Islamist militants from Xinjiang who China says are fighting for an independent state called East Turkestan.

Steve 0080
10-18-2014, 05:54 PM
My quote was " IN " ... those folk dont come to those two countries and play there game! Japan more so... Where have we failed, Oh thats it ...we want to love everyone!!!

10-18-2014, 05:55 PM
I think if we shouldn't require health insurance, then we shouldn't require auto insurance. We all know who pays when there's an 'uninsured motorist', right? Surely we can all guess who pays when there's an uninsured patient,,, :icon_biggrin:




I drive like crap and don't give a dayum about my health. All you seatbelt wearin' granola eatin folks can rest assured part of YOUR premiums help my insurance company cover what it costs to keep ME going!!!



Steve 0080
10-18-2014, 05:57 PM
Why work and pay when you can live on the governments plantation....

10-18-2014, 06:03 PM
last year my insurance went up $1000, this year another $1000.... and no it was not going up before...

AH HA!!! Even then, they musta known about that heart condition!!! :shock:

(Glad ya made if back from D beach! It's a GREAT time to be riding virtually anywhere in the South! :yes:)

10-18-2014, 07:20 PM
China and Japan are not handicapped by white guilt... that's the difference IMO, which also applies to other countries.

White guilt in America has caused us to accept a lowering of the bar in order to accommodate segments of the black community. Sorry if that offends anyone but I think it's true. There's no reason in the world why America should have a special class of people where things like college admissions are Federally allowed to consider RACE as an entrance qualification. Fire Departments are another area where they are FORCED to consider race instead of credentials only.

If you've ever traveled internationally and re-enter through Customs in Newark, NJ... take a look at the ghetto thugs they have working. The racial quota system is alive and well and we end up with dim witted buffoons in critical positions where they shouldn't be.

10-18-2014, 08:52 PM
My quote was " IN " ... those folk dont come to those two countries and play there game! Japan more so... Where have we failed, Oh thats it ...we want to love everyone!!!

DING DING DING. Give the man a prize!!!! That is the problem. American Citizens actually LOVE those Ragheads that blew up the towers and the pentagon. Anyone in NY that thinks Muslims are ok is sick. Any US citizen that thinks that is sick. That's what people don't understand about war. It's not pretty. It's not glamorous. My definition of war is your use every resource at your disposal and go as hard as you can until the enemy is obliterated or exhibits total surrender. Now we don't want to hurt anyone.

10-20-2014, 07:13 PM
For our left wing friend who claims the republicans screw up everything all the time:

What happened in Vietnam ...


10-20-2014, 09:08 PM
For our left wing friend who claims the republicans screw up everything all the time:

What happened in Vietnam ...


Say what you want about who you want, but just remember when it comes time to vote....which party is almost always against veteran benefits, wants to cut social security and medicare, is against raising the minimum wage, is against equality of pay for women, and almost always includes a tax break for the wealthy....think about it!

10-20-2014, 09:28 PM

10-20-2014, 10:04 PM
Regarding cutting benefits to Veterans ...


10-20-2014, 11:23 PM
Say what you want about who you want, but just remember when it comes time to vote....which party is almost always against veteran benefits, wants to cut social security and medicare, is against raising the minimum wage, is against equality of pay for women, and almost always includes a tax break for the wealthy....think about it!

Veteran Benefits. Another government oxymoron.

I'd gladly give back my benefits if they'd secure the borders and not raise the minimum wage. Illegal immigration is illegal and minimum wage is not a living wage.

10-21-2014, 12:02 AM
Roger that on the minimum wage. Voting to raise it might make someone feel good but ... http://www.balancedpolitics.org/minimum_wage.htm

Unless you've successfully run a small business, you do not have enough practical information to understand the problem. Politicians (some/most) are whores for votes.

George McGovern had some interesting things to say once he got out of politics and tried to run his own business http://www.investorvillage.com/smbd.asp?mb=2234&mn=469023&pt=msg&mid=12221450

Near where I live (Seattle) the minimum wage was raised to $15 http://money.cnn.com/2014/06/02/news/economy/seattle-minimum-wage/index.html
Imagine that you've just purchased a McDonalds franchise with profit margins running 6-8% after all is said and done. You now either have to sell a boatload more burgers and/or raise your prices so high that reasonable people will drive 3 miles down the road to a cheaper burger.

Steve 0080
10-21-2014, 01:52 PM
George McGovern had some interesting things to say once he got out of politics and tried to run his own business http://www.investorvillage.com/smbd....g&mid=12221450

WOW!!! This is the problem with voting folks in with no experience, whether it is in business, military or life experiences...we suffer with their decisions!!! Glad ole George finally saw the light !!!

10-21-2014, 06:36 PM
George McGovern had some interesting things to say once he got out of politics and tried to run his own business http://www.investorvillage.com/smbd....g&mid=12221450

WOW!!! This is the problem with voting folks in with no experience, whether it is in business, military or life experiences...we suffer with their decisions!!! Glad ole George finally saw the light !!!

I give up! I say we agree to disagree and get on with life, you vote your way and I'll vote mine...the rich will continue to get richer and the poor will continue to get poorer and hopefully we can continue to ride until we're too old to throw a leg over our favorite ride!

Steve 0080
10-22-2014, 10:45 PM
I will agree as long as everyone else agrees that until you sign the front of the check you don't have a clue....

Successful people build each other up. They motivate, inspire, and push each other. Unsuccessful people just hate, blame.. and complain.............

10-22-2014, 11:10 PM
There's a non-profit group in Seattle who is a strong proponent of $20/hr national minimum wage. Funny thing, they needed a web developer and posted a help wanted ad... offering the position for $13/hr. True story. If $20/hr is such a good thing, why would they do this? Because they don't have the money to pay it... and the same is true for the small businesses out there, non-profit or otherwise. Liberal brilliance.

Another true story. A Senator from Missouri wanted to make a point in the Ferguson protests, so she did so by protesting in the middle of the street and got herself arrested. Upon being booked, they found a loaded 9mm pistol and extra ammo on her person. The funny thing here is this Senator is a staunch gun control proponent. If gun control is such an important issue, why are you carrying? Liberal brilliance squared.

Crazy Dave
10-23-2014, 12:45 AM
I've been a Chiropractic Physician for 36 years. I am an employer of 2 doctors, myself & staff of 7. The Obammanation has driven so many dr.'s from many professions out of practice never to return. e.g. My cost of doing business exceeds what medicare pays & docs from other professions are in the same insane loose/loose boat. e. g. Medicare pays $26 for an office visit & we are mandated under law to accept that & can charge no more....BUT it costs me $36 in overhead cost before I even make a dime. That's means paying out $10 every time we see a medicare patient.
Now business is very simple..you make a living after overhead expenses or you do not...watch what happens to ins premiums & deductibles this next 2 years. I'm going into early retirement because in the good old USA the feds & state steals 46% of what I make. King O' has no clue when it comes to running a business & 9 people are depending on you...& those 9 jobs will be lost when I retire.

The website debacle..it wasn't supposed to work. The purpose of O'care is to make insurances companies fail leaving only one who can save us....good old bankruptt /corrupt / who needs congress? fed gov...it will be just like the "top shelf care" the veterans are getting that's been on the news lately.
Stealing from hard working people & giving it to just as many people who won't work. Oh yea, & that pesky gov debt thing...ahh just print more money~!