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View Full Version : Is Your Cell Phone More Important Than Your Deodorant?

10-22-2014, 01:32 PM
If you had to give up one, which would it be: Your cell phone or deodorant?
A recent survey from Bank of America suggests that, for some, our cell phones are just as important as deodorant:


Scary. Either way, it's true that our phones have become an essential component for many of us. So why not make sure yours is protected while you're out there on the open road, making memories.

Protect your phone with Phoneshield


10-23-2014, 08:46 PM
I could easily shower 2 or 3 times a day.

If I leave the house without my iphone, it's like I left without pants.... it just seems soo wrong.:icon_frown:

10-23-2014, 08:49 PM
I could easily shower 2 or 3 times a day.

If I leave the house without my iphone, it's like I left without pants.... it just seems soo wrong.:icon_frown:

What he said.

Steve 0080
10-23-2014, 11:00 PM
I like to have a phone handy, it has a useful purpose..... I would rather smell pretty than to have a phone growing out of my ear....

opas ride
10-27-2014, 07:28 PM
We have become so "obsessed" with these gadgets that I am beginning to wonder who is smarter?..The marketing people that are trying to convince us that we are "sub-standard humans" without these so-called "smart phones"or just plain common sense that tells us we can get along just fine without the latest and greatest piece of "outer space"....I'm good to go with my plain old cell phone, which does all I need it to do.....Is it really "Social Media" or "Social BS!!....Think about it!!!

10-27-2014, 07:41 PM
We have become so "obsessed" with these gadgets that I am beginning to wonder who is smarter?..The marketing people that are trying to convince us that we are "sub-standard humans" without these so-called "smart phones"or just plain common sense that tells us we can get along just fine without the latest and greatest piece of "outer space"....I'm good to go with my plain old cell phone, which does all I need it to do.....Is it really "Social Media" or "Social BS!!....Think about it!!!
While the "craze" for the latest gizmo has the media and 1% of the population waiting in lines over a weekend, 98% of us realize that the smart phone, the computer, and the hammer are tools to be used as required, as desired. If a flip phone satisfies your toolbox, then so be it. I would prefer email and internet access if I desire. To each his own.....oh yeah, I have a Harley too - so much for the "latest and greatest." :icon_biggrin: