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View Full Version : Ebola in New York

Steve 0080
10-23-2014, 10:52 PM

10-25-2014, 06:26 AM

The case Steve referred to in NYC has caused both the state of NY as well as it's neighbor NJ to impose involuntary 21 day quarantine on all medical workers comimg from West Africa. Since it is clear fom the Texas incidents where no fewer than 3 healthcare orders contracted the disease (or are being monitored for it) that the key to controlling this very potent and newly mutated virus is to isolate the potentially infected carriers. I wonder when ALL visitors and returning citizens from affected countries will be quarantined? Seems to be a better solution than tracking down the 100's of people possibly contacted by each and every actual victim. Imagine the cost to the airlines and healthcare system for just monitoring all the folks who rode the airplane with Ms. Vinson as she flew from Texas to Ohio and back. Now multiply that by all the people who rode that same uncleaned airplane for the next several days...

I think the airlines could devote a part of their long term parking lots for tent cities to house the potential carriers just as the large city states of Europe created camps for sailors and merchants when the bubonic plague killed millions during he middle ages. It worked then so why not protect our population at home since it is impossible to close the borders in West Africa, much less this country(but let's not get off on that tangent).