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View Full Version : Miles until fill up, how far do you dare?

10-27-2014, 08:29 PM
Low fuel light came on at 220 miles the other day so I pulled in to the first gas station I saw. Only took 5.2 gallons so I wondered..... How far can you push the F6B on fuel miles before disaster?
Did my fuel light cry wolf? I know I am digging the distance between fill ups compared to the 130 miles or so on my Valkyries. :yes: But it did have a 1 1/8 gallon reserve that the F6B obviously doesn't have.
Anybody run their "B" to dry yet? Or how close did you get?

10-27-2014, 08:47 PM
Steady fuel light at 235 highway miles. 5.4 gallons.

10-27-2014, 08:51 PM
Never got past 180, what the heck?

10-27-2014, 09:52 PM
I Don't go past 245 miles runing at 55 or 60....at 70mph plus 200 miles...then time for a fillup....

10-27-2014, 09:54 PM
I have gone 279.3 mi and put in 6.212 gal. I usually fill up to the vent hole in the neck.
I haven't had a chance to check it on a trip since installing the cruise control, but they said I should see up to a 20% gain.

10-27-2014, 10:31 PM
240's the longest I've gone. And I've not hit 200 before the light came on. Your mileage may vary-literally.

10-27-2014, 10:36 PM
I barely get 160 before my light comes on. Most I have gotten is 200 and my light was on for a while. I guess cruising at 80-90mph doesn't help.

10-27-2014, 11:07 PM
It's nice to have an accurate and linear fuel gauge on a bike :icon_biggrin:

My light *flickers* before it comes on steady. When I'm initially low on fuel and lean into a curve, the low fuel light comes on but goes back off.

Regardless of how many miles are showing, I won't go very far past the last tick mark.

10-28-2014, 09:03 AM
My fuel light comes on around 200 miles and I haven't gone much farther before fueling up. On a side note it is not a good idea to run your bike on low fuel very often as the fuel in your tank is also used to cool the fuel pump. My brother in law is a mechanic at a Ford dealership and says they replace many fuel pumps just because of people running their vehicles too low too often.

10-28-2014, 09:46 AM
I've never been one to run my vehilces to almost empty before filling up. Once the low fuel light comes on I'm filling up at the next gas station. Mine comes on between 160-180 miles usually. I think I went up to 200 miles once before finding a gas station. I usually still have about 2+ gallons left in the tank when I fill up.

Steve 0080
10-28-2014, 10:38 AM
I barely get 160 before my light comes on. Most I have gotten is 200 and my light was on for a while. I guess cruising at 80-90mph doesn't help.

It is all in your wrist....lower speeds more miliage, higher speeds less miliage....:biker:

10-28-2014, 11:15 AM
This past weekend coming home from the Dragon & Blue Ridge I went just over 300 miles on a tank (that's the farthest I ever ran on a tank - and I didn't intend on going that far :shock:). When I did stop, it had a little over .2 gal left. I was getting pretty nervous, but kept going over the math in my head that said I could make it to that station. For what it's worth, the fuel light comes on with around 1.16 gallons remaining (If I'm remembering right), and I consistantly get 42-43 mpg. By my calcs I can go around 50 miles once the light comes on.

I usually fill up around 250 miles, but ended up getting much better mileage on this particular tank (steady cruising speed and not a lot of stop and goes).

10-28-2014, 11:35 AM
My low fuel light came on in Quebec somewhere as we were doing our x-country trip this past summer. In error I blew by an exit ramp with fuel services and figured in the area I was in I would see another one in 20 or 30 km 18 to 24mi. However it was more like 70 km and I had 472 km on the trip meter before I found some gas and I was already planning a strategy to deal with a stranded fuel empty bike.

So 472 translates to 295 miles....I forget how much gas it took to fill up at that time but needless to say it was the most I had ever pumped in the F6B at one go.

Just one more reason to love the little beast.....although a PITA waiting for the bike to die or a gas station to appear.

Alls well that end well.


10-28-2014, 11:52 AM

On a side note it is not a good idea to run your bike on low fuel very often as the fuel in your tank is also used to cool the fuel pump. My brother in law is a mechanic at a Ford dealership and says they replace many fuel pumps just because of people running their vehicles too low too often.

Ask your brother in law how hard these pumps are being driven, that is, are these pumps operating near their upper flow limit? It sounds like Ford is cheaping out and undersizing the pumps.

10-28-2014, 11:54 AM

So 472 translates to 295 miles...


I think you win the prize for the highest distance!

10-28-2014, 01:38 PM
I routinely go 240-250 miles on a tank of gas, and usually end up putting close to, or just over, 6 gallons of gas in when I stop to gas up. I do mostly highway driving. To/from work tends to be high speed on the way in, and much slower on the way home (80 mile round trip). The drive home is often stop and go, so I'm a bit surprised I get as good mileage as I do. I'm just over 4300 miles on the bike, so I'm not sure if it will get better or worse over time, but time will tell. :)

Elin in So. Cal.
10-28-2014, 03:21 PM
I just filled up today, put 6.01 gallons into it for 261 miles on the odo. So I get 43.5 MPG this go-round. I usually fill it at 230 or so, and put five gallons (+-) in. My fuel light comes on at 225 as a "flicker/lean-is-off", but is on steady soon after.

Was hoping to get 19,000 miles this year, and will do so before the December 2 anniversary of purchase. I have to file my safe mileage with the Women in the Wind at the end of this month, so I won't get that 19G for a high mileage award.

And I'm going to repaint her this winter.... think turquoise dragon. Front claws holding the front wheel... Wings folded along the sides. Tail wrapping around the rear. Pearl colors... with black.

10-28-2014, 05:33 PM
And I'm going to repaint her this winter.... think turquoise dragon. Front claws holding the front wheel... Wings folded along the sides. Tail wrapping around the rear. Pearl colors... with black.

Congrats on your mileage and I can't wait to see your paint.

It is amazing how the fuel mileage drops off on this bike at speed but it is to be expected. When I stay on back roads and keep her under 65 I always get 43-45 MPG but my current combat commute is 80-85 for 44 miles each way. 35 mpg tops. It is also on a toll way so if I forget to get gas I am stuck for about 30 of those miles which I did when I filled up and it took 6.3 gallons. 35mpg and a 6.6 gallon tank is empty at 228 miles.

10-28-2014, 08:17 PM
Thanks for all the responses!
From what I read of the collective experiences I can conclude that 250 easy to moderate throttle miles & it is time to fill up. That is a vast improvement from our Valkyries! I'm not real comfy with unnecessarily pushing my luck with the fuel situation especially when we are riding together on two bikes.
Like was said earlier... another reason to love these bikes! :yes:.batman-smilie.

10-29-2014, 08:22 PM
I filled up today at about 220 miles , the light was on for 25 or so and I put in 5.972 gallons. I have been getting more mpg but this was the first tank that was high test. Makes me wonder if perhaps the mileage is better with regular, I know that years ago I ran premo in my ST1100 as did a friend in his, then a Honda rep told him to use regular and his mileage increased 3-4 mpg. I didn't notice a performance difference with the premium. Have yet to try non ethanol. Dave

10-29-2014, 08:40 PM
I barely get 160 before my light comes on. Most I have gotten is 200 and my light was on for a while. I guess cruising at 80-90mph doesn't help.

I'm with you, fast starts/fast stops... 80-90hwy speed 160 miles

10-31-2014, 11:13 AM
Last Fill Up -- 223 miles on 5.8 Gallons. 38.44 miles to the gallon isn't bad for 2 up riding with combination of city and highway (75mph) speeds.

11-12-2014, 02:00 PM
Moot point for me. I've never gone over 140 miles without a stop, and typically stop every 60-90 minutes. I can't ride two hours without stopping for a break. Staying hydrated requires fill-ups and emptying.

11-12-2014, 04:29 PM
46 mpg for me at 55 - 60 mpg. Better than the Valkyrie - especially after I triked it!