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07-03-2013, 05:23 PM
Has anyone found a way on the F6B to get GPS directions to interrupt the stereo and come through the sound system? I have heard that it can be done on the G-Wings through the CB interface but not sure on the F6B. If not I am sure I can go bluetooth in the helmet.


07-03-2013, 07:13 PM
I'm still brand new to the bike and started playing with this. I got my phone's gps (Google based) to come through the speakers on the aux setting. You would have to be playing music through your phone with the jack in the upper left compartment hooked up in aux mode. I use I heart radio and Pandora so as long as I am listening to that I can hear my directions. I can't believe Honda didn't Bluetooth this bike.

07-03-2013, 09:11 PM
Scott, give Jeff a call at Sierra Electronics...the motorcycle audio and electronics store, and ask him for the Goldwing Intercom interupt harness. This only works if you listen to everything through a helmet headset. It will NOT work if you use the bikes external speakers. By using this harness...a $ 59.00 item, it will interupt any music you are listending to , and give you GPS directions through BOTH speakers inside your helmet.

Gee...I am just a wealth of info, ain't I ?:icon_rolleyes:

07-04-2013, 11:59 PM
I use a very simple solution to this one. For those times that I need directions I use the stock Navigation app on my Android smartphone, along with the stock Music app. Plug it into the 3.5mm jack in the glove box. It automatically interrupts the music to give directions - it's worked well for me.

And, unlike every other thing I've done with the bike, this solution was free (since I already had the phone)!

07-05-2013, 03:46 AM
I too use my smart phone plugged into the bike's system with the 3.5mm plug and I use the dual power outlets in the same compartment to charge the phone while using. The navigation app will block music and give me directions to either my bluetooth helmet speakers or the bikes speaker system.

07-05-2013, 06:51 PM
Smart Phone works great. If you are listening to music and using gps on your smart phone, the gps mutes the music each time directions are given.

Any questions regarding the above, just let me know.

07-06-2013, 07:05 PM
I run an android phone (Nexus 4) so this works great when I have cell coverage, once I loose phone coverage then Google Maps drops out due to lack of data. I am going with a Garmin with bluetooth to the helmet headset I guess. Thanks for the suggestions.


07-06-2013, 07:20 PM
I run an android phone (Nexus 4) so this works great when I have cell coverage, once I loose phone coverage then Google Maps drops out due to lack of data. I am going with a Garmin with bluetooth to the helmet headset I guess. Thanks for the suggestions.


I have a Garmin and can't get it synced via Bluetooth to a headset, I have a Scala G4. If you Google this it's a common problem. The Zumo's will probably work but not the Nuvi's.

07-07-2013, 02:42 PM
From my understanding Bluetooth A2DP is required for the GPS to synch with a headset. From what I have been able to find only the following models from Garmin have this technology:

nuvi 765
nuvi 775
nuvi 785
zumo 660
zumo 665

I may look at the Tom Tom units to see what models they offer with A2DP.
