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View Full Version : Iphone Bluetooth music control

01-28-2015, 10:20 PM
So off Ebay I got myself a Bluetooth Music control for my Iphone 5c.
Works better than perfect.
Phone in Pocket
It has 4 buttons easily worked with gloves. 2 volume and 2 arrows for new song old song.
All you do is put velcro on your clutch master cylinder and some velcro on the back of the Bluetooth remote and away you go.
You have to sync your Iphone when you start and you also have to start the unit. The instructions say the unit stays on when not being used for 5 minutes ?
Only had it a day and ran it for half an hour no problems but for $8.00 delivered, Ebay is your friend.:icon_cool:

Link: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Bluetooth-Remote-Control-Music-Player-Camera-Shutter-For-iPhone-Samsung-Android-/171555056959?pt=AU_MobilePhoneAccessories&var=&hash=item27f17a6d3f

Steve 0080
01-29-2015, 12:21 AM
Interesting !!!

01-29-2015, 10:39 PM
Nifty but a little confused on why you need one. Plug your phone into the USB in the saddlebag and you get the same controls on the handlebar.

Although my wife may like it to prevent me from switching songs I don't like and she does!

01-30-2015, 12:56 AM
Just makes it easier. Keep the phone in the pocket. The Phone through Bluetooth is synced to the Garmin Zumo, Zumo to Autocom. So you can answer and make calls with the touch of the Zumo's screen. You can also access all your phones memory with a touch or two of the zumo screen, like last dialed and your phone book contacts
Phone battery's good for a few days
I have everything hooked up to the bike. Turn the bike on and everything works. Plugging stuff in and then unplugging it, is just a ????????? :icon_cool:

01-30-2015, 06:36 PM
And so it lasted for an hour, then nothing ? no go nothing, So off go's and email and lets see what happens ?????:icon_cool:

01-30-2015, 09:34 PM
Bummer the new toy broke - I didn't realize you had so many other gagdets - I'm a keep it simple stupid guy. My wife is the techno geek. I'm simply happy to ride with tunes.

I hope it starts to work again for you.

01-30-2015, 09:47 PM
Yeah it turned out crap along with the other gadgets in the bin. Ahhh but maybe 40 years ago I did have a Cassette player in my pocket and an AM radio.:icon_cool: Those were the days. 1000 mile days on a Yammy 500 on Australian roads, sometimes 50 Celcius (130 F) :icon_cool: