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Injun Joe
02-06-2015, 03:00 PM
Just got done reading another one of those threads. You know the ones I mean. "Ride it like you stole it." "Bat out of hell." "Why's this thing got a damned rev limiter?" etc.

I've said it before, I only like to look fast. Five to ten over the speed limit is my normal cruising speed on the highway. I love the old blues song that proclaims, "I'm built for comfort, not for speed."

All this causes me anxiety about riding with anyone else. Especially in our mountains or at get togethers like the one coming up.

Anyone else like me out there?

02-06-2015, 03:05 PM
I don't let anyone dictate how I ride but me. If you are not comfortable riding with a particular group, then don't. But, don't let that stop you from attending a rally or enjoying the scenery. Go, have a good time, and enjoy the ride area by yourself if you have to. I enjoy the commeradery of a rally, but ride mostly by myself.

02-06-2015, 03:06 PM
I agree. My days of fast and furious are mostly gone.

02-06-2015, 03:20 PM
I don't let anyone dictate how I ride but me. If you are not comfortable riding with a particular group, then don't. But, don't let that stop you from attending a rally or enjoying the scenery. Go, have a good time, and enjoy the ride area by yourself if you have to. I enjoy the commeradery of a rally, but ride mostly by myself.
:icon_ditto: what Keith said :yes:

02-06-2015, 03:25 PM
...All this causes me anxiety about riding with anyone else. Especially in our mountains or at get togethers like the one coming up.
Anyone else like me out there?

Joe - I'll ride with you. Like life - it's not the ultimate destination - it's the journey. I like scenery.

02-06-2015, 03:39 PM
Joe - I'll ride with you. Like life - it's not the ultimate destination - it's the journey. I like scenery.

Count me in! Slow and enjoyable without body parts scraping:icon_lol:

"There are "Bold Riders and "Old Riders" but there aren't many "Old Bold Riders":shhh:

02-06-2015, 03:49 PM
I've slowed down so much, a blue hair lady past me! :yikes::icon_mrgreen:

02-06-2015, 03:52 PM
I've slowed down so much, a blue hair lady past me! :yikes::icon_mrgreen:

If I'm solo? Only the little old lady from Pasadena in her Super Stock Dodge gets by me - and that's only because I want to see the car and then the trooper can get her first!

02-06-2015, 04:01 PM
I've slowed down so much, a blue hair lady past me! :yikes::icon_mrgreen:

KJ, could it be you've slowed down because you've lost 4 cylinders?:poke::poke::bump:

02-06-2015, 04:03 PM
Five to ten over the speed limit is my normal cruising speed on the highway.
Anyone else like me out there?

I'm like you for just cruising. Speeding tickets and the associated hit on my wallet and driver's licence (insurance) rating are not worth it.
But I will open 'er up, road and police conditions permitting.
Twisting that throttle just feels too good!

02-06-2015, 04:16 PM
Hey Joe, the wife and I will be cruising through Ft. Collins on the way to Denver in late May. Maybe we can share a few miles.

02-06-2015, 04:16 PM
Some people look and feel Kool stopped
Some going fast all dressed up in multi color leathers on shiny bikes still look like dorks
Some feel kool just kicking back and taking it all in
I've crashed at over 200Kph
Dropped the bike standing still
Speed Cameras Suck
Now I just kick back and laugh at the bikes parked beside the car with the flashing lights :icon_cool:

opas ride
02-06-2015, 04:20 PM
I'm like you for just cruising. Speeding tickets and the associated hit on my wallet and driver's licence (insurance) rating are not worth it.
But I will open 'er up, road and police conditions permitting.
Twisting that throttle just feels too good!
I am in the same category as Bigbird....Past the days, hopefully of speeding tickets, etc. and as said above, my wife got one ticket in her car two years ago, had two minor fender benders,(neither her fault) over the past five years and StateFarm raised my insurance rates by 30% "assholes"..Michigan already has the highest insurance rates in the country and I cannot afford any more increases in premiums!!! But, if it looks okay on certain roads I will "twist the ole throttle a bit".....Ride safe

02-06-2015, 04:39 PM
I am in the same category as Bigbird....Past the days, hopefully of speeding tickets, etc. and as said above, my wife got one ticket in her car two years ago, had two minor fender benders,(neither her fault) over the past five years and StateFarm raised my insurance rates by 30% "assholes"..Michigan already has the highest insurance rates in the country and I cannot afford any more increases in premiums!!! But, if it looks okay on certain roads I will "twist the ole throttle a bit".....Ride safe

Don't even try to compare these multiple barbaric rates to N.J.

02-06-2015, 04:42 PM
Don't even try to compare these multiple barbaric rates to N.J.

I don't go across the river anymore. Even if the gas is cheaper. It's not worth it. The "shore" isn't worth it. The "Do AC" isn't worth it.
If you sneeze and the speedo goes ever so slightly past the limit, you can bet there's a trooper with nothing better to do than waste 20 minutes of your time and a lot of your money.

Injun Joe
02-06-2015, 04:50 PM
Hey Joe, the wife and I will be cruising through Ft. Collins on the way to Denver in late May. Maybe we can share a few miles.

For sure. I may be headed your way some time this spring as well. I always like to hit the Amana Colonies for a day or two now and then.

Bad thing is I'm back to a weekend night situation with work so most of my riding will be Sunday - Wednesday this season if all holds as it is.

Injun Joe
02-06-2015, 04:51 PM
Some people look and feel Kool stopped
Some going fast all dressed up in multi color leathers on shiny bikes still look like dorks
Some feel kool just kicking back and taking it all in
I've crashed at over 200Kph
Dropped the bike standing still
Speed Cameras Suck
Now I just kick back and laugh at the bikes parked beside the car with the flashing lights :icon_cool:

LOL! Well said.

Injun Joe
02-06-2015, 04:56 PM
It's not like I never go fast. I did hit 115 or so the other day passing three trucks, but if anyone knows the area and highway 14 through the Pawnee Grasslands between Fort Collins and Sterling, there are stretches flat and straight as a board and where you can see for miles and miles as the old song says.

That being said, it was right back down to 75-80 once the trucks were in the rear view mirrors. :icon_cool:

Back to some of the responses: You're saying some people ride this Tail of the Dragon by themselves and then meet back up at the end of the day or for lunch or something? I mean it -- I maybe go a group ride once a year other than the Sturgis demo rides. The only other rider I ride with occasionally is my wife. The vast majority of my miles are by myself. But I'm in a phase of life where that's kind of where I'm at 24/7 anyways.

02-06-2015, 05:14 PM
I'm not one that is bothered about the speed limiter. Don't need a ticket or worse ,jail time. I do sometimes find I hit the rev limiter, because the bike is so smooth and quiet. I do , however, really enjoy romping it through some twisty sections of roads. Like my friend Smokin' Joe says on the VRCC at the beginning of any group ride. He holds up his throttle hand with a twisting motion and explains " I control my world, you control yours, ride your own ride"

02-06-2015, 05:54 PM
I'm with you Injun Joe. I had many years of going fast - I was fighter pilot in the Australian Air Force for 20 years and got all the speed I needed :-). These days I like to ride within my limits, I don't want to have to be on constant lookout for the police to avoid a ticket, and I enjoy the journey on the F6B, as much as the destination, so I am in no rush to make the journey come to an end. Even though I have a fast red one, I am able to control my speed somehow :-)

P.S. Came across the the other day - thought you might like it.......

The Lone Ranger and Tonto walked into a saloon and sat down to drink a beer.
After a few minutes, a big tall cowboy walked in and said "Who owns the big white horse outside?"
The Lone Ranger stood up, hitched his gun belt, and said, "I do....Why?"
The cowboy looked at the Lone Ranger and said, "I just thought you'd like to know that your horse is about dead outside!"
The Lone Ranger and Tonto rushed outside and sure enough Silver was ready to die from heat exhaustion.
The Lone Ranger got the horse water and soon Silver was starting to feel a little better.
The Lone Ranger turned to Tonto and said, "Tonto, I want you to run around Silver and see if you can create enough of a breeze to make him start to feel better."
Tonto said, "Sure, Kemosabe" and took off running circles around Silver.
Not able to do anything else but wait, the Lone Ranger returned to the saloon to finish his drink.
A few minutes later, another cowboy struts into the bar and asks, "Who owns that big white horse outside?"
The Lone Ranger stands again, and claims, "I do, what's wrong with him this time?"
"Nothing, but you left your injun runnin!"

opas ride
02-06-2015, 06:16 PM
Don't even try to compare these multiple barbaric rates to N.J.

I betcha that the rates in Michigan and the Detroit area are higher in many cases...Cost to insure a 2014 Ford Explorer in the city is about $5,000 a year...Don't know about bikes as I , thank God, do not live in Detroit...Michigan has the most stupid catastrophic no-fault laws in the nation....80% of the folks in the city drive without insurance as they cannot afford to buy it.....I refuse to go into the city for many reasons and drivers without insurance is only of them...Done with may rant,,,,Sorry!!!

02-06-2015, 07:22 PM

02-06-2015, 07:38 PM
I let the situation dictate how I ride. I mostly ride two up on the B. I never jeopardize my wife's safety. That's not to say I won't pass a car but it will be safe. I ride my M109R with my son on his 675 Daytona and we will ride a little more aggressive. Still safe. Even though he is 30 I still like to set a good example. Riding in groups we try to put the slowest in front. Those are the days I enjoy the scenery. I also confess to pumping it up sometimes. Can't help it. I love the sound of my 9 above 6000 rpm. And since I put the V&H on the B it sounds pretty sweet also. My body knows I'm 56 but it hasn't convinced my mind yet.

02-06-2015, 07:59 PM
My feeling is that wherever I'm going, it will still be there when I arrive whether I'm doing 75 or 105.

Hard to enjoy the scenery when everything is a blur. Left my crotch rocket mentality with that type of bike back in the early 1990's.

Used to ride with a decent size group but now prefer to ride with only one or two others and it's always the same one or two guys so we know what to expect pretty much and give each other the spacing for a safe and pleasurable ride.

The addition of Sena headsets has made things even more stress free on our multi-day rides where the leader (usually me) just has to worry about leading (speed, lane positions, etc) and the number two guy handles navigation and just calls out way points.

My hot rod days are over. I'm more of a lowrider now. :wheelchair wheelie:

Old Ryder
02-06-2015, 08:04 PM
"There are "Bold Riders and "Old Riders" but there aren't many "Old Bold Riders":shhh:

Hence.............the name.

In the 70's it was all about 0 to ___ (fill in the blank according to the bike). Now it is about enjoying the ride to where ever you are going. Ryde on, Bro. 'all/right'

Dirtstiff's F6B
02-06-2015, 08:19 PM
For me -
Fast or aggressive riding is defensive riding.
If I'm going to go, I'd just as soon it be in my hands than following the pack or cages who could care less and make sport out of cutting bikes off.
And trust me, I'M living with the possible repurcussion of this action. Wear a helmet, always..

02-06-2015, 09:39 PM
For me -
Fast or aggressive riding is defensive riding.
If I'm going to go, I'd just as soon it be in my hands than following the pack or cages who could care less and make sport out of cutting bikes off.
And trust me, I'M living with the possible repurcussion of this action. Wear a helmet, always..

I don't scrape parts but otherwise, +1!

02-06-2015, 09:50 PM
The day after having cup of good Chinese hot tee with my 75 years old neighbor and on his request of showing him some ethnic stores in Philadelphia , I rode my B on AC Expressway about 75 mph and he followed me behind . Suddenly I notices he passed me , exceeding 85 mph or so. To no surprise , coming from nowhere State Trooper forced him to pull over. In routinely repeated question , cop asked :
"Sir , do you know , how fast you were driving " ?
My neighbor responded: "Son - I know , but do you know , this is an "Expressway" and you , chasing me for no reason , driving like a maniac over 100 mph , caused even bigger public endangerment ?"

Cop let him go without writing the ticket and I've seen smiles on everybody's faces .

I love funny people . I love their sense of humor and I love to laugh .
It really makes life better and easier !!!!!!!!!
Maybe it's time to have good and aromatic tee ?

02-06-2015, 10:33 PM
It's not a throttle, it's a scenery modulator.

02-07-2015, 06:08 AM
It's not a throttle, it's a scenery modulator.

That is one for the fortune cookie :clap2:

Tortoise and the hare: Did a cross country a couple of years ago with a buddy (which I never do). We call him "Tail light Tommy" because that's all you see of him, Mr. 85 - 90 mph. Then he waits on the side of the road with his arms folded pissed off. I lose him by NJ, purposely, not answering my phone the whole day finally I pick it up at the end of day 1 and I'm 38 miles ahead of him. Gave him the wrong hotel and wrong exit to meet me at so we could start Day 2 together. Did the rest of the trip there and back alone at my 65 mph reflex-friendly speed, nothing like it.

02-07-2015, 06:48 AM
I think most people with these posts are absolutely correct. Always ride your own ride. You know what you are comfortable and capable of. Going outside of that leads to disaster.
Some people are more skilled, and just because they are capable of navigating curves a lot faster does not mean that they are reckless as long they are within their bounds of safety and are not a menace to other people and riders. The key is knowing what your safety limits are and not going past that.

Always if going with a group of people understand what type of riding they do and what their plans are. We have found that our very slow riding, with Teresa riding behind me on her own bike sometimes is to fast for someone else (with very little riding experience). Your idea of normal speed may be someone else's slow or fast.
If riding with other people that are not as experienced, different type of bike, older, younger, maybe have some type of impairment, or even riding two up where you are single, etc. always keep in mind that you do not want to push them.
We have seen many disastrous rides at rallies or gatherings when you get groups of people where the first few riders want to show everyone their riding skills, then individuals that do not ride curves that much are trying to keep up in the back. No one wants to be left behind and people end up attempting to go a lot faster then they are capable of or want to.

I did ride with our group at the F6B rally and this was not a problem. They do not want accidents and do go slower on the rides. I would not be concerned going to the F6B rally later this Summer and participating in the group rides. It is more about seeing everyone and having a good time, not how fast you can go.

Picture below is of Teresa and I on the Dragon a few months ago, both had a good time and at the speed that was comfortable for her.

02-07-2015, 07:01 AM
I think most people with these posts are absolutely correct. Always ride your own ride. You know what you are comfortable and capable of. Going outside of that leads to disaster.
Some people are more skilled, and just because they are capable of navigating curves a lot faster does not mean that they are reckless as long they are within their bounds of safety and are not a menace to other people and riders. The key is knowing what your safety limits are and not going past that.

Always if going with a group of people understand what type of riding they do and what their plans are. We have found that our very slow riding, with Teresa riding behind me on her own bike sometimes is to fast for someone else (with very little riding experience). Your idea of normal speed may be someone else's slow or fast.
If riding with other people that are not as experienced, different type of bike, older, younger, maybe have some type of impairment, or even riding two up where you are single, etc. always keep in mind that you do not want to push them.
We have seen many disastrous rides at rallies or gatherings when you get groups of people where the first few riders want to show everyone their riding skills, then individuals that do not ride curves that much are trying to keep up in the back. No one wants to be left behind and people end up attempting to go a lot faster then they are capable of or want to.

I did ride with our group at the F6B rally and this was not a problem. They do not want accidents and do go slower on the rides. I would not be concerned going to the F6B rally later this Summer and participating in the group rides. It is more about seeing everyone and having a good time, not how fast you can go.

Picture below is of Teresa and I on the Dragon a few months ago, both had a good time and at the speed that was comfortable for her.

I know that with some of the larger VRCC rides, there are generally opportunities for groups interested in a "Spirited Ride".
I definitely enjoy spirited riding, but always with environment and traffic in mind. Whenever leading or partaking in a ride with multiple riders of varying skill, safety is always at the forefront . Ride your own ride you won't be left behind. :039:

02-07-2015, 08:51 AM
Wife and I do slow more now than ever !
You can work on that thought.
Slow is good. Last ticket I got was in 05 going into Salida, CO and the high sheriff said I was off the chart.
Paid that one and changed my ways (some).

02-07-2015, 12:39 PM
I've found little trouble to blend with many riders responding above . What speed categorize comfortable and safe interaction with others ? Definitely slow riding is better , if comes to possible crash . But , in the same time , slow driving among faster traffic can be disastrous . Over-speeding can be also dangerous , especially if others are not prepared to react on time.
Driving smart is the only formula , which meets conditions on the road , including : weather , state of the pavement , congestion , visibility (night/day) , possible distraction ( caused by others ) , etc. I adopted and follow senses of monitoring any situations on the various roads , which can be different in the matter of seconds . Evaluation of mentioned conditions allows me to feel safe and to be safe . Usually posted speed limits are done for purpose and following them , somehow insures protection from others and allow to avoid intervention of law enforcement .

02-07-2015, 05:13 PM
Yup...I run at my own speed and apologise to no one....not so fast as I use to years ago and I really think that is a good thing. Sometimes when the conditions are right I will wind it up a bit but that is usually when I feel I have the road to my self.....don't have any need to keep up with the pack....my father in law always said that 100 km/hr on the road was a hell of a lot better than 150 km/hr in the ditch. He wasn't big into the biking thing but it still applies.

Run at your own speed and comfort level depending on the day, the conditions and your mood and apologise to no one.

Ride safe...ride happy....


02-07-2015, 08:40 PM
I ride fast or slow depending on my mood and how I feel.Most of my riding is solo but I have a crew I ride with on Saturday mornings and they are pretty fast even in the mountains around here. I've learned from them but have no problem at all letting them get away from me if I don't feel like it.I have surprised them on occasion when I did feel like it but I don't consistently want to race every time I get on my bike.
The country here in Colorado is too beautiful to just jam past it without being able to look.
I agree, ride your own ride,stay within your limits and the biggest thing is enjoy riding ! What is the fun of going too slow or going so fast that it's not fun.
All said, I still have my '96 Hurricane and ride it when I just want balls to the wall speed ..but since I've had the F6 all I do is keep it clean.The Hurricane is a good bike -I've kept it maintained but I don't ride it much anymore.
Injun Joe - you live in Colorado? Maybe we can meet somewhere , put a couple of miles on the bikes and have lunch or a coffee somewhere. I like cruising and like you 10 -15 miles over the limit is about right.75-85 is good cruising on the highway. The mountains and canyons dictate a slower speed. Doesn't matter I've taken it faster about 120 but just to do it.
And what rally are you speaking of? In Colorado?
I'm 65 and am slowly (with reminders from my doctor) starting to realize it..but sometimes :icon_redface:

02-10-2015, 02:13 PM
A man should know his limitations and operate within them. Mostly... :icon_wink:

Deer Slayer
02-10-2015, 02:44 PM
If a situation looks not quite right, do not do it. Try to be ready for what jumps in front of you. My first deer hit me! Just use the protective gear. If you choose not to wear a helmet, I am sure a Memorial ride will be scheduled in you memory. In short ride your ride. ;2cents2; :cheers:

02-10-2015, 10:36 PM
If a situation looks not quite right, do not do it. Try to be ready for what jumps in front of you. My first deer hit me! Just use the protective gear. If you choose not to wear a helmet, I am sure a Memorial ride will be scheduled in you memory. In short ride your ride. ;2cents2; :cheers:

Amen to that brother ......

02-10-2015, 11:22 PM
When I ride with others we all know the route and stops so everyone can feel free to do their own thing. I don't often ride with folks I don't know well, and if I do I ride where I can get a sense of their riding style and protect myself.

I ride a yearly Make a Wish benefit ride during AZ bike week. One year a friend convinced me to let an orphan rider (his buds stood him up) join us. Against my usual judgment I agreed and all was cool for the first part of the ride. The orphan rode respectively and in control. After one stop he was first in line and he knew the next stop so he led the way - he made it one quarter mile where he failed to make a sharp left hand curve, crashed and ended up against a rock wall.

This is where my fantastic day of riding ends, my natural buzz ruined, and I am forced to go into medic mode and figure out if this guy has a closed head injury and needs a life flight or urgent professional medical care. (no helmet but it's not required and I don't judge others for not wearing them)

Turns out he was not too seriously hurt however he didn't ride his ride and he let the situation overwhelm him and he displayed poor judgment and skill.

Like others have stated I ride both fast and slow depending on lots of factors - sometimes very fast. But I ride my ride and I try not to ruin others fun with my stupidity or selfishness.

Regardless of how you ride - get there in one piece and try not to give other motorcyclists a bad reputation by riding like a jerk.

02-11-2015, 10:06 PM
KJ, could it be you've slowed down because you've lost 4 cylinders?:poke::poke::bump:
